{ "Sound.buffer": "Returns the underlaying Buffer object.", "Sound.play": "Play sound with given volume.", "music": "Generation of music tones.", "music.beat": "Return the duration of a beat in milliseconds (the beat fraction).", "music.beat|param|fraction": "the fraction of the current whole note, eg: BeatFraction.Half", "music.changeTempoBy": "Change the tempo up or down by some amount of beats per minute (bpm).", "music.changeTempoBy|param|bpm": "The change in beats per minute to the tempo, eg: 20", "music.fromWAV": "Makes a sound bound to a buffer in WAV format.", "music.noteFrequency": "Get the frequency of a note.", "music.noteFrequency|param|name": "the note name, eg: Note.C", "music.playSound": "Start playing a sound and don't wait for it to finish.\nNotes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration]", "music.playSoundUntilDone": "Play a sound and wait until the sound is done.\nNotes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration]", "music.playSoundUntilDone|param|sound": "the melody to play, eg: music.sounds(Sounds.PowerUp)", "music.playSound|param|sound": "the melody to play, eg: music.sounds(Sounds.PowerUp)", "music.playTone": "Play a tone through the speaker for some amount of time.", "music.playTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz)", "music.playTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", "music.rest": "Rest, or play silence, for some time (in milleseconds).", "music.rest|param|ms": "rest duration in milliseconds (ms), eg: 100", "music.ringTone": "Play a tone.", "music.ringTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", "music.setTempo": "Set the tempo a number of beats per minute (bpm).", "music.setTempo|param|bpm": "The new tempo in beats per minute, eg: 120", "music.setVolume": "Set the output volume of the sound synthesizer.", "music.setVolume|param|volume": "the volume 0...256, eg: 128", "music.sounds": "Get the melody string for a built-in melody.", "music.sounds|param|name": "the note name, eg: Note.C", "music.stopAllSounds": "Stop all sounds from playing.", "music.tempo": "Return the tempo in beats per minute (bpm).\nTempo is the speed (bpm = beats per minute) at which notes play. The larger the tempo value, the faster the notes will play." }