namespace brick { /** * Show a mood on the brick's screen */ //% weight=90 //% blockId=moodShow block="show mood %mood=mood_image_picker" //% help=brick/show-mood //% weight=101 group="Screen" blockGap=8 export function showMood(mood: Mood) { if(mood); } /** * A mood */ //% fixedInstances export class Mood { private image: Image; private sound: Sound; private light: StatusLight; constructor(image: Image, sound: Sound, light: StatusLight) { this.image = image; this.sound = sound; this.light = light; } /** * Shows the mood on the EV3 */ show() { brick.setStatusLight(this.light); brick.showImage(this.image); music.playSoundEffectUntilDone(this.sound); pause(20); } } /** * An image * @param image the image */ //% blockId=mood_image_picker block="%mood" shim=TD_ID //% mood.fieldEditor="images" //% mood.fieldOptions.columns=4 //% mood.fieldOptions.width=400 //% group="Screen" weight=0 blockHidden=1 export function __moodImagePicker(mood: Mood): Mood { return mood; } } namespace moods { /** * A sleeping mood */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesSleeping export const sleeping = new brick.Mood(images.eyesSleeping, sounds.expressionsSnoring, StatusLight.OrangePulse); /** * A awake mood */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesAwake export const awake = new brick.Mood(images.eyesAwake, sounds.informationActivate, StatusLight.Orange); /** * A tired mood */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesTiredMiddle export const tired = new brick.Mood(images.eyesTiredMiddle, sounds.expressionsSneezing, StatusLight.OrangeFlash); /** * An angry mood */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesAngry export const angry = new brick.Mood(images.eyesAngry, sounds.animalsDogGrowl, StatusLight.RedPulse); /** * A sad mood */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesTear export const sad = new brick.Mood(images.eyesTear, sounds.animalsDogWhine, StatusLight.Red); /** * A dizzy mood */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesDizzy export const dizzy = new brick.Mood(images.eyesDizzy, sounds.expressionsUhOh, StatusLight.OrangeFlash); /** * A knocked out mood */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesKnockedOut export const knockedOut = new brick.Mood(images.eyesKnockedOut, sounds.informationError, StatusLight.RedFlash); /** * Looking around left */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesMiddleLeft export const middleLeft = new brick.Mood(images.eyesMiddleLeft, sounds.informationAnalyze, StatusLight.Off); /** * Looking around right */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesMiddleRight export const middleRight = new brick.Mood(images.eyesMiddleRight, sounds.informationAnalyze, StatusLight.Off); /** * In love mood */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesLove export const love = new brick.Mood(images.eyesLove, sounds.expressionsMagicWand, StatusLight.GreenPulse); /** * In laughing mood */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesWinking export const winking = new brick.Mood(images.eyesWinking, sounds.expressionsLaughing1, StatusLight.GreenFlash); /** * In a neutral mood */ //% fixedInstance jres=images.eyesNeutral export const neutral = new brick.Mood(images.eyesNeutral, undefined, StatusLight.Green); }