# Turn With Gyro ## Introduction @fullscreen Use the gyro to measure how much the robot is turning, regardless if your wheels are slipping. ## Step 1 Calibrate Add the ``||sensors:calibrate gyro||`` block to make sure your gyro is ready to use. ```blocks sensors.gyro2.calibrate() ``` ## Step 2 Turn Use motor blocks to make the robot turn. Don't go too fast! ```blocks sensors.gyro2.calibrate() motors.largeBC.steer(200, 20) ``` ## Step 3 Pause for turn Use the ``||sensors:pause until rotated||`` block to wait until the desired amount of rotation has occured. ```blocks sensors.gyro2.calibrate() motors.largeBC.steer(200, 20) sensors.gyro2.pauseUntilRotated(90) ``` ## Step 4 Stop Stop the motors! ```blocks sensors.gyro2.calibrate() motors.largeBC.steer(200, 20) sensors.gyro2.pauseUntilRotated(90) motors.stopAll() ```