namespace console { /** * Sends the log messages to the brick screen and uses the brick up and down buttons to scroll. */ //% blockId=logsendtostreen block="send console to screen" //% weight=1 //% help=console/send-to-screen export function sendToScreen(): void { console._screen.attach(); } } namespace console._screen { const maxLines = 100; let lines: string[]; let scrollPosition = 0; export function attach() { if (!lines) { lines = []; console.addListener(log); brick.buttonUp.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Bumped, () => scroll(-3)) brick.buttonDown.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Bumped, () => scroll(3)) brick.showConsole(); } } function printLog() { brick.clearScreen() if (!lines) return; const screenLines = brick.lineCount(); for (let i = 0; i < screenLines; ++i) { const line = lines[i + scrollPosition]; if (line) screen.print(line, 0, 4 + i * brick.lineHeight(), 1, brick.font) } } function scroll(pos: number) { if (!pos) return; scrollPosition += pos >> 0; if (scrollPosition >= lines.length) scrollPosition = lines.length - 1; if (scrollPosition < 0) scrollPosition = 0; printLog(); } function log(priority: ConsolePriority, msg: string): void { lines.push(msg); if (lines.length + 5 > maxLines) { lines.splice(0, maxLines - lines.length); scrollPosition = Math.min(scrollPosition, lines.length - 1) } // move down scroll once it gets large than the screen const screenLines = brick.lineCount(); if (lines.length > screenLines && lines.length >= scrollPosition + screenLines) { scrollPosition++; } printLog(); } }