/// /// /// namespace pxsim.visuals { export const BRICK_HEIGHT_RATIO = 1 / 3; export const MODULE_AND_WIRING_HEIGHT_RATIO = 1 / 3; // For inputs and outputs export const MODULE_HEIGHT_RATIO = MODULE_AND_WIRING_HEIGHT_RATIO * 4 / 5; export const WIRING_HEIGHT_RATIO = MODULE_AND_WIRING_HEIGHT_RATIO / 5; export const MODULE_INNER_PADDING_RATIO = 1 / 35; export const MAX_MODULE_WIDTH = 100; export interface LayoutElement extends View { getId(): number; getPort(): number; getPaddingRatio(): number; getWiringRatio(): number; } export class LayoutView extends ViewContainer { private inputs: LayoutElement[] = []; private outputs: LayoutElement[] = []; private inputContainers: ViewContainer[] = []; private outputContainers: ViewContainer[] = []; private inputControls: View[] = []; private outputControls: View[] = []; private inputCloseIcons: View[] = []; private outputCloseIcons: View[] = []; private inputWires: WireView[] = []; private outputWires: WireView[] = []; private brick: BrickViewPortrait; private brickLandscape: BrickViewLandscape; private brickInLandscape: boolean; private offsets: number[]; private contentGroup: SVGGElement; private scrollGroup: SVGGElement; private renderedViews: Map = {}; private hasDimensions = false; constructor() { super(); this.outputContainers = [new ViewContainer(), new ViewContainer, new ViewContainer(), new ViewContainer()]; this.inputContainers = [new ViewContainer(), new ViewContainer, new ViewContainer(), new ViewContainer()]; this.brick = new BrickViewPortrait(0); this.brickLandscape = new BrickViewLandscape(0); for (let port = 0; port < DAL.NUM_OUTPUTS; port++) { this.outputWires[port] = new WireView(port); } for (let port = 0; port < DAL.NUM_INPUTS; port++) { this.inputWires[port] = new WireView(port); } } public layout(width: number, height: number) { this.hasDimensions = true; this.resize(width, height); this.scrollGroup.setAttribute("width", width.toString()); this.scrollGroup.setAttribute("height", height.toString()); this.position(); } public setBrick(brick: BrickView) { this.brick = brick; this.brick.inject(this.scrollGroup); this.brickLandscape.inject(this.scrollGroup); this.brick.setSelected(false); this.brickLandscape.setSelected(true); this.brickLandscape.setVisible(false); this.position(); } public isBrickLandscape() { return this.brickInLandscape; } public getBrick() { return this.brickInLandscape ? this.brickLandscape : this.brick; } public unselectBrick() { this.brick.setSelected(false); this.brickLandscape.setSelected(true); this.brickLandscape.setVisible(false); this.brickInLandscape = false; this.position(); } public setlectBrick() { this.brick.setSelected(true); this.brickLandscape.setSelected(false); this.brickLandscape.setVisible(true); this.brickInLandscape = true; this.position(); } public toggleBrickSelect() { const selected = this.brickInLandscape; if (selected) this.unselectBrick(); else this.setlectBrick(); } public setInput(port: number, view: LayoutElement, control?: View, closeIcon?: View) { if (this.inputs[port] != view || this.inputControls[port] != control) { if (this.inputs[port]) { // Remove current input this.inputs[port].dispose(); } this.inputs[port] = view; if (this.inputControls[port]) { this.inputControls[port].dispose(); } this.inputControls[port] = control; this.inputCloseIcons[port] = closeIcon; this.inputContainers[port].clear(); this.inputContainers[port].addView(view); if (control) this.inputContainers[port].addView(control); if (view.hasClick()) view.registerClick((ev: any) => { view.setSelected(true); runtime.queueDisplayUpdate(); }, true); if (control && closeIcon) { this.inputContainers[port].addView(closeIcon); closeIcon.registerClick(() => { // Clear selection view.setSelected(false); runtime.queueDisplayUpdate(); }) } } this.position(); } public setOutput(port: number, view: LayoutElement, control?: View, closeIcon?: View) { if (this.outputs[port] != view || this.outputControls[port] != control) { if (this.outputs[port]) { // Remove current output this.outputs[port].dispose(); } this.outputs[port] = view; if (this.outputControls[port]) { this.outputControls[port].dispose(); } this.outputControls[port] = control; this.outputCloseIcons[port] = closeIcon; this.outputContainers[port].clear(); this.outputContainers[port].addView(view); if (control) this.outputContainers[port].addView(control); if (view.hasClick()) view.registerClick((ev: any) => { view.setSelected(true); runtime.queueDisplayUpdate(); }, true) if (control && closeIcon) { this.outputContainers[port].addView(closeIcon); closeIcon.registerClick(() => { // Clear selection view.setSelected(false); runtime.queueDisplayUpdate(); }) } } this.position(); } protected buildDom() { this.contentGroup = svg.elt("g") as SVGGElement; this.scrollGroup = svg.child(this.contentGroup, "g") as SVGGElement; this.inputs = []; this.outputs = []; this.inputControls = []; this.outputControls = []; // Inject all wires for (let port = 0; port < DAL.NUM_OUTPUTS; port++) { this.outputWires[port].inject(this.scrollGroup); } for (let port = 0; port < DAL.NUM_INPUTS; port++) { this.inputWires[port].inject(this.scrollGroup); } // Inject all view containers for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.inputContainers[i].inject(this.scrollGroup); this.outputContainers[i].inject(this.scrollGroup); } // Inject all ports this.setInput(0, new PortView(0, '1')); this.setInput(1, new PortView(1, '2')); this.setInput(2, new PortView(2, '3')); this.setInput(3, new PortView(3, '4')); this.setOutput(0, new PortView(0, 'A')); this.setOutput(1, new PortView(1, 'B')); this.setOutput(2, new PortView(2, 'C')); this.setOutput(3, new PortView(3, 'D')); return this.contentGroup; } public getInnerWidth() { if (!this.hasDimensions) { return 0; } return this.width; } public getInnerHeight() { if (!this.hasDimensions) { return 0; } return this.height; } public updateTheme(theme: IBoardTheme) { this.inputs.forEach(n => { n.updateTheme(theme); }) this.brick.updateTheme(theme); this.brickLandscape.updateTheme(theme); this.outputs.forEach(n => { n.updateTheme(theme); }) } private position() { if (!this.hasDimensions) { return; } this.offsets = []; const contentWidth = this.width; if (!contentWidth) return; const contentHeight = this.height; if (!contentHeight) return; const noConnections = this.outputs.concat(this.inputs).filter(m => m.getId() != NodeType.Port).length == 0; this.outputs.concat(this.inputs).forEach(m => m.setVisible(true)); const moduleHeight = this.getModuleHeight(); const brickHeight = this.getBrickHeight(); const brickWidth = this.brick.getInnerWidth() / this.brick.getInnerHeight() * brickHeight; const brickPadding = (contentWidth - brickWidth) / 2; const modulePadding = this.getModulePadding(); const moduleSpacing = contentWidth / 4; const moduleWidth = this.getInnerModuleWidth(); let currentX = this.getModulePadding(); let currentY = 0; this.outputs.forEach((n, i) => { this.outputContainers[i].translate(currentX, currentY); if (this.outputs[i]) { const view = this.outputs[i]; const outputPadding = this.getInnerModuleWidth() * view.getPaddingRatio(); const desiredOutputWidth = this.getInnerModuleWidth() - outputPadding * 2; const outputWidth = Math.min(desiredOutputWidth, MAX_MODULE_WIDTH); const outputHeight = this.getModuleHeight(); // Translate and resize view view.resize(outputWidth, outputHeight); const viewHeight = view.getInnerHeight() / view.getInnerWidth() * outputWidth; view.translate(outputPadding + ((desiredOutputWidth - outputWidth) / 2), outputHeight - viewHeight, true); // Resize control const control = this.outputControls[i]; if (control) { control.resize(this.getInnerModuleWidth(), outputHeight); // Translate close icon const closeIcon = this.outputCloseIcons[i]; if (closeIcon) { const closeIconWidth = closeIcon.getWidth(); closeIcon.translate(this.getInnerModuleWidth() / 2 - closeIconWidth / 2, 0); } } } currentX += moduleSpacing; }) currentX = 0; currentY = moduleHeight; const wireBrickSpacing = brickWidth / 5; const wiringYPadding = 5; let wireStartX = 0; let wireEndX = brickPadding + wireBrickSpacing; let wireEndY = currentY + this.getWiringHeight() + wiringYPadding; let wireStartY = currentY - wiringYPadding; // Draw output lines for (let port = 0; port < DAL.NUM_OUTPUTS; port++) { this.outputWires[port].updateDimensions(wireStartX + moduleSpacing * this.outputs[port].getWiringRatio(), wireStartY, wireEndX, wireEndY); this.outputWires[port].setSelected(this.outputs[port].getId() == NodeType.Port); wireStartX += moduleSpacing; wireEndX += wireBrickSpacing; } currentX = brickPadding; currentY += this.getWiringHeight(); // Render the brick in the middle this.brick.resize(brickWidth, brickHeight); this.brick.translate(currentX, currentY); this.brickLandscape.resize(contentWidth, brickHeight); this.brickLandscape.translate((contentWidth - this.brickLandscape.getContentWidth()) / 2, currentY); currentX = modulePadding; currentY += brickHeight + this.getWiringHeight(); this.inputs.forEach((n, i) => { this.inputContainers[i].translate(currentX, currentY); if (this.inputs[i]) { const view = this.inputs[i]; const inputPadding = this.getInnerModuleWidth() * view.getPaddingRatio(); const desiredInputWidth = this.getInnerModuleWidth() - inputPadding * 2; const inputWidth = Math.min(desiredInputWidth, MAX_MODULE_WIDTH); const inputHeight = this.getModuleHeight(); // Translate and resize view view.resize(inputWidth, inputHeight); view.translate(inputPadding + ((desiredInputWidth - inputWidth) / 2), 0, true); // Resize control const control = this.inputControls[i]; if (control) { control.resize(this.getInnerModuleWidth(), inputHeight); // Translate and resize close icon const closeIcon = this.inputCloseIcons[i]; if (closeIcon) { const closeIconWidth = closeIcon.getWidth(); const closeIconHeight = closeIcon.getHeight(); closeIcon.translate(this.getInnerModuleWidth() / 2 - closeIconWidth / 2, this.getModuleHeight() - closeIconHeight); } } } currentX += moduleSpacing; }) wireStartX = moduleSpacing / 2; wireEndX = brickPadding + wireBrickSpacing; wireEndY = currentY - this.getWiringHeight() - wiringYPadding; wireStartY = currentY + wiringYPadding; // Draw input lines for (let port = 0; port < DAL.NUM_INPUTS; port++) { this.inputWires[port].updateDimensions(wireStartX, wireStartY, wireEndX, wireEndY); this.inputWires[port].setSelected(this.inputs[port].getId() == NodeType.Port); wireStartX += moduleSpacing; wireEndX += wireBrickSpacing; } } public getBrickHeight() { return this.height * BRICK_HEIGHT_RATIO; } public getWiringHeight() { return this.height * WIRING_HEIGHT_RATIO; } public getModuleBounds() { return { width: this.width / 4, height: this.getModuleHeight() } } public getModulePadding() { return this.getModuleBounds().width / 35; } public getInnerModuleWidth() { return this.getModuleBounds().width - (this.getModulePadding() * 2); } public getModuleHeight() { return this.height * MODULE_HEIGHT_RATIO; } } }