# reset Reset the motor's speed setting and it's counters. ```sig motors.largeA.reset() ``` The motor's speed is set back to `0` and the **tacho**, **angle**, and **speed** counters are set to `0`. ## Example See what the angle count is when a motor is stopped. Then, try it again after a reset. ```blocks motors.largeA.run(30) pause(2000) motors.largeA.stop() brick.showString("Angle count:", 1) brick.showNumber(motors.largeA.angle(), 2) motors.largeA.run(30) pause(2000) motors.largeA.reset() brick.showString("Angle count:", 4) brick.showNumber(motors.largeA.angle(), 5) ``` ## See also [stop](/reference/motors/motor/stop), [clear counts](/reference/motors/motor/clear-counts)