{ "chassis.Chassis": "A differential drive robot", "chassis.Chassis.drive": "Makes a differential drive robot move with a given speed (cm/s) and rotation rate (deg/s)\nusing a unicycle model.", "chassis.Chassis.driveFor": "Makes a differential drive robot move with a given speed (cm/s) and rotation rate (deg/s)\nusing a unicycle model.", "chassis.Chassis.driveFor|param|rotationSpeed": "rotation of the robot around the center point, eg: 30", "chassis.Chassis.driveFor|param|speed": "speed of the center point between motors, eg: 10", "chassis.Chassis.driveFor|param|value": "the amount of movement, eg: 2", "chassis.Chassis.drive|param|rotationSpeed": "rotation of the robot around the center point, eg: 30", "chassis.Chassis.drive|param|speed": "speed of the center point between motors, eg: 10", "chassis.Chassis.setMotors": "Sets the motors used by the chassis, default is B+C", "chassis.Chassis.setProperty": "Sets a property of the robot", "chassis.Chassis.setProperty|param|property": "the property to set", "chassis.Chassis.setProperty|param|value": "the value to set" }