// When require()d from node, bind the global pxt namespace
namespace pxt {
export const dummyExport = 1;
eval("if (typeof process === 'object' && process + '' === '[object process]') pxt = global.pxt")
namespace pxt.editor {
// this comes from aux/pxt.lms
const rbfTemplate = "4c45474f5d0000006d000100000000001c0000000000000008000000821b028405018130813e805374617274696e672e2e2e0084006080XX0044830383010640414082f5ff8405018130813e80427965210084000a";
function hf2Async() {
return pxt.HF2.mkPacketIOAsync()
.then(h => {
let w = new Ev3Wrapper(h)
return w.reconnectAsync(true)
.then(() => w)
let initPromise: Promise
function initAsync() {
if (!initPromise)
initPromise = hf2Async()
.catch(err => {
initPromise = null
return Promise.reject(err)
return initPromise
export function deployCoreAsync(resp: pxtc.CompileResult, isCli = false) {
let w: Ev3Wrapper
let elfPath = "../prjs/BrkProg_SAVE/binary.elf"
let rbfPath = "../prjs/BrkProg_SAVE/pxt0.rbf"
return initAsync()
.then(w_ => {
w = w_
// run LS to make sure we can talk to device first
// otherwise flashing a file might lock it
return w.lsAsync("/")
}).then(() => {
let f = U.stringToUint8Array(atob(resp.outfiles[pxt.outputName()]))
return w.flashAsync(elfPath, f)
}).then(() => {
let rbfHex = rbfTemplate.replace("XX", U.toHex(U.stringToUint8Array(elfPath)))
let rbf = U.fromHex(rbfHex)
HF2.write16(rbf, 4, rbf.length)
return w.flashAsync(rbfPath, rbf)
}).then(() => {
return w.runAsync(rbfPath)
}).then(() => {
if (isCli)
return w.disconnectAsync()
return Promise.resolve()
initExtensionsAsync = function (opts: pxt.editor.ExtensionOptions): Promise {
pxt.debug('loading pxt-adafruit target extensions...')
const res: pxt.editor.ExtensionResult = {
return Promise.resolve(res);