namespace pxsim.visuals { const MB_STYLE = ` svg.sim { margin-bottom:1em; } svg.sim.grayscale { -moz-filter: grayscale(1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); filter: grayscale(1); } .sim-button { cursor: pointer; } .sim-button:hover { stroke-width: 2px !important; stroke: white !important; } .sim-systemled { fill:#333; stroke:#555; stroke-width: 1px; } .sim-light-level-button { stroke:#f1c40f; stroke-width: 1px; } .sim-pin-level-button { stroke:darkorange; stroke-width: 1px; } .sim-sound-level-button { stroke:#7f8c8d; stroke-width: 1px; } .sim-antenna { stroke:#555; stroke-width: 2px; } .sim-text { font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace; font-size:8px; fill:#fff; pointer-events: none; user-select: none; } .sim-text.small { font-size:6px; } .sim-text.inverted { fill:#000; } .sim-text-pin { font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace; font-size:5px; fill:#fff; pointer-events: none; } .sim-thermometer { stroke:#aaa; stroke-width: 1px; } #rgbledcircle:hover { r:8px; } #SLIDE_HOVER { cursor: pointer; } .sim-slide-switch:hover #SLIDE_HOVER { stroke:orange !important; stroke-width: 1px; } .sim-slide-switch-inner.on { fill:#ff0000 !important; } /* animations */ .sim-theme-glow { animation-name: sim-theme-glow-animation; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-direction: alternate; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: 1.25s; } @keyframes sim-theme-glow-animation { from { opacity: 1; } to { opacity: 0.75; } } .sim-flash { animation-name: sim-flash-animation; animation-duration: 0.1s; } @keyframes sim-flash-animation { from { fill: yellow; } to { fill: default; } } .sim-flash-stroke { z-index: 0; animation-name: sim-flash-stroke-animation; animation-duration: 0.4s; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } @keyframes sim-flash-stroke-animation { from { stroke: yellow; } to { stroke: default; } } .sim-sound-stroke { animation-name: sim-sound-stroke-animation; animation-duration: 0.4s; } @keyframes sim-sound-stroke-animation { from { stroke: yellow; } to { stroke: default; } } /* wireframe */ .sim-wireframe * { fill: none; stroke: black; } .sim-wireframe .sim-display, .sim-wireframe .sim-led, .sim-wireframe .sim-led-back, .sim-wireframe .sim-head, .sim-wireframe .sim-theme, .sim-wireframe .sim-button-group, .sim-wireframe .sim-button-label, .sim-wireframe .sim-button, .sim-wireframe .sim-text-pin { visibility: hidden; } .sim-wireframe .sim-label { stroke: none; fill: #777; } .sim-wireframe .sim-board { stroke-width: 2px; } `; const pinNames: { 'name': string, 'touch': number, 'text': any, 'id'?: number, tooltip?: string }[] = [ { 'name': "PIN_A0", 'touch': 0, 'text': null, 'id': pxsim.CPlayPinName.A0, tooltip: "A0 - Speaker" }, { 'name': "PIN_A1", 'touch': 1, 'text': null, 'id': pxsim.CPlayPinName.A1, tooltip: "~A1" }, { 'name': "PIN_A2", 'touch': 1, 'text': null, 'id': pxsim.CPlayPinName.A2, tooltip: "~A2" }, { 'name': "PIN_A3", 'touch': 1, 'text': null, 'id': pxsim.CPlayPinName.A3, tooltip: "~A3" }, { 'name': "PIN_A4", 'touch': 1, 'text': null, 'id': pxsim.CPlayPinName.A4, tooltip: "A4 - SCL" }, { 'name': "PIN_A5", 'touch': 1, 'text': null, 'id': pxsim.CPlayPinName.A5, tooltip: "A5 - SDA" }, { 'name': "PIN_A6", 'touch': 1, 'text': null, 'id': pxsim.CPlayPinName.A6, tooltip: "A6 - RX" }, { 'name': "PIN_A7", 'touch': 1, 'text': null, 'id': pxsim.CPlayPinName.A7, tooltip: "A7 - TX" }, { 'name': "GND_0", 'touch': 0, 'text': null, tooltip: "Ground" }, { 'name': "GND_1", 'touch': 0, 'text': null, tooltip: "Ground" }, { 'name': "GND_2", 'touch': 0, 'text': null, tooltip: "Ground" }, { 'name': "VBATT", 'touch': 0, 'text': null, tooltip: "Battery power" }, { 'name': "PWR_0", 'touch': 0, 'text': null, tooltip: "+3.3V" }, { 'name': "PWR_1", 'touch': 0, 'text': null, tooltip: "+3.3V" }, { 'name': "PWR_2", 'touch': 0, 'text': null, tooltip: "+3.3V" } ]; const MB_WIDTH = 169.82979; const MB_HEIGHT = 259.11862; export interface IBoardTheme { accent?: string; display?: string; pin?: string; pinTouched?: string; pinActive?: string; ledOn?: string; ledOff?: string; buttonOuter?: string; buttonUps: string[]; buttonDown?: string; virtualButtonOuter?: string; virtualButtonUp?: string; virtualButtonDown?: string; lightLevelOn?: string; lightLevelOff?: string; soundLevelOn?: string; soundLevelOff?: string; gestureButtonOn?: string; gestureButtonOff?: string; } export var themes: IBoardTheme[] = ["#3ADCFE"].map(accent => { return { accent: accent, pin: "#D4AF37", pinTouched: "#FFA500", pinActive: "#FF5500", ledOn: "#ff7777", ledOff: "#fff", buttonOuter: "#979797", buttonUps: ["#FFF", "#4D4D4D", "#FFF", "#FFF", "#FFF", "#FFF", '#FFF'], buttonDown: "#000", virtualButtonDown: "#FFA500", virtualButtonOuter: "#333", virtualButtonUp: "#FFF", lightLevelOn: "yellow", lightLevelOff: "#555", soundLevelOn: "#7f8c8d", soundLevelOff: "#555", gestureButtonOn: "#FFA500", gestureButtonOff: "#B4009E" } }); export function randomTheme(): IBoardTheme { return themes[Math.floor(Math.random() * themes.length)]; } export interface IBoardProps { runtime?: pxsim.Runtime; theme?: IBoardTheme; disableTilt?: boolean; wireframe?: boolean; } export class EV3BoardSvg implements BoardView { public element: SVGSVGElement; private style: SVGStyleElement; private defs: SVGDefsElement; private g: SVGGElement; private buttons: SVGElement[]; private buttonABText: SVGTextElement; private light: SVGElement; private pins: SVGElement[]; private pinControls: { [index: number]: AnalogPinControl }; private systemLed: SVGCircleElement; private irReceiver: SVGElement; private irTransmitter: SVGElement; private redLED: SVGRectElement; private slideSwitch: SVGGElement; private lightLevelButton: SVGCircleElement; private lightLevelGradient: SVGLinearGradientElement; private lightLevelText: SVGTextElement; private soundLevelButton: SVGCircleElement; private soundLevelGradient: SVGLinearGradientElement; private soundLevelText: SVGTextElement; private thermometerGradient: SVGLinearGradientElement; private thermometer: SVGRectElement; private thermometerText: SVGTextElement; private antenna: SVGPolylineElement; private shakeButtonGroup: SVGElement; private shakeText: SVGTextElement; public board: pxsim.DalBoard; private pinNmToCoord: Map = { }; constructor(public props: IBoardProps) { this.buildDom(); if (props && props.wireframe) svg.addClass(this.element, "sim-wireframe"); /* if (props && props.theme) this.updateTheme(); */ if (props && props.runtime) { this.board = this.props.runtime.board as pxsim.DalBoard; this.board.updateSubscribers.push(() => this.updateState()); this.updateState(); this.attachEvents(); } } public getView(): SVGAndSize { return { el: this.element, y: 0, x: 0, w: MB_WIDTH, h: MB_HEIGHT }; } public getCoord(pinNm: string): Coord { return this.pinNmToCoord[pinNm]; } public highlightPin(pinNm: string): void { //TODO: for instructions } public getPinDist(): number { return 10; } private recordPinCoords() { pinNames.forEach((pin, i) => { const nm =; const p = this.pins[i]; const r = p.getBoundingClientRect(); this.pinNmToCoord[nm] = [r.left + r.width / 2, + r.height / 2]; }); console.log(JSON.stringify(this.pinNmToCoord, null, 2)) } private updateTheme() { let theme = this.props.theme; svg.fill(this.buttons[0], theme.buttonUps[0]); svg.fill(this.buttons[1], theme.buttonUps[1]); svg.fill(this.buttons[2], theme.buttonUps[2]); if (this.shakeButtonGroup) { svg.fill(this.shakeButtonGroup, this.props.theme.gestureButtonOff); } svg.setGradientColors(this.lightLevelGradient, theme.lightLevelOn, theme.lightLevelOff); svg.setGradientColors(this.thermometerGradient, theme.ledOff, theme.ledOn); svg.setGradientColors(this.soundLevelGradient, theme.soundLevelOn, theme.soundLevelOff); for (const id in this.pinControls) { this.pinControls[id].updateTheme(); } } public updateState() { let state = this.board; if (!state) return; let theme = this.props.theme; let bpState = state.buttonState; let buttons = bpState.buttons; this.buttons.forEach((button, i) => { svg.fill(button, buttons[i].pressed ? theme.buttonDown : theme.buttonUps[i]); }) this.updateLight(); /* this.updatePins(); this.updateTilt(); this.updateNeoPixels(); this.updateSwitch(); this.updateSound(); this.updateLightLevel(); this.updateSoundLevel(); this.updateButtonAB(); this.updateGestures(); this.updateTemperature(); this.updateInfrared(); */ if (!runtime || runtime.dead) svg.addClass(this.element, "grayscale"); else svg.removeClass(this.element, "grayscale"); } private lastFlashTime: number = 0; private flashSystemLed() { /* if (!this.systemLed) this.systemLed = svg.child(this.g, "circle", { class: "sim-systemled", cx: 75, cy: MB_HEIGHT - 171, r: 2 }) let now =; if (now - this.lastFlashTime > 150) { this.lastFlashTime = now; svg.animate(this.systemLed, "sim-flash") } */ } private lastIrReceiverFlash: number = 0; public flashIrReceiver() { /* if (!this.irReceiver) this.irReceiver = this.element.getElementById("path2054") as SVGElement; let now =; if (now - this.lastIrReceiverFlash > 200) { this.lastIrReceiverFlash = now; svg.animate(this.irReceiver, 'sim-flash-stroke') } */ } private lastIrTransmitterFlash: number = 0; public flashIrTransmitter() { /* if (!this.irTransmitter) this.irTransmitter = this.element.getElementById("path2062") as SVGElement; let now =; if (now - this.lastIrTransmitterFlash > 200) { this.lastIrTransmitterFlash = now; svg.animate(this.irTransmitter, 'sim-flash-stroke') }*/ } private updateInfrared() { const state = this.board; if (!state) return; if (state.irState.packetReceived) { state.irState.packetReceived = false; this.flashIrReceiver(); } } private lastLightPattern: number = -1; private updateLight() { let state = this.board; if (!state || !state.lightState) return; const lightPattern = state.lightState.lightPattern; if (lightPattern == this.lastLightPattern) return; this.lastLightPattern = lightPattern; switch(lightPattern) { case 0: // LED_BLACK svg.fill(this.light, "#FFF"); break; case 1: // LED_GREEN svg.fill(this.light, "#00ff00"); break; case 2: // LED_RED svg.fill(this.light, "#ff0000"); break; case 3: // LED_ORANGE svg.fill(this.light, "#ffff00"); break; case 4: // LED_GREEN_FLASH break; case 5: // LED_RED_FLASH break; case 6: // LED_ORANGE_FLASH break; case 7: // LED_GREEN_PULSE break; case 8: // LED_RED_PULSE break; case 9: // LED_ORANGE_PULSE break; } } private updateNeoPixels() { let state = this.board; if (!state || !state.neopixelState) return; let neopixels = state.neopixelState.getNeoPixels(); for (let i = 0; i < state.neopixelState.NUM_PIXELS; i++) { let rgb = neopixels[i]; let p_inner = this.element.getElementById(`LED${i}`) as SVGPathElement; if (!rgb || (rgb.length == 3 && rgb[0] == 0 && rgb[1] == 0 && rgb[2] == 0)) { // Clear the pixel svg.fill(p_inner, `rgb(200,200,200)`); svg.filter(p_inner, null); = `none` continue; } let hsl = visuals.rgbToHsl(rgb); let [h, s, l] = hsl; let lx = Math.max(l * 1.3, 85); // at least 10% luminosity l = l * 90 / 100 + 10; if (p_inner) { = `hsl(${h}, ${s}%, ${Math.min(l * 3, 75)}%)` = "1.5"; svg.fill(p_inner, `hsl(${h}, ${s}%, ${lx}%)`) } if (p_inner) svg.filter(p_inner, `url(#neopixelglow)`); } } private updateSound() { let state = this.board; if (!state || !state.audioState) return; let audioState = state.audioState; // FIXME // let soundBoard = this.element.getElementById('g4656') as SVGGElement; // if (audioState.isPlaying()) { // svg.addClass(soundBoard, "sim-sound-stroke"); // } else { // svg.removeClass(soundBoard, "sim-sound-stroke"); // } } private updatePins() { let state = this.board; if (!state || !state.edgeConnectorState || !state.capacitiveSensorState) return; state.edgeConnectorState.pins.forEach((pin, i) => this.updatePin(pin, i)); } private updatePin(pin: Pin, index: number) { if (!pin || !this.pins[index]) return; if ((pin as pins.CommonPin).used) { if (this.pinControls[] === undefined) { const pinName = pinNames.filter((a) => ===[0]; if (pinName) { this.pinControls[] = new AnalogPinControl(this, this.defs,,; } else { // TODO: Surface pin controls for sensor pins in some way? this.pinControls[] = null; } } if (this.pinControls[]) { this.pinControls[].updateValue(); } } } private updateLightLevel() { let state = this.board; if (!state || !state.lightSensorState.sensorUsed) return; if (!this.lightLevelButton) { let gid = "gradient-light-level"; this.lightLevelGradient = svg.linearGradient(this.defs, gid) let cy = 15; let r = 10; this.lightLevelButton = svg.child(this.g, "circle", { cx: `12px`, cy: `${cy}px`, r: `${r}px`, class: 'sim-light-level-button', fill: `url(#${gid})` }) as SVGCircleElement; let pt = this.element.createSVGPoint(); svg.buttonEvents(this.lightLevelButton, (ev) => { let pos = svg.cursorPoint(pt, this.element, ev); let rs = r / 2; let level = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.floor((pos.y - (cy - rs)) / (2 * rs) * 255))); if (level != this.board.lightSensorState.getLevel()) { this.board.lightSensorState.setLevel(level); this.applyLightLevel(); } }, ev => { }, ev => { }) this.lightLevelText = svg.child(this.g, "text", { x: 23, y: cy + r - 15, text: '', class: 'sim-text' }) as SVGTextElement; this.updateTheme(); } svg.setGradientValue(this.lightLevelGradient, Math.min(100, Math.max(0, Math.floor(state.lightSensorState.getLevel() * 100 / 255))) + '%') this.lightLevelText.textContent = state.lightSensorState.getLevel().toString(); } private applyLightLevel() { let lv = this.board.lightSensorState.getLevel(); svg.setGradientValue(this.lightLevelGradient, Math.min(100, Math.max(0, Math.floor(lv * 100 / 255))) + '%') this.lightLevelText.textContent = lv.toString(); } private updateSoundLevel() { let state = this.board; if (!state || !state.microphoneState.sensorUsed) return; if (!this.soundLevelButton) { let gid = "gradient-sound-level"; this.soundLevelGradient = svg.linearGradient(this.defs, gid) let cy = 165; let r = 10; this.soundLevelButton = svg.child(this.g, "circle", { cx: `12px`, cy: `${cy}px`, r: `${r}px`, class: 'sim-sound-level-button', fill: `url(#${gid})` }) as SVGCircleElement; let pt = this.element.createSVGPoint(); svg.buttonEvents(this.soundLevelButton, (ev) => { let pos = svg.cursorPoint(pt, this.element, ev); let rs = r / 2; let level = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.floor((pos.y - (cy - rs)) / (2 * rs) * 255))); if (level != this.board.microphoneState.getLevel()) { this.board.microphoneState.setLevel(255 - level); this.applySoundLevel(); } }, ev => { }, ev => { }) this.soundLevelText = svg.child(this.g, "text", { x: 23, y: cy + r - 3, text: '', class: 'sim-text' }) as SVGTextElement; this.updateTheme(); } svg.setGradientValue(this.soundLevelGradient, Math.min(100, Math.max(0, Math.floor((255 - state.microphoneState.getLevel()) * 100 / 255))) + '%') this.soundLevelText.textContent = state.microphoneState.getLevel().toString(); } private applySoundLevel() { let lv = this.board.microphoneState.getLevel(); svg.setGradientValue(this.soundLevelGradient, Math.min(100, Math.max(0, Math.floor((255 - lv) * 100 / 255))) + '%') this.soundLevelText.textContent = lv.toString(); } private updateTemperature() { let state = this.board; if (!state || !state.thermometerState || !state.thermometerState.sensorUsed) return; // Celsius let tmin = -5; let tmax = 50; if (!this.thermometer) { let gid = "gradient-thermometer"; this.thermometerGradient = svg.linearGradient(this.defs, gid); this.thermometer = svg.child(this.g, "rect", { class: "sim-thermometer", x: 170, y: 3, width: 7, height: 32, rx: 2, ry: 2, fill: `url(#${gid})` }); this.thermometerText = svg.child(this.g, "text", { class: 'sim-text', x: 148, y: 10 }) as SVGTextElement; this.updateTheme(); let pt = this.element.createSVGPoint(); svg.buttonEvents(this.thermometer, (ev) => { let cur = svg.cursorPoint(pt, this.element, ev); let t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (35 - cur.y) / 30)) state.thermometerState.setLevel(Math.floor(tmin + t * (tmax - tmin))); this.updateTemperature(); }, ev => { }, ev => { }) } let t = Math.max(tmin, Math.min(tmax, state.thermometerState.getLevel())) let per = Math.floor((state.thermometerState.getLevel() - tmin) / (tmax - tmin) * 100) svg.setGradientValue(this.thermometerGradient, 100 - per + "%"); let unit = "°C"; if (state.thermometerUnitState == pxsim.TemperatureUnit.Fahrenheit) { unit = "°F"; t = ((t * 18) / 10 + 32) >> 0; } this.thermometerText.textContent = t + unit; } private updateButtonAB() { let state = this.board; if (state.buttonState.usesButtonAB) { (this.buttons[2]).style.visibility = "visible"; this.updateTheme(); } } private updateGestures() { let state = this.board; if (state.accelerometerState.useShake && !this.shakeButtonGroup) { const btnr = 2; const width = 22; const height = 10; let btng = svg.child(this.g, "g", { class: "sim-button-group" }); this.shakeButtonGroup = btng; this.shakeText = svg.child(this.g, "text", { x: 81, y: 32, class: "sim-text small" }) as SVGTextElement; this.shakeText.textContent = "SHAKE" svg.child(btng, "rect", { class: "sim-button", x: 79, y: 25, rx: btnr, ry: btnr, width, height }); svg.fill(btng, this.props.theme.gestureButtonOff); this.shakeButtonGroup.addEventListener(pointerEvents.down, ev => { let state = this.board; svg.fill(btng, this.props.theme.gestureButtonOn); svg.addClass(this.shakeText, "inverted"); }) this.shakeButtonGroup.addEventListener(pointerEvents.leave, ev => { let state = this.board; svg.fill(btng, this.props.theme.gestureButtonOff); svg.removeClass(this.shakeText, "inverted"); }) this.shakeButtonGroup.addEventListener(pointerEvents.up, ev => { let state = this.board; svg.fill(btng, this.props.theme.gestureButtonOff); //this.board.bus.queue(DAL.DEVICE_ID_GESTURE, 11); // GESTURE_SHAKE svg.removeClass(this.shakeText, "inverted"); }) } } private updateTilt() { if (this.props.disableTilt) return; let state = this.board; if (!state || !state.accelerometerState.accelerometer.isActive) return; const x = state.accelerometerState.accelerometer.getX(); const y = state.accelerometerState.accelerometer.getY(); const af = 8 / 1023; const s = 1 - Math.min(0.1, Math.pow(Math.max(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(y)) / 1023, 2) / 35); = `perspective(30em) rotateX(${y * af}deg) rotateY(${x * af}deg) scale(${s}, ${s})` = "50% 50% 50%"; = "30em"; } private buildDom() { this.element = new DOMParser().parseFromString(BOARD_SVG, "image/svg+xml").querySelector("svg") as SVGSVGElement; svg.hydrate(this.element, { "version": "1.0", "viewBox": `0 0 ${MB_WIDTH} ${MB_HEIGHT}`, "class": "sim", "x": "0px", "y": "0px", "width": MB_WIDTH + "px", "height": MB_HEIGHT + "px", }); = svg.child(this.element, "style", {}); = MB_STYLE; this.defs = svg.child(this.element, "defs", {}); this.g = svg.elt("g"); this.element.appendChild(this.g); const btnids = ["BTN_4", "BTN_2", "BTN_5", "BTN_3", "BTN_1", "BTN_BACK"]; this.buttons = => this.element.getElementById(n) as SVGElement); this.buttons.forEach(b => svg.addClass(b, "sim-button")); this.light = this.element.getElementById("BOARD_Light") as SVGElement; } private attachEvents() { Runtime.messagePosted = (msg) => { switch (msg.type || "") { case "serial": this.flashSystemLed(); break; case "irpacket": this.flashIrTransmitter(); break; } } /* let tiltDecayer = 0; this.element.addEventListener(pointerEvents.move, (ev: MouseEvent) => { let state = this.board; if (!state.accelerometerState.accelerometer.isActive) return; if (tiltDecayer) { clearInterval(tiltDecayer); tiltDecayer = 0; } let bbox = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(); let ax = (ev.clientX - bbox.width / 2) / (bbox.width / 3); let ay = (ev.clientY - bbox.height / 2) / (bbox.height / 3); let x = - Math.max(- 1023, Math.min(1023, Math.floor(ax * 1023))); let y = Math.max(- 1023, Math.min(1023, Math.floor(ay * 1023))); let z2 = 1023 * 1023 - x * x - y * y; let z = Math.floor((z2 > 0 ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(z2))); state.accelerometerState.accelerometer.update(x, y, z); this.updateTilt(); }, false); this.element.addEventListener(pointerEvents.leave, (ev: MouseEvent) => { let state = this.board; if (!state.accelerometerState.accelerometer.isActive) return; if (!tiltDecayer) { tiltDecayer = setInterval(() => { let accx = state.accelerometerState.accelerometer.getX(MicroBitCoordinateSystem.RAW); accx = Math.floor(Math.abs(accx) * 0.85) * (accx > 0 ? 1 : -1); let accy = state.accelerometerState.accelerometer.getY(MicroBitCoordinateSystem.RAW); accy = Math.floor(Math.abs(accy) * 0.85) * (accy > 0 ? 1 : -1); let accz = -Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, 1023 * 1023 - accx * accx - accy * accy)); if (Math.abs(accx) <= 24 && Math.abs(accy) <= 24) { clearInterval(tiltDecayer); tiltDecayer = 0; accx = 0; accy = 0; accz = -1023; } state.accelerometerState.accelerometer.update(accx, accy, accz); this.updateTilt(); }, 50) } }, false); */ let bpState = this.board.buttonState; let stateButtons = bpState.buttons; this.buttons.forEach((btn, index) => { let button = stateButtons[index]; btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.down, ev => { button.setPressed(true); svg.fill(this.buttons[index], this.props.theme.buttonDown); }) btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.leave, ev => { button.setPressed(false); svg.fill(this.buttons[index], this.props.theme.buttonUps[index]); }) btn.addEventListener(pointerEvents.up, ev => { button.setPressed(false); svg.fill(this.buttons[index], this.props.theme.buttonUps[index]); }) }) } } }