The blocks in MakeCode have similar functions and go together in the same way: they snap into the ``||loops:on start||`` block and then connect to each other vertically.
Before you actually run your program on the @boardname@, you can first try it in the simulator. The MakeCode editor includes a simulator in the browser for you to test your code. You can make changes to your program and check them out it the simulator to make sure your code works the way want. The similator knows when you modify your code and it restarts automatically to run the new code.
Once you're ready to transfer your program to the @boardname@, click the ``|Download|`` button and follow the instructions.
This program controls a large motor on port A in several different ways. It sets just the speed and then sets speed for: an amount of time, angle of movement, and a number of rotations.
The **steering** blocks let you to synchronize two motors at a precise rate. They can also specify the duration, angle, or number of rotations for the motors to turn.
The **tank** blocks control the speed of two motors. These are commonly used for a differential drive robot. The blocks can also specify the duration, angle, or number of rotations.
It is quite common to have to wait for a task to finish or for a sensor state to change, such as a touch button pressed. The ``||loops:pause||`` and ``||sensors:pause until||`` blocks provide a way for your program to wait for a period of time.
You can also use the ``||loops:pause until||`` block to wait on any [boolean](/types/boolean) expression. As your program runs, it waits until the condition (expression) inside becomes true.
You can start up multiple ``||loops:forever||`` loops that will run at the same time. Actually, only the code in just one of the loops is really running at any exact moment in time. Each loop, though, gets a turn to run all of its code and this makes them run [_concurrently_](
The ``||logic:if||`` block allows you to run different code depending on whether some condition ([boolean](/types/boolean) expression) is `true` or `false`. Also, this is similar to the ``||loops:switch||`` block.