2016-05-12 21:56:22 -07:00

743 lines
34 KiB

namespace pxsim.micro_bit {
const svg = pxsim.svg;
export interface IBoardTheme {
accent?: string;
display?: string;
pin?: string;
pinTouched?: string;
pinActive?: string;
ledOn?: string;
ledOff?: string;
buttonOuter?: string;
buttonUp?: string;
buttonDown?: string;
virtualButtonOuter?: string;
virtualButtonUp?: string;
virtualButtonDown?: string;
lightLevelOn?: string;
lightLevelOff?: string;
export var themes: IBoardTheme[] = ["#3ADCFE", "#FFD43A", "#3AFFB3", "#FF3A54"].map(accent => {
return {
accent: accent,
display: "#000",
pin: "#D4AF37",
pinTouched: "#FFA500",
pinActive: "#FF5500",
ledOn: "#ff7f7f",
ledOff: "#202020",
buttonOuter: "#979797",
buttonUp: "#000",
buttonDown: "#FFA500",
virtualButtonOuter: "#333",
virtualButtonUp: "#fff",
lightLevelOn: "yellow",
lightLevelOff: "#555"
export function randomTheme(): IBoardTheme {
return themes[Math.floor(Math.random() * themes.length)];
export interface IBoardProps {
runtime: pxsim.Runtime;
theme?: IBoardTheme;
disableTilt?: boolean;
const pointerEvents = !!(window as any).PointerEvent ? {
up: "pointerup",
down: "pointerdown",
move: "pointermove",
leave: "pointerleave"
} : {
up: "mouseup",
down: "mousedown",
move: "mousemove",
leave: "mouseleave"
export class MicrobitBoardSvg {
public element: SVGSVGElement;
private style: SVGStyleElement;
private defs: SVGDefsElement;
private g: SVGElement;
private logos: SVGElement[];
private head: SVGGElement; private headInitialized = false;
private headText: SVGTextElement;
private display: SVGElement;
private buttons: SVGElement[];
private buttonsOuter: SVGElement[];
private buttonABText: SVGTextElement;
private pins: SVGElement[];
private pinGradients: SVGLinearGradientElement[];
private pinTexts: SVGTextElement[];
private ledsOuter: SVGElement[];
private leds: SVGElement[];
private systemLed: SVGCircleElement;
private antenna: SVGPolylineElement;
private lightLevelButton: SVGCircleElement;
private lightLevelGradient: SVGLinearGradientElement;
private lightLevelText: SVGTextElement;
private thermometerGradient: SVGLinearGradientElement;
private thermometer: SVGRectElement;
private thermometerText: SVGTextElement;
private shakeButton: SVGCircleElement;
private shakeText: SVGTextElement;
public board: pxsim.Board;
constructor(public props: IBoardProps) {
this.board = this.props.runtime.board as pxsim.Board;
this.board.updateView = () => this.updateState();
private updateTheme() {
let theme = this.props.theme;
svg.fill(this.display, theme.display);
svg.fills(this.leds, theme.ledOn);
svg.fills(this.ledsOuter, theme.ledOff);
svg.fills(this.buttonsOuter.slice(0, 2), theme.buttonOuter);
svg.fills(this.buttons.slice(0, 2), theme.buttonUp);
svg.fill(this.buttonsOuter[2], theme.virtualButtonOuter);
svg.fill(this.buttons[2], theme.virtualButtonUp);
svg.fills(this.logos, theme.accent);
if (this.shakeButton) svg.fill(this.shakeButton, theme.virtualButtonUp);
this.pinGradients.forEach(lg => svg.setGradientColors(lg, theme.pin, theme.pinActive));
svg.setGradientColors(this.lightLevelGradient, theme.lightLevelOn, theme.lightLevelOff);
svg.setGradientColors(this.thermometerGradient, theme.ledOff, theme.ledOn);
public updateState() {
let state = this.board;
if (!state) return;
let theme = this.props.theme;
state.buttons.forEach((btn, index) => {
svg.fill(this.buttons[index], btn.pressed ? theme.buttonDown : theme.buttonUp);
let bw = state.displayMode == pxsim.DisplayMode.bw
let img = state.image;
this.leds.forEach((led, i) => {
let sel = (<SVGStylable><any>led)
sel.style.opacity = ((bw ? img.data[i] > 0 ? 255 : 0 : img.data[i]) / 255.0) + "";
if (!runtime || runtime.dead) svg.addClass(this.element, "grayscale");
else svg.removeClass(this.element, "grayscale");
private updateGestures() {
let state = this.board;
if (state.useShake && !this.shakeButton) {
this.shakeButton = svg.child(this.g, "circle", { cx: 380, cy: 100, r: 16.5 }) as SVGCircleElement;
svg.fill(this.shakeButton, this.props.theme.virtualButtonUp)
this.shakeButton.addEventListener(pointerEvents.down, ev => {
let state = this.board;
svg.fill(this.shakeButton, this.props.theme.buttonDown);
this.shakeButton.addEventListener(pointerEvents.leave, ev => {
let state = this.board;
svg.fill(this.shakeButton, this.props.theme.virtualButtonUp);
this.shakeButton.addEventListener(pointerEvents.up, ev => {
let state = this.board;
svg.fill(this.shakeButton, this.props.theme.virtualButtonUp);
this.board.bus.queue(DAL.MICROBIT_ID_GESTURE, 11); // GESTURE_SHAKE
this.shakeText = svg.child(this.g, "text", { x: 400, y: 110, class: "sim-text" }) as SVGTextElement;
this.shakeText.textContent = "SHAKE"
private updateButtonAB() {
let state = this.board;
if (state.usesButtonAB && !this.buttonABText) {
(<any>this.buttonsOuter[2]).style.visibility = "visible";
(<any>this.buttons[2]).style.visibility = "visible";
this.buttonABText = svg.child(this.g, "text", { class: "sim-text", x: 370, y: 272 }) as SVGTextElement;
this.buttonABText.textContent = "A+B";
private updatePin(pin: Pin, index: number) {
if (!pin) return;
let text = this.pinTexts[index];
let v = "";
if (pin.mode & PinMode.Analog) {
v = Math.floor(100 - (pin.value || 0) / 1023 * 100) + "%";
if (text) text.textContent = (pin.period ? "~" : "") + (pin.value || 0) + "";
else if (pin.mode & PinMode.Digital) {
v = pin.value > 0 ? '0%' : '100%';
if (text) text.textContent = pin.value > 0 ? "1" : "0";
else if (pin.mode & PinMode.Touch) {
v = pin.touched ? '0%' : '100%';
if (text) text.textContent = "";
} else {
v = '100%';
if (text) text.textContent = '';
if (v) svg.setGradientValue(this.pinGradients[index], v);
private updateTemperature() {
let state = this.board;
if (!state || !state.usesTemperature) return;
let tmin = -5;
let tmax = 50;
if (!this.thermometer) {
let gid = "gradient-thermometer";
this.thermometerGradient = svg.linearGradient(this.defs, gid);
this.thermometer = <SVGRectElement>svg.child(this.g, "rect", {
class: "sim-thermometer",
x: 120,
y: 110,
width: 20,
height: 160,
rx: 5, ry: 5,
fill: `url(#${gid})`
this.thermometerText = svg.child(this.g, "text", { class: 'sim-text', x: 58, y: 130 }) as SVGTextElement;
let pt = this.element.createSVGPoint();
(ev) => {
let cur = svg.cursorPoint(pt, this.element, ev);
let t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (260 - cur.y) / 140))
state.temperature = Math.floor(tmin + t * (tmax - tmin));
}, ev => { }, ev => { })
let t = Math.max(tmin, Math.min(tmax, state.temperature))
let per = Math.floor((state.temperature - tmin) / (tmax - tmin) * 100)
svg.setGradientValue(this.thermometerGradient, 100 - per + '%');
this.thermometerText.textContent = t + '°C';
private updateHeading() {
let xc = 258;
let yc = 75;
let state = this.board;
if (!state || !state.usesHeading) return;
if (!this.headInitialized) {
let p = this.head.firstChild.nextSibling as SVGPathElement;
p.setAttribute("d", "m269.9,50.134647l0,0l-39.5,0l0,0c-14.1,0.1 -24.6,10.7 -24.6,24.8c0,13.9 10.4,24.4 24.3,24.7l0,0l39.6,0c14.2,0 40.36034,-22.97069 40.36034,-24.85394c0,-1.88326 -26.06034,-24.54606 -40.16034,-24.64606m-0.2,39l0,0l-39.3,0c-7.7,-0.1 -14,-6.4 -14,-14.2c0,-7.8 6.4,-14.2 14.2,-14.2l39.1,0c7.8,0 14.2,6.4 14.2,14.2c0,7.9 -6.4,14.2 -14.2,14.2l0,0l0,0z");
let pt = this.element.createSVGPoint();
(ev: MouseEvent) => {
let cur = svg.cursorPoint(pt, this.element, ev);
state.heading = Math.floor(Math.atan2(cur.y - yc, cur.x - xc) * 180 / Math.PI + 90);
if (state.heading < 0) state.heading += 360;
console.log('heading: ' + state.heading)
this.headInitialized = true;
let txt = state.heading.toString() + '°';
if (txt != this.headText.textContent) {
svg.rotateElement(this.head, xc, yc, state.heading + 180);
this.headText.textContent = txt;
private lastFlashTime: number = 0;
public flashSystemLed() {
if (!this.systemLed)
this.systemLed = <SVGCircleElement>svg.child(this.g, "circle", { class: "sim-systemled", cx: 300, cy: 20, r: 5 })
let now = Date.now();
if (now - this.lastFlashTime > 150) {
this.lastFlashTime = now;
svg.animate(this.systemLed, 'sim-flash')
private lastAntennaFlash: number = 0;
public flashAntenna() {
if (!this.antenna) {
let ax = 380;
let dax = 18;
let ayt = 10;
let ayb = 40;
this.antenna = <SVGPolylineElement>svg.child(this.g, "polyline", { class: "sim-antenna", points: `${ax},${ayb} ${ax},${ayt} ${ax += dax},${ayt} ${ax},${ayb} ${ax += dax},${ayb} ${ax},${ayt} ${ax += dax},${ayt} ${ax},${ayb} ${ax += dax},${ayb} ${ax},${ayt} ${ax += dax},${ayt}` })
let now = Date.now();
if (now - this.lastAntennaFlash > 200) {
this.lastAntennaFlash = now;
svg.animate(this.antenna, 'sim-flash-stroke')
private updatePins() {
let state = this.board;
if (!state) return;
state.pins.forEach((pin, i) => this.updatePin(pin, i));
private updateLightLevel() {
let state = this.board;
if (!state || !state.usesLightLevel) return;
if (!this.lightLevelButton) {
let gid = "gradient-light-level";
this.lightLevelGradient = svg.linearGradient(this.defs, gid)
let cy = 50;
let r = 35;
this.lightLevelButton = svg.child(this.g, "circle", {
cx: `50px`, cy: `${cy}px`, r: `${r}px`,
class: 'sim-light-level-button',
fill: `url(#${gid})`
}) as SVGCircleElement;
let pt = this.element.createSVGPoint();
(ev) => {
let pos = svg.cursorPoint(pt, this.element, ev);
let rs = r / 2;
let level = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.floor((pos.y - (cy - rs)) / (2 * rs) * 255)));
if (level != this.board.lightLevel) {
this.board.lightLevel = level;
}, ev => { },
ev => { })
this.lightLevelText = svg.child(this.g, "text", { x: 85, y: cy + r - 5, text: '', class: 'sim-text' }) as SVGTextElement;
svg.setGradientValue(this.lightLevelGradient, Math.min(100, Math.max(0, Math.floor(state.lightLevel * 100 / 255))) + '%')
this.lightLevelText.textContent = state.lightLevel.toString();
private applyLightLevel() {
let lv = this.board.lightLevel;
svg.setGradientValue(this.lightLevelGradient, Math.min(100, Math.max(0, Math.floor(lv * 100 / 255))) + '%')
this.lightLevelText.textContent = lv.toString();
private updateTilt() {
if (this.props.disableTilt) return;
let state = this.board;
if (!state || !state.accelerometer.isActive) return;
let x = state.accelerometer.getX();
let y = state.accelerometer.getY();
let af = 8 / 1023;
this.element.style.transform = "perspective(30em) rotateX(" + y * af + "deg) rotateY(" + x * af + "deg)"
this.element.style.perspectiveOrigin = "50% 50% 50%";
this.element.style.perspective = "30em";
private buildDom() {
this.element = <SVGSVGElement>svg.elt("svg")
svg.hydrate(this.element, {
"version": "1.0",
"viewBox": "0 0 498 406",
"enable-background": "new 0 0 498 406",
"class": "sim",
"x": "0px",
"y": "0px"
this.style = <SVGStyleElement>svg.child(this.element, "style", {});
this.style.textContent = `
svg.sim {
svg.sim.grayscale {
-moz-filter: grayscale(1);
-webkit-filter: grayscale(1);
filter: grayscale(1);
.sim-button {
pointer-events: none;
.sim-button-outer:hover {
stroke-width: 3px;
.sim-pin:hover {
.sim-pin-touch.touched:hover {
.sim-led-back:hover {
.sim-led:hover {
.sim-systemled {
stroke-width: 1px;
.sim-light-level-button {
stroke-width: 3px;
.sim-antenna {
stroke-width: 2px;
.sim-text {
font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
pointer-events: none;
.sim-text-pin {
font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
pointer-events: none;
.sim-thermometer {
stroke-width: 3px;
/* animations */
.sim-flash {
animation-name: sim-flash-animation;
animation-duration: 0.1s;
@keyframes sim-flash-animation {
from { fill: yellow; }
to { fill: default; }
.sim-flash-stroke {
animation-name: sim-flash-stroke-animation;
animation-duration: 0.4s;
animation-timing-function: ease-in;
.sim-button-label {
@keyframes sim-flash-stroke-animation {
from { stroke: yellow; }
to { stroke: default; }
this.defs = <SVGDefsElement>svg.child(this.element, "defs", {});
this.g = svg.elt("g");
// filters
let glow = svg.child(this.defs, "filter", { id: "filterglow", x: "-5%", y: "-5%", width: "120%", height: "120%" });
svg.child(glow, "feGaussianBlur", { stdDeviation: "5", result: "glow" });
let merge = svg.child(glow, "feMerge", {});
for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) svg.child(merge, "feMergeNode", { in: "glow" })
// outline
svg.path(this.g, "sim-board", "M498,31.9C498,14.3,483.7,0,466.1,0H31.9C14.3,0,0,14.3,0,31.9v342.2C0,391.7,14.3,406,31.9,406h434.2c17.6,0,31.9-14.3,31.9-31.9V31.9z M14.3,206.7c-2.7,0-4.8-2.2-4.8-4.8c0-2.7,2.2-4.8,4.8-4.8c2.7,0,4.8,2.2,4.8,4.8C19.2,204.6,17,206.7,14.3,206.7z M486.2,206.7c-2.7,0-4.8-2.2-4.8-4.8c0-2.72.2-4.8,4.8-4.8c2.7,0,4.8,2.2,4.8,4.8C491,204.6,488.8,206.7,486.2,206.7z");
// script background
this.display = svg.path(this.g, "sim-display", "M333.8,310.3H165.9c-8.3,0-15-6.7-15-15V127.5c0-8.3,6.7-15,15-15h167.8c8.3,0,15,6.7,15,15v167.8C348.8,303.6,342.1,310.3,333.8,310.3z");
this.logos = [];
//this.logos.push(svg.child(this.g, "polygon", { class: "sim-theme", points: "115,56.7 173.1,0 115,0" }));
//this.logos.push(svg.path(this.g, "sim-theme", "M114.2,0H25.9C12.1,2.1,0,13.3,0,27.7v83.9L114.2,0z"));
//this.logos.push(svg.child(this.g, "polygon", { class: "sim-theme", points: "173,27.9 202.5,0 173,0" }));
//this.logos.push(svg.child(this.g, "polygon", { class: "sim-theme", points: "54.1,242.4 54.1,274.1 22.4,274.1" }));
//this.logos.push(svg.child(this.g, "polygon", { class: "sim-theme", points: "446.2,164.6 446.2,132.8 477.9,132.8" }));
// leds
this.leds = [];
this.ledsOuter = [];
let left = 154, top = 113, ledoffw = 46, ledoffh = 44;
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
let ledtop = i * ledoffh + top;
for (let j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
let ledleft = j * ledoffw + left;
let k = i * 5 + j;
this.ledsOuter.push(svg.child(this.g, "rect", { class: "sim-led-back", x: ledleft, y: ledtop, width: 10, height: 20, rx: 2, ry: 2 }));
this.leds.push(svg.child(this.g, "rect", { class: "sim-led", x: ledleft - 2, y: ledtop - 2, width: 14, height: 24, rx: 3, ry: 3, title: `(${j},${i})` }));
// head
this.head = <SVGGElement>svg.child(this.g, "g", {});
svg.child(this.head, "circle", { cx: 258, cy: 75, r: 100, fill: "transparent" })
this.logos.push(svg.path(this.head, "sim-theme", "M269.9,50.2L269.9,50.2l-39.5,0v0c-14.1,0.1-24.6,10.7-24.6,24.8c0,13.9,10.4,24.4,24.3,24.7v0h39.6c14.2,0,24.8-10.6,24.8-24.7C294.5,61,284,50.3,269.9,50.2 M269.7,89.2L269.7,89.2l-39.3,0c-7.7-0.1-14-6.4-14-14.2c0-7.8,6.4-14.2,14.2-14.2h39.1c7.8,0,14.2,6.4,14.2,14.2C283.9,82.9,277.5,89.2,269.7,89.2"));
//this.logos.push(svg.path(this.head, "sim-theme", "M230.6,69.7c-2.9,0-5.3,2.4-5.3,5.3c0,2.9,2.4,5.3,5.3,5.3c2.9,0,5.3-2.4,5.3-5.3C235.9,72.1,233.5,69.7,230.6,69.7"));
//this.logos.push(svg.path(this.head, "sim-theme", "M269.7,80.3c2.9,0,5.3-2.4,5.3-5.3c0-2.9-2.4-5.3-5.3-5.3c-2.9,0-5.3,2.4-5.3,5.3C264.4,77.9,266.8,80.3,269.7,80.3"));
this.headText = <SVGTextElement>svg.child(this.g, "text", { x: 310, y: 100, class: "sim-text" })
// https://www.microbit.co.uk/device/pins
// P0, P1, P2
this.pins = [
"M16.5,341.2c0,0.4-0.1,0.9-0.1,1.3v60.7c4.1,1.7,8.6,2.7,12.9,2.7h34.4v-64.7h0.3c0,0,0-0.1,0-0.1c0-13-10.6-23.6-23.7-23.6C27.2,317.6,16.5,328.1,16.5,341.2z M21.2,341.6c0-10.7,8.7-19.3,19.3-19.3c10.7,0,19.3,8.7,19.3,19.3c0,10.7-8.6,19.3-19.3,19.3C29.9,360.9,21.2,352.2,21.2,341.6z",
"M249,317.3c-12.8,0-22.1,10.3-23.1,23.1V406h46.2v-65.6C272.1,327.7,261.8,317.3,249,317.3z M249.4,360.1c-10.7,0-19.3-8.6-19.3-19.3c0-10.7,8.6-19.3,19.3-19.3c10.7,0,19.3,8.7,19.3,19.3C268.7,351.5,260.1,360.1,249.4,360.1z"
].map((p, pi) => svg.path(this.g, "sim-pin sim-pin-touch", p, `P${pi}, ANALOG IN`));
// P3
this.pins.push(svg.path(this.g, "sim-pin", "M0,357.7v19.2c0,10.8,6.2,20.2,14.4,25.2v-44.4H0z", "P3, ANALOG IN, LED Col 1"));
[66.7, 79.1, 91.4, 103.7, 164.3, 176.6, 188.9, 201.3, 213.6, 275.2, 287.5, 299.8, 312.1, 324.5, 385.1, 397.4, 409.7, 422].forEach(x => {
this.pins.push(svg.child(this.g, "rect", { x: x, y: 356.7, width: 10, height: 50, class: "sim-pin" }));
svg.title(this.pins[4], "P4, ANALOG IN, LED Col 2")
svg.title(this.pins[5], "P5, BUTTON A")
svg.title(this.pins[6], "P6, LED Col 9")
svg.title(this.pins[7], "P7, LED Col 8")
svg.title(this.pins[8], "P8")
svg.title(this.pins[9], "P9, LED Col 7")
svg.title(this.pins[10], "P10, ANALOG IN, LED Col 3")
svg.title(this.pins[11], "P11, BUTTON B")
svg.title(this.pins[12], "P12, RESERVED ACCESSIBILITY")
svg.title(this.pins[13], "P13, SPI - SCK")
svg.title(this.pins[14], "P14, SPI - MISO")
svg.title(this.pins[15], "P15, SPI - MOSI")
svg.title(this.pins[16], "P16, SPI - Chip Select")
svg.title(this.pins[17], "P17, +3v3")
svg.title(this.pins[18], "P18, +3v3")
svg.title(this.pins[19], "P19, I2C - SCL")
svg.title(this.pins[20], "P20, I2C - SDA")
svg.title(this.pins[21], "GND")
this.pins.push(svg.path(this.g, "sim-pin", "M483.6,402c8.2-5,14.4-14.4,14.4-25.1v-19.2h-14.4V402z", "GND"));
this.pins.push(svg.path(this.g, "sim-pin", "M359.9,317.3c-12.8,0-22.1,10.3-23.1,23.1V406H383v-65.6C383,327.7,372.7,317.3,359.9,317.3z M360,360.1c-10.7,0-19.3-8.6-19.3-19.3c0-10.7,8.6-19.3,19.3-19.3c10.7,0,19.3,8.7,19.3,19.3C379.3,351.5,370.7,360.1,360,360.1z", "+3v3"));
this.pins.push(svg.path(this.g, "sim-pin", "M458,317.6c-13,0-23.6,10.6-23.6,23.6c0,0,0,0.1,0,0.1h0V406H469c4.3,0,8.4-1,12.6-2.7v-60.7c0-0.4,0-0.9,0-1.3C481.6,328.1,471,317.6,458,317.6z M457.8,360.9c-10.7,0-19.3-8.6-19.3-19.3c0-10.7,8.6-19.3,19.3-19.3c10.7,0,19.3,8.7,19.3,19.3C477.1,352.2,468.4,360.9,457.8,360.9z", "GND"));
this.pinGradients = this.pins.map((pin, i) => {
let gid = "gradient-pin-" + i
let lg = svg.linearGradient(this.defs, gid)
pin.setAttribute("fill", `url(#${gid})`);
return lg;
this.pinTexts = [67, 165, 275].map(x => <SVGTextElement>svg.child(this.g, "text", { class: 'sim-text-pin', x: x, y: 345 }));
this.buttonsOuter = []; this.buttons = [];
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this.buttons.push(svg.child(this.g, "circle", { class: "sim-button", cx: 446, cy: 278, r: 16.5 }));
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svg.path(this.g, "sim-label", "M35.7,376.4c0-2.8,2.1-5.1,5.5-5.1c3.3,0,5.5,2.4,5.5,5.1v4.7c0,2.8-2.2,5.1-5.5,5.1c-3.3,0-5.5-2.4-5.5-5.1V376.4zM43.3,376.4c0-1.3-0.8-2.3-2.2-2.3c-1.3,0-2.1,1.1-2.1,2.3v4.7c0,1.2,0.8,2.3,2.1,2.3c1.3,0,2.2-1.1,2.2-2.3V376.4z");
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svg.path(this.g, "sim-button-label", "M48.1,270.9l-0.6-1.7h-5.1l-0.6,1.7h-3.5l5.1-14.3h3.1l5.2,14.3H48.1z M45,260.7l-1.8,5.9h3.5L45,260.7z");
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svg.path(this.g, "sim-label", "M472.7,371.6c4.8,0,7.5,3.5,7.5,7.2s-2.7,7.2-7.5,7.2h-5.3v-14.3H472.7z M470.8,374.4v8.6h1.8c2.7,0,4.2-2.1,4.2-4.3s-1.6-4.3-4.2-4.3H470.8z")
private attachEvents() {
Runtime.messagePosted = (msg) => {
switch (msg.type || '') {
case 'serial': this.flashSystemLed(); break;
case 'radiopacket': this.flashAntenna(); break;
let tiltDecayer = 0;
this.element.addEventListener(pointerEvents.move, (ev: MouseEvent) => {
let state = this.board;
if (!state.accelerometer.isActive) return;
if (tiltDecayer) {
tiltDecayer = 0;
let ax = (ev.clientX - this.element.clientWidth / 2) / (this.element.clientWidth / 3);
let ay = (ev.clientY - this.element.clientHeight / 2) / (this.element.clientHeight / 3);
let x = - Math.max(- 1023, Math.min(1023, Math.floor(ax * 1023)));
let y = Math.max(- 1023, Math.min(1023, Math.floor(ay * 1023)));
let z2 = 1023 * 1023 - x * x - y * y;
let z = Math.floor((z2 > 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(z2)));
state.accelerometer.update(x, y, z);
}, false);
this.element.addEventListener(pointerEvents.leave, (ev: MouseEvent) => {
let state = this.board;
if (!state.accelerometer.isActive) return;
if (!tiltDecayer) {
tiltDecayer = setInterval(() => {
let accx = state.accelerometer.getX(MicroBitCoordinateSystem.RAW);
accx = Math.floor(Math.abs(accx) * 0.85) * (accx > 0 ? 1 : -1);
let accy = state.accelerometer.getY(MicroBitCoordinateSystem.RAW);
accy = Math.floor(Math.abs(accy) * 0.85) * (accy > 0 ? 1 : -1);
let accz = -Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, 1023 * 1023 - accx * accx - accy * accy));
if (Math.abs(accx) <= 24 && Math.abs(accy) <= 24) {
tiltDecayer = 0;
accx = 0;
accy = 0;
accz = -1023;
state.accelerometer.update(accx, accy, accz);
}, 50)
}, false);
this.pins.forEach((pin, index) => {
if (!this.board.pins[index]) return;
let pt = this.element.createSVGPoint();
// move
ev => {
let state = this.board;
let pin = state.pins[index];
let svgpin = this.pins[index];
if (pin.mode & PinMode.Input) {
let cursor = svg.cursorPoint(pt, this.element, ev);
let v = (400 - cursor.y) / 40 * 1023
pin.value = Math.max(0, Math.min(1023, Math.floor(v)));
this.updatePin(pin, index);
// start
ev => {
let state = this.board;
let pin = state.pins[index];
let svgpin = this.pins[index];
svg.addClass(svgpin, "touched");
if (pin.mode & PinMode.Input) {
let cursor = svg.cursorPoint(pt, this.element, ev);
let v = (400 - cursor.y) / 40 * 1023
pin.value = Math.max(0, Math.min(1023, Math.floor(v)));
this.updatePin(pin, index);
// stop
(ev: MouseEvent) => {
let state = this.board;
let pin = state.pins[index];
let svgpin = this.pins[index];
svg.removeClass(svgpin, "touched");
this.updatePin(pin, index);
return false;
this.pins.slice(0, 3).forEach((btn, index) => {
btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.down, ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.pins[index].touched = true;
this.updatePin(state.pins[index], index);
btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.leave, ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.pins[index].touched = false;
this.updatePin(state.pins[index], index);
btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.up, ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.pins[index].touched = false;
this.updatePin(state.pins[index], index);
this.board.bus.queue(state.pins[index].id, DAL.MICROBIT_BUTTON_EVT_CLICK);
this.buttonsOuter.slice(0, 2).forEach((btn, index) => {
btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.down, ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.buttons[index].pressed = true;
svg.fill(this.buttons[index], this.props.theme.buttonDown);
btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.leave, ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.buttons[index].pressed = false;
svg.fill(this.buttons[index], this.props.theme.buttonUp);
btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.up, ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.buttons[index].pressed = false;
svg.fill(this.buttons[index], this.props.theme.buttonUp);
this.board.bus.queue(state.buttons[index].id, DAL.MICROBIT_BUTTON_EVT_CLICK);
this.buttonsOuter[2].addEventListener(pointerEvents.down, ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.buttons[0].pressed = true;
state.buttons[1].pressed = true;
state.buttons[2].pressed = true;
svg.fill(this.buttons[0], this.props.theme.buttonDown);
svg.fill(this.buttons[1], this.props.theme.buttonDown);
svg.fill(this.buttons[2], this.props.theme.buttonDown);
this.buttonsOuter[2].addEventListener(pointerEvents.leave, ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.buttons[0].pressed = false;
state.buttons[1].pressed = false;
state.buttons[2].pressed = false;
svg.fill(this.buttons[0], this.props.theme.buttonUp);
svg.fill(this.buttons[1], this.props.theme.buttonUp);
svg.fill(this.buttons[2], this.props.theme.virtualButtonUp);
this.buttonsOuter[2].addEventListener(pointerEvents.up, ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.buttons[0].pressed = false;
state.buttons[1].pressed = false;
state.buttons[2].pressed = false;
svg.fill(this.buttons[0], this.props.theme.buttonUp);
svg.fill(this.buttons[1], this.props.theme.buttonUp);
svg.fill(this.buttons[2], this.props.theme.virtualButtonUp);
this.board.bus.queue(state.buttons[2].id, DAL.MICROBIT_BUTTON_EVT_CLICK);