{ "behaviors": "Behavior drive blocks", "behaviors.Behavior": "A behavior", "behaviors.BehaviorManager": "A manager for behaviors", "behaviors.BehaviorManager.add": "Adds a new behavior to the behavior manager", "behaviors.BehaviorManager.add|param|behavior": "the behavior to add", "behaviors.BehaviorManager.start": "Starts the behavior control loop", "behaviors.BehaviorManager.stop": "Stops the execution loop", "behaviors.addBehavior": "Adds the behavior and starts it", "behaviors.addBehavior|param|behavior": "a behavior", "behaviors.avoidCrash": "A behavior that stops all motors if the sensor distance get too short", "behaviors.driveForward": "A behavior that turns on the motors to the specified speed", "behaviors.driveForward|param|motors": "@param speed the desired speed, eg: 50" }