const enum InfraredSensorMode { None = -1, Proximity = 0, Seek = 1, RemoteControl = 2, } const enum InfraredRemoteChannel { //% block="channel 0" Ch0 = 0, // top //% block="channel 1" Ch1 = 1, //% block="channel 2" Ch2 = 2, //% block="channel 3" Ch3 = 3, } const enum InfraredRemoteButton { //% block="center beacon" CenterBeacon = 0x01, //% block="top left" TopLeft = 0x02, //% block="bottom left" BottomLeft = 0x04, //% block="top right" TopRight = 0x08, //% block="bottom right" BottomRight = 0x10, } const enum InfraredSensorEvent { //% block="object near" ObjectNear = 3, //% block="object detected" ObjectDetected = 2 } namespace sensors { function mapButton(v: number) { switch (v) { case 1: return InfraredRemoteButton.TopLeft; case 2: return InfraredRemoteButton.BottomLeft; case 3: return InfraredRemoteButton.TopRight; case 4: return InfraredRemoteButton.BottomRight; case 5: return InfraredRemoteButton.TopLeft | InfraredRemoteButton.TopRight case 6: return InfraredRemoteButton.TopLeft | InfraredRemoteButton.BottomRight case 7: return InfraredRemoteButton.BottomLeft | InfraredRemoteButton.TopRight case 8: return InfraredRemoteButton.BottomLeft | InfraredRemoteButton.BottomRight case 9: return InfraredRemoteButton.CenterBeacon case 10: return InfraredRemoteButton.BottomLeft | InfraredRemoteButton.TopLeft case 11: return InfraredRemoteButton.TopRight | InfraredRemoteButton.BottomRight default: return 0; } } const __remoteButtons: RemoteInfraredBeaconButton[] = []; function __irButton(id: InfraredRemoteButton): RemoteInfraredBeaconButton { for (let i = 0; i < __remoteButtons.length; ++i) { if (__remoteButtons[i].position == id) return __remoteButtons[i]; } const btn = new RemoteInfraredBeaconButton(id, new brick.Button()); __remoteButtons.push(btn); return btn; } //% fixedInstances export class RemoteInfraredBeaconButton extends control.Component { position: InfraredRemoteButton; private _button: brick.Button; constructor(position: InfraredRemoteButton, button: brick.Button) { super(); this.position = position; this._button = button; } _update(curr: boolean) { this._button._update(curr); } /** * Check if a remote button is currently pressed or not. * @param button the remote button to query the request */ //% help=sensors/beacon/is-pressed //% block="**remote button** %button|is pressed" //% blockId=remoteButtonIsPressed //% parts="remote" //% blockNamespace=sensors //% weight=81 blockGap=8 //% group="Remote Infrared Beacon" isPressed() { return this._button.isPressed(); } /** * See if the remote button was pressed again since the last time you checked. * @param button the remote button to query the request */ //% help=sensors/beacon/was-pressed //% block="**remote button** %button|was pressed" //% blockId=remotebuttonWasPressed //% blockHidden=true //% parts="remote" //% blockNamespace=sensors //% weight=80 //% group="Remote Infrared Beacon" wasPressed() { return this._button.wasPressed(); } /** * Do something when a remote button is pressed, bumped, or released * @param button the button that needs to be clicked or used * @param event the kind of button gesture that needs to be detected * @param body code to run when the event is raised */ //% help=sensors/beacon/on-event //% blockId=remotebuttonEvent block="on **remote button** %button|%event" //% parts="remote" //% blockNamespace=sensors //% weight=99 blockGap=8 //% group="Remote Infrared Beacon" onEvent(ev: ButtonEvent, body: () => void) { this._button.onEvent(ev, body); } /** * Pause until a remote button event happens * @param ev the event to wait for */ //% help=sensors/beacon/pause-until //% blockId=remoteButtonPauseUntil block="pause until **remote button** %button|%event" //% parts="remote" //% blockNamespace=sensors //% weight=99 blockGap=8 //% group="Remote Infrared Beacon" pauseUntil(ev: ButtonEvent) { this._button.pauseUntil(ev); } } //% fixedInstances export class InfraredSensor extends internal.UartSensor { private _channel: InfraredRemoteChannel; private _proximityThreshold: sensors.ThresholdDetector; constructor(port: number) { super(port) this._channel = InfraredRemoteChannel.Ch0 this._proximityThreshold = new sensors.ThresholdDetector(this._id, 0, 100, 10, 90); this.setMode(InfraredSensorMode.Proximity); } _query() { if (this.mode == InfraredSensorMode.RemoteControl) return mapButton(this.getNumber(NumberFormat.UInt8LE, this._channel)); else if (this.mode == InfraredSensorMode.Proximity) { return this.getNumber(NumberFormat.UInt16LE, 0) & 0x0fff; } return 0 } _info(): string { if (this.mode == InfraredSensorMode.RemoteControl) return "remote"; else if (this.mode == InfraredSensorMode.Proximity) return `${this._query()}%`; return ""; } _update(prev: number, curr: number) { if (this.mode == InfraredSensorMode.RemoteControl) { for (let i = 0; i < __remoteButtons.length; ++i) { const v = !!(curr & __remoteButtons[i].position); __remoteButtons[i]._update(v) } } else if (this.mode == InfraredSensorMode.Proximity) { this._proximityThreshold.setLevel(curr); } } _deviceType() { return DAL.DEVICE_TYPE_IR } setMode(m: InfraredSensorMode) { this._setMode(m) } /** * Register code to run when an object is getting near. * @param handler the code to run when detected */ //% help=sensors/infrared/on-event //% block="on **infrared** %this|%event" //% blockId=infraredOn //% parts="infraredsensor" //% blockNamespace=sensors //% weight=100 blockGap=8 //% group="Infrared Sensor" //% this.fieldEditor="ports" onEvent(event: InfraredSensorEvent, handler: () => void) { this._setMode(InfraredSensorMode.Proximity) control.onEvent(this._id, event, handler); } /** * Wait until the infrared sensor detects something */ //% help=sensors/infrared/pause-until //% block="pause until **infrared** %this| %event" //% blockId=infraredwait //% parts="infraredsensor" //% blockNamespace=sensors //% weight=99 blockGap=8 //% group="Infrared Sensor" //% this.fieldEditor="ports" pauseUntil(event: InfraredSensorEvent) { this._setMode(InfraredSensorMode.Proximity) control.waitForEvent(this._id, event); } /** * Get the promixity measured by the infrared sensor, from ``0`` (close) to ``100`` (far) * @param sensor the infrared sensor */ //% help=sensors/infrared/proximity //% block="**infrared** %this|proximity" //% blockId=infraredGetProximity //% parts="infrared" //% blockNamespace=sensors //% weight=98 blockGap=8 //% group="Infrared Sensor" //% this.fieldEditor="ports" proximity(): number { this._setMode(InfraredSensorMode.Proximity) return this.getNumber(NumberFormat.UInt8LE, 0) } /** * Set the remote channel to listen to * @param channel the channel to listen */ //% blockNamespace=sensors //% blockId=irSetRemoteChannel block="set **infrared** %this|remote channel to %channel" //% weight=99 //% group="Remote Infrared Beacon" //% this.fieldEditor="ports" //% help=sensors/beacon/set-remote-channel setRemoteChannel(channel: InfraredRemoteChannel) { this.setMode(InfraredSensorMode.RemoteControl) channel = Math.clamp(0, 3, channel | 0) this._channel = channel; } /** * Sets a threshold value * @param condition the dark or bright light condition * @param value the value threshold */ //% blockId=irSetThreshold block="set **infrared** %this|%condition|to %value" //% group="Calibration" blockGap=8 weight=49 //% value.min=0 value.max=100 //% this.fieldEditor="ports" setPromixityThreshold(condition: InfraredSensorEvent, value: number) { if (condition == InfraredSensorEvent.ObjectNear) this._proximityThreshold.setLowThreshold(value) else this._proximityThreshold.setHighThreshold(value); } /** * Get a threshold value * @param condition the proximity condition */ //% blockId=irGetThreshold block="**infrared** %this|%condition" //% group="Calibration" weight=49 //% this.fieldEditor="ports" proximityThreshold(condition: InfraredSensorEvent): number { return this._proximityThreshold.threshold(<ThresholdState><number>condition); } // TODO private getDirectionAndDistance() { this._setMode(InfraredSensorMode.Seek) return this.getNumber(NumberFormat.UInt16LE, this._channel * 2) } } //% fixedInstance whenUsed block="1" jres=icons.port1 export const infrared1: InfraredSensor = new InfraredSensor(1) //% fixedInstance whenUsed block="2" jres=icons.port2 export const infrared2: InfraredSensor = new InfraredSensor(2) //% fixedInstance whenUsed block="3" jres=icons.port3 export const infrared3: InfraredSensor = new InfraredSensor(3) //% fixedInstance whenUsed block="4" jres=icons.port4 export const infrared4: InfraredSensor = new InfraredSensor(4) /** * Remote beacon (center) button. */ //% whenUsed block="center" weight=95 fixedInstance export const remoteButtonCenter = __irButton(InfraredRemoteButton.CenterBeacon) /** * Remote top-left button. */ //% whenUsed block="top left" weight=95 fixedInstance export const remoteButtonTopLeft = __irButton(InfraredRemoteButton.TopLeft) /** * Remote top-right button. */ //% whenUsed block="top right" weight=95 fixedInstance export const remoteButtonTopRight = __irButton(InfraredRemoteButton.TopRight) /** * Remote bottom-left button. */ //% whenUsed block="bottom left" weight=95 fixedInstance export const remoteButtonBottomLeft = __irButton(InfraredRemoteButton.BottomLeft) /** * Remote bottom-right button. */ //% whenUsed block="bottom right" weight=95 fixedInstance export const remoteButtonBottomRight = __irButton(InfraredRemoteButton.BottomRight) }