2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
/// <reference path="../node_modules/pxt-core/localtypings/blockly.d.ts"/>
2017-12-24 17:46:58 -08:00
/// <reference path="../node_modules/pxt-core/built/pxtsim.d.ts"/>
2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
export interface FieldPortsOptions extends Blockly.FieldCustomDropdownOptions {
columns?: string;
width?: string;
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2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
export class FieldPorts extends Blockly.FieldDropdown implements Blockly.FieldCustom {
public isFieldCustom_ = true;
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// Width in pixels
private width_: number;
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// Columns in grid
private columns_: number;
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2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
private savedPrimary_: string;
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constructor(text: string, options: FieldPortsOptions, validator?: Function) {
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this.columns_ = parseInt(options.columns) || 4;
this.width_ = parseInt(options.width) || 300;
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2018-01-09 12:01:42 -08:00
trimOptions_() {
2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
* Create a dropdown menu under the text.
* @private
public showEditor_() {
// If there is an existing drop-down we own, this is a request to hide the drop-down.
if (Blockly.DropDownDiv.hideIfOwner(this)) {
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2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
// If there is an existing drop-down someone else owns, hide it immediately and clear it.
// Populate the drop-down with the icons for this field.
let dropdownDiv = Blockly.DropDownDiv.getContentDiv();
let contentDiv = document.createElement('div');
// Accessibility properties
contentDiv.setAttribute('role', 'menu');
contentDiv.setAttribute('aria-haspopup', 'true');
2018-01-09 12:01:42 -08:00
let options = this.getOptions();
options = options.sort();
2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
for (let i = 0, option: any; option = options[i]; i++) {
let content = (options[i] as any)[0]; // Human-readable text or image.
const value = (options[i] as any)[1]; // Language-neutral value.
// Icons with the type property placeholder take up space but don't have any functionality
// Use for special-case layouts
if (content.type == 'placeholder') {
let placeholder = document.createElement('span');
placeholder.setAttribute('class', 'blocklyDropDownPlaceholder');
placeholder.style.width = content.width + 'px';
placeholder.style.height = content.height + 'px';
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2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
let button = document.createElement('button');
button.setAttribute('id', ':' + i); // For aria-activedescendant
button.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem');
button.setAttribute('class', 'blocklyDropDownButton');
button.title = content.alt;
if (this.columns_) {
button.style.width = ((this.width_ / this.columns_) - 8) + 'px';
button.style.height = ((this.width_ / this.columns_) - 8) + 'px';
} else {
button.style.width = content.width + 'px';
button.style.height = content.height + 'px';
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2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
let backgroundColor = this.sourceBlock_.getColour();
if (value == this.getValue()) {
// This icon is selected, show it in a different colour
backgroundColor = this.sourceBlock_.getColourTertiary();
button.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true');
button.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
button.style.borderColor = this.sourceBlock_.getColourTertiary();
Blockly.bindEvent_(button, 'click', this, this.buttonClick_);
Blockly.bindEvent_(button, 'mouseup', this, this.buttonClick_);
// These are applied manually instead of using the :hover pseudoclass
// because Android has a bad long press "helper" menu and green highlight
// that we must prevent with ontouchstart preventDefault
Blockly.bindEvent_(button, 'mousedown', button, function (e) {
this.setAttribute('class', 'blocklyDropDownButton blocklyDropDownButtonHover');
Blockly.bindEvent_(button, 'mouseover', button, function () {
this.setAttribute('class', 'blocklyDropDownButton blocklyDropDownButtonHover');
contentDiv.setAttribute('aria-activedescendant', this.id);
Blockly.bindEvent_(button, 'mouseout', button, function () {
this.setAttribute('class', 'blocklyDropDownButton');
let buttonImg = document.createElement('img');
buttonImg.src = content.src;
//buttonImg.alt = icon.alt;
// Upon click/touch, we will be able to get the clicked element as e.target
// Store a data attribute on all possible click targets so we can match it to the icon.
button.setAttribute('data-value', value);
buttonImg.setAttribute('data-value', value);
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contentDiv.style.width = this.width_ + 'px';
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2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
Blockly.DropDownDiv.setColour(this.sourceBlock_.getColour(), this.sourceBlock_.getColourTertiary());
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2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
// Calculate positioning based on the field position.
var scale = this.sourceBlock_.workspace.scale;
var bBox = { width: this.size_.width, height: this.size_.height };
bBox.width *= scale;
bBox.height *= scale;
var position = this.fieldGroup_.getBoundingClientRect();
var primaryX = position.left + bBox.width / 2;
var primaryY = position.top + bBox.height;
var secondaryX = primaryX;
var secondaryY = position.top;
// Set bounds to workspace; show the drop-down.
(Blockly.DropDownDiv as any).setBoundsElement(this.sourceBlock_.workspace.getParentSvg().parentNode);
(Blockly.DropDownDiv as any).show(this, primaryX, primaryY, secondaryX, secondaryY,
2017-12-24 17:46:58 -08:00
2018-01-03 16:18:39 -08:00
* Callback for when a button is clicked inside the drop-down.
* Should be bound to the FieldIconMenu.
* @param {Event} e DOM event for the click/touch
* @private
private buttonClick_ = function (e: any) {
let value = e.target.getAttribute('data-value');
* Callback for when the drop-down is hidden.
private onHide_ = function () {
2017-12-24 17:46:58 -08:00