/* Import all components */ @import 'semantic'; @import 'pxt'; @import 'themes/default/globals/site.variables'; @import 'themes/pxt/globals/site.variables'; @import 'site/globals/site.variables'; @import 'themes/default/collections/menu.variables'; @import 'fieldeditors'; /* Reference import */ @import (reference) "semantic.less"; /******************************* Add your custom CSS here *******************************/ /* Roboto font */ @RobotoFont: data-uri("../docs/static/fonts/Roboto_400_normal.woff"); @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; src: @RobotoFont format("woff"); } .ui.button.download-button { &:extend(.ui.primary.button all); } .ui.button.editortools-btn { &:extend(.ui.blue.button all); } .projectname-input { } .ui.button.getting-started-btn { &:extend(.ui.green.button all); } .ui.button.exit-tutorial-btn { &:extend(.ui.blue.button all); } /* Menu bar colors */ #menubar .ui.item { color: @red; } .fullscreensim #menubar .ui.menu { box-shadow: none !important; border-bottom: 0 !important; } /* logo */ #logo a.ui.image .ui.logo { min-width: 2.0rem; } /* Editor menu toggle */ #menubar .ui.menu.fixed .item.editor-menuitem .ui.grid { background: @blue !important; } #menubar .ui.menu.fixed .ui.item.editor-menuitem .item:not(.active) { color: white; } .sandboxfooter a:not(.thin) { color:white !important; } /* Mobile */ @media only screen and (max-width: @largestMobileScreen) { #filelist { background: transparent; } } /* Tablet */ @media only screen and (min-width: @tabletBreakpoint) and (max-width: @largestTabletScreen) { } /* Small Monitor */ @media only screen and (min-width: @computerBreakpoint) and (max-width: @largestSmallMonitor) { } /* Large Monitor */ @media only screen and (min-width: @largeMonitorBreakpoint) { } /* Mobile, Tablet AND thin screen */ @media only screen and (max-width: @largestTabletScreen) and (max-height: @thinEditorBreakpoint) { .sandboxfooter a:not(.thin) { color: @black !important; } }