namespace pxsim.visuals { export abstract class View { protected element: SVGGElement; protected rendered = false; protected visible = false; protected width: number = 0; protected left: number = 0; protected top: number = 0; protected scaleFactor: number = 1; protected theme: IBoardTheme; protected abstract buildDom(width: number): SVGElement; public abstract getInnerWidth(): number; public abstract getInnerHeight(): number; public inject(parent: SVGElement, width?: number, visible = true) { this.width = width; parent.appendChild(this.getView()); if (visible) { this.visible = true; this.onComponentInjected(); } } public getWidth() { return this.scaleFactor == undefined ? this.getInnerWidth() : this.getInnerWidth() * this.scaleFactor; } public getHeight() { return this.scaleFactor == undefined ? this.getInnerHeight() : this.getInnerHeight() * this.scaleFactor; } public onComponentInjected() { // To be overridden by sub class } public onComponentVisible() { // To be overridden by sub class } public onComponentHidden() { // To be overridden by sub class } public translate(x: number, y: number, applyImmediately = true) { this.left = x; = y; if (applyImmediately) { this.updateTransform(); } } public scale(scaleFactor: number, applyImmediately = true) { this.scaleFactor = scaleFactor; if (applyImmediately) { this.updateTransform(); } } public shouldUpdateState() { return true; } public updateState() { } public updateTheme(theme: IBoardTheme) { this.theme = theme; this.updateThemeCore(); } public updateThemeCore() { } public setVisible(visible: boolean) { if (this.rendered) { this.getView().style.display = visible ? 'block' : 'none'; } } public hasClick() { return true; } private onClickHandler: (ev: any) => void; public registerClick(handler: (ev: any) => void) { this.onClickHandler = handler; this.getView().addEventListener(pointerEvents.up, this.onClickHandler); } public dispose() { if (this.onClickHandler) this.getView().removeEventListener(pointerEvents.up, this.onClickHandler) View.dispose(this); } protected getView() { if (!this.rendered) { this.element = svg.elt("g") as SVGGElement; View.track(this); const content = this.buildDom(this.width); if (content) { this.element.appendChild(content); } this.updateTransform(); this.rendered = true; } return this.element; } public resize(width: number) { this.width = width; } private updateTransform() { if (this.rendered) { let transform = `translate(${this.left} ${})`; if (this.scaleFactor !== 1) { transform += ` scale(${this.scaleFactor})`; } this.element.setAttribute("transform", transform); } } private static currentId = 0; private static allViews: Map = {}; protected static getInstance(element: Element) { if (element.hasAttribute("ref-id")) { return View.allViews[element.getAttribute("ref-id")]; } return undefined; } private static track(view: View) { const myId = "id-" + (View.currentId++); view.element.setAttribute("ref-id", myId); View.allViews[myId] = view; } private static dispose(view: View) { if (view.element) { const id = view.element.getAttribute("ref-id"); // TODO: Remove from DOM view.element.parentNode.removeChild(view.element); delete View.allViews[id]; } } } export abstract class SimView extends View implements LayoutElement { constructor(protected state: T) { super(); } public getId() { return; } public getPort() { return this.state.port; } public getPaddingRatio() { return 0; } public getWiringRatio() { return 0.5; } public setSelected(selected: boolean) { } protected getView() { if (!this.rendered) { this.subscribe(); } return super.getView(); } protected onBoardStateChanged() { // To be implemented by sub class } protected subscribe() { board().updateSubscribers.push(() => { if (this.state.didChange()) { this.onBoardStateChanged(); } }); } } export class ViewContainer extends View { public getInnerWidth() { return 0; } public getInnerHeight() { return 0; } public addView(view: View) { view.inject(this.element); } public clear() { forEachElement(this.element.childNodes, e => { this.element.removeChild(e); }); } public onComponentInjected() { const observer = new MutationObserver(records => { records.forEach(r => { forEachElement(r.addedNodes, node => { const instance = View.getInstance(node); if (instance) { instance.onComponentVisible(); } }); forEachElement(r.removedNodes, node => { const instance = View.getInstance(node); if (instance) { instance.onComponentHidden(); } }); }) }); observer.observe(this.element, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } protected buildDom(width: number): SVGElement { return undefined; } } function forEachElement(nodes: NodeList, cb: (e: Element) => void) { for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const node = nodes[i]; if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { cb(node as Element); } } } }