// Auto-generated. Do not edit. declare namespace control { /** Create new file mapping in memory */ //% shim=control::mmap function mmap(filename: string, size: int32, offset: int32): MMap; } declare interface MMap { /** * Write a number in specified format in the buffer. */ //% shim=MMapMethods::setNumber setNumber(format: NumberFormat, offset: int32, value: number): void; /** * Read a number in specified format from the buffer. */ //% shim=MMapMethods::getNumber getNumber(format: NumberFormat, offset: int32): number; /** * Read a range of bytes into a buffer. */ //% offset.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=MMapMethods::slice slice(offset?: int32, length?: int32): Buffer; /** Returns the length of a Buffer object. */ //% property shim=MMapMethods::length length: int32; /** Perform ioctl(2) on the underlaying file */ //% shim=MMapMethods::ioctl ioctl(id: uint32, data: Buffer): void; } declare namespace control { /** * Announce that an event happened to registered handlers. * @param src ID of the Component that generated the event * @param value Component specific code indicating the cause of the event. * @param mode optional definition of how the event should be processed after construction. */ //% weight=21 blockGap=12 blockId="control_raise_event" //% block="raise event|from %src|with value value" blockExternalInputs=1 shim=control::raiseEvent function raiseEvent(src: int32, value: int32): void; /** * Allocates the next user notification event */ //% help=control/allocate-notify-event shim=control::allocateNotifyEvent function allocateNotifyEvent(): int32; /** Write data to DMESG debugging buffer. */ //% shim=control::dmesg function dmesg(s: string): void; } declare namespace serial { /** Send DMESG debug buffer over serial. */ //% shim=serial::writeDmesg function writeDmesg(): void; } declare namespace input { /** * Left button. */ //% indexedInstanceNS=input indexedInstanceShim=pxt::getButton //% block="button left" weight=95 fixedInstance shim=pxt::getButton(0) const buttonLeft: Button; /** * Right button. */ //% block="button right" weight=94 fixedInstance shim=pxt::getButton(1) const buttonRight: Button; /** * Up button. */ //% block="button up" weight=95 fixedInstance shim=pxt::getButton(2) const buttonUp: Button; /** * Down button. */ //% block="button down" weight=95 fixedInstance shim=pxt::getButton(3) const buttonDown: Button; /** * Enter button. */ //% block="button enter" weight=95 fixedInstance shim=pxt::getButton(4) const buttonEnter: Button; } declare namespace control { /** * Determine the version of system software currently running. */ //% shim=control::deviceFirmwareVersion function deviceFirmwareVersion(): string; } declare namespace output { /** * Set lights. */ //% blockId=setLights block="set lights %pattern" shim=output::setLights function setLights(pattern: LightsPattern): void; } //% fixedInstances declare interface Button { /** * Do something when a button (`A`, `B` or both `A` + `B`) is clicked, double clicked, etc... * @param button the button that needs to be clicked or used * @param event the kind of button gesture that needs to be detected * @param body code to run when the event is raised */ //% help=input/button/on-event weight=99 blockGap=8 //% blockId=buttonEvent block="on %button|%event" //% parts="buttonpair" //% blockNamespace=input //% button.fieldEditor="gridpicker" //% button.fieldOptions.width=220 //% button.fieldOptions.columns=3 shim=ButtonMethods::onEvent onEvent(ev: ButtonEvent, body: () => void): void; /** * Check if a button is pressed or not. * @param button the button to query the request */ //% help=input/button/is-pressed weight=79 //% block="%button|is pressed" //% blockId=buttonIsPressed //% blockGap=8 //% parts="buttonpair" //% blockNamespace=input //% button.fieldEditor="gridpicker" //% button.fieldOptions.width=220 //% button.fieldOptions.columns=3 shim=ButtonMethods::isPressed isPressed(): boolean; /** * See if the button was pressed again since the last time you checked. * @param button the button to query the request */ //% help=input/button/was-pressed weight=78 //% block="%button|was pressed" //% blockId=buttonWasPressed //% parts="buttonpair" blockGap=8 //% blockNamespace=input advanced=true //% button.fieldEditor="gridpicker" //% button.fieldOptions.width=220 //% button.fieldOptions.columns=3 shim=ButtonMethods::wasPressed wasPressed(): boolean; } declare namespace screen { /** Draw text. */ //% mode.defl=0 shim=screen::drawText function drawText(x: int32, y: int32, text: string, mode?: Draw): void; /** Clear screen and reset font to normal. */ //% shim=screen::clear function clear(): void; /** Scroll screen vertically. */ //% shim=screen::scroll function scroll(v: int32): void; /** Set font for drawText() */ //% shim=screen::setFont function setFont(font: ScreenFont): void; } declare namespace output { /** * Create a new zero-initialized buffer. * @param size number of bytes in the buffer */ //% shim=output::createBuffer function createBuffer(size: int32): Buffer; } // Auto-generated. Do not edit. Really.