2018-01-04 12:55:30 -08:00
namespace behaviors {
class AvoidCrashBehavior extends behaviors.Behavior {
private ultrasonic: sensors.UltraSonicSensor;
constructor(ultrasonic: sensors.UltraSonicSensor) {
this.ultrasonic = ultrasonic;
shouldRun(): boolean {
return this.ultrasonic.distance() < 5;
run(): void {
this.active = false;
* A behavior that stops all motors if the sensor distance get too short
//% blockId=behaviorsAvoidCrash block="avoid crash using %ultrasonic"
export function avoidCrash(ultrasonic: sensors.UltraSonicSensor) : behaviors.Behavior {
return new AvoidCrashBehavior(ultrasonic);
class DriveForwardBehavior extends behaviors.Behavior {
private motors: motors.MotorBase;
private speed: number;
constructor(motors: motors.MotorBase, speed: number) {
this.motors = motors;
this.speed = speed;
shouldRun(): boolean {
return true;
run(): void {
pauseUntil(() => !this.active);
* A behavior that turns on the motors to the specified speed
* @param motors
* @param speed the desired speed, eg: 50
2018-01-07 10:06:02 -08:00
//% blockId=behaviorsDriveForward block="drive %motors|forward at %speed=motorSpeedPicker|%"
2018-01-04 12:55:30 -08:00
export function driveForward(motors: motors.MotorBase, speed: number): behaviors.Behavior {
return new DriveForwardBehavior(motors, speed);