/* * LEGO® MINDSTORMS EV3 * * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 The LEGO Group * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or * inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it with * other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not by itself * cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * However the source code for this file must still be made available in accordance * with section (3) of the GNU General Public License. * */ #ifndef BYTECODES_H_ #define BYTECODES_H_ #define BYTECODE_VERSION 1.09 /*! \page system * * \verbatim */ // HARDWARE #define vmOUTPUTS 4 //!< Number of output ports in the system #define vmINPUTS 4 //!< Number of input ports in the system #define vmBUTTONS 6 //!< Number of buttons in the system #define vmLEDS 4 //!< Number of LEDs in the system #define vmLCD_WIDTH 178 //!< LCD horizontal pixels #define vmLCD_HEIGHT 128 //!< LCD vertical pixels #define vmTOPLINE_HEIGHT 10 //!< Top line vertical pixels #define vmLCD_STORE_LEVELS 3 //!< Store levels #define vmDEFAULT_VOLUME 100 #define vmDEFAULT_SLEEPMINUTES 30 // SOFTWARE #define vmFG_COLOR 1 //!< Forground color #define vmBG_COLOR 0 //!< Background color #define vmCHAIN_DEPT 4 //!< Number of bricks in the USB daisy chain (master + slaves) #define FILEPERMISSIONS (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH) #define DIRPERMISSIONS (S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO) #define SYSPERMISSIONS (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH) #define vmPATHSIZE 84 //!< Max path size excluding trailing forward slash including zero termination #define vmNAMESIZE 32 //!< Max name size including zero termination (must be divideable by 4) #define vmEXTSIZE 5 //!< Max extension size including dot and zero termination #define vmFILENAMESIZE 120 //!< Max filename size including path, name, extension and termination (must be divideable by 4) #define vmMACSIZE 18 //!< Max WIFI MAC size including zero termination #define vmIPSIZE 16 //!< Max WIFI IP size including zero termination #define vmBTADRSIZE 13 //!< Max bluetooth address size including zero termination #define vmERR_STRING_SIZE 32 // Inclusive zero termination #define vmEVENT_BT_PIN 1 #define vmEVENT_BT_REQ_CONF 2 #define vmMAX_VALID_TYPE 101 //!< Highest valid device type // FOLDERS #define vmMEMORY_FOLDER "/mnt/ramdisk" //!< Folder for non volatile user programs/data #define vmPROGRAM_FOLDER "../prjs/BrkProg_SAVE" //!< Folder for On Brick Programming programs #define vmDATALOG_FOLDER "../prjs/BrkDL_SAVE" //!< Folder for On Brick Data log files #define vmSDCARD_FOLDER "../prjs/SD_Card" //!< Folder for SD card mount #define vmUSBSTICK_FOLDER "../prjs/USB_Stick" //!< Folder for USB stick mount #define vmPRJS_DIR "../prjs" //!< Project folder #define vmAPPS_DIR "../apps" //!< Apps folder #define vmTOOLS_DIR "../tools" //!< Tools folder #define vmTMP_DIR "../tmp" //!< Temporary folder #define vmSETTINGS_DIR "../sys/settings" //!< Folder for non volatile settings #define vmDIR_DEEPT 127 //!< Max directory items allocated including "." and ".." // FILES USED IN APPLICATION #define vmLASTRUN_FILE_NAME "lastrun" //!< Last run filename #define vmCALDATA_FILE_NAME "caldata" //!< Calibration data filename // FILES USED IN APPS #define vmSLEEP_FILE_NAME "Sleep" //!< File used in "Sleep" app to save status #define vmVOLUME_FILE_NAME "Volume" //!< File used in "Volume" app to save status #define vmWIFI_FILE_NAME "WiFi" //!< File used in "WiFi" app to save status #define vmBLUETOOTH_FILE_NAME "Bluetooth" //!< File used in "Bluetooth" app to save status // EXTENSIONS #define vmEXT_SOUND ".rsf" //!< Robot Sound File #define vmEXT_GRAPHICS ".rgf" //!< Robot Graphics File #define vmEXT_BYTECODE ".rbf" //!< Robot Byte code File #define vmEXT_TEXT ".rtf" //!< Robot Text File #define vmEXT_DATALOG ".rdf" //!< Robot Datalog File #define vmEXT_PROGRAM ".rpf" //!< Robot Program File #define vmEXT_CONFIG ".rcf" //!< Robot Configuration File #define vmEXT_ARCHIVE ".raf" //!< Robot Archive File // NAME LENGTHs #define vmBRICKNAMESIZE 120 //!< Brick name maximal size (including zero termination) #define vmBTPASSKEYSIZE 7 //!< Bluetooth pass key size (including zero termination) #define vmWIFIPASSKEYSIZE 33 //!< WiFi pass key size (including zero termination) // VALID CHARACTERS #define vmCHARSET_NAME 0x01 //!< Character set allowed in brick name and raw filenames #define vmCHARSET_FILENAME 0x02 //!< Character set allowed in file names #define vmCHARSET_BTPASSKEY 0x04 //!< Character set allowed in bluetooth pass key #define vmCHARSET_WIFIPASSKEY 0x08 //!< Character set allowed in WiFi pass key #define vmCHARSET_WIFISSID 0x10 //!< Character set allowed in WiFi ssid // NUMBER LIMITS #define vmDATA8_MIN (-127) //!< DATA8 negative limit #define vmDATA8_MAX (127) //!< DATA8 positive limit #define vmDATA16_MIN (-32767) //!< DATA16 negative limit #define vmDATA16_MAX (32767) //!< DATA16 positive limit #define vmDATA32_MIN (-2147483647) //!< DATA32 negative limit #define vmDATA32_MAX (2147483647) //!< DATA32 positive limit #define vmDATAF_MIN (-2147483647) //!< DATAF negative limit #define vmDATAF_MAX (2147483647) //!< DATAF positive limit #define vmDATA8_NAN (0x80) #define vmDATA16_NAN (0x8000) #define vmDATA32_NAN (0x80000000) #define vmDATAF_NAN (0x7FC00000) /* \endverbatim */ #define vmPULSE_GUI_BACKGROUND 0x01 #define vmPULSE_BROWSER 0x02 #define vmPULSE_KEY 0x04 /*! \page bytecodedef Byte Code Defines * * \verbatim */ typedef enum { // \endverbatim \ref VM \verbatim // 0000.... opERROR = 0x00, // 0000 opNOP = 0x01, // 0001 opPROGRAM_STOP = 0x02, // 0010 opPROGRAM_START = 0x03, // 0011 opOBJECT_STOP = 0x04, // 0100 opOBJECT_START = 0x05, // 0101 opOBJECT_TRIG = 0x06, // 0110 opOBJECT_WAIT = 0x07, // 0111 opRETURN = 0x08, // 1000 opCALL = 0x09, // 1001 opOBJECT_END = 0x0A, // 1010 opSLEEP = 0x0B, // 1011 opPROGRAM_INFO = 0x0C, // 1100 opLABEL = 0x0D, // 1101 opPROBE = 0x0E, // 1110 opDO = 0x0F, // 1111 // \endverbatim \ref cMath "MATH" \verbatim // 0001.... // ADD 00.. opADD8 = 0x10, // 00 opADD16 = 0x11, // 01 opADD32 = 0x12, // 10 opADDF = 0x13, // 11 // SUB 01.. opSUB8 = 0x14, // 00 opSUB16 = 0x15, // 01 opSUB32 = 0x16, // 10 opSUBF = 0x17, // 11 // MUL 10.. opMUL8 = 0x18, // 00 opMUL16 = 0x19, // 01 opMUL32 = 0x1A, // 10 opMULF = 0x1B, // 11 // DIV 11.. opDIV8 = 0x1C, // 00 opDIV16 = 0x1D, // 01 opDIV32 = 0x1E, // 10 opDIVF = 0x1F, // 11 // \endverbatim \ref Logic "LOGIC" \verbatim // LOGIC 0010.... // OR 00.. opOR8 = 0x20, // 00 opOR16 = 0x21, // 01 opOR32 = 0x22, // 10 // AND 01.. opAND8 = 0x24, // 00 opAND16 = 0x25, // 01 opAND32 = 0x26, // 10 // XOR 10.. opXOR8 = 0x28, // 00 opXOR16 = 0x29, // 01 opXOR32 = 0x2A, // 10 // RL 11.. opRL8 = 0x2C, // 00 opRL16 = 0x2D, // 01 opRL32 = 0x2E, // 10 // \endverbatim \ref cMove "MOVE" \verbatim opINIT_BYTES = 0x2F, // 1111 // MOVE 0011.... // MOVE8_ 00.. opMOVE8_8 = 0x30, // 00 opMOVE8_16 = 0x31, // 01 opMOVE8_32 = 0x32, // 10 opMOVE8_F = 0x33, // 11 // MOVE16_ 01.. opMOVE16_8 = 0x34, // 00 opMOVE16_16 = 0x35, // 01 opMOVE16_32 = 0x36, // 10 opMOVE16_F = 0x37, // 11 // MOVE32_ 10.. opMOVE32_8 = 0x38, // 00 opMOVE32_16 = 0x39, // 01 opMOVE32_32 = 0x3A, // 10 opMOVE32_F = 0x3B, // 11 // MOVEF_ 11.. opMOVEF_8 = 0x3C, // 00 opMOVEF_16 = 0x3D, // 01 opMOVEF_32 = 0x3E, // 10 opMOVEF_F = 0x3F, // 11 // \endverbatim \ref cBranch "BRANCH" \verbatim // BRANCH 010000.. opJR = 0x40, // 00 opJR_FALSE = 0x41, // 01 opJR_TRUE = 0x42, // 10 opJR_NAN = 0x43, // 11 // \endverbatim \ref cCompare "COMPARE" \verbatim // COMPARE 010..... // CP_LT 001.. opCP_LT8 = 0x44, // 00 opCP_LT16 = 0x45, // 01 opCP_LT32 = 0x46, // 10 opCP_LTF = 0x47, // 11 // CP_GT 010.. opCP_GT8 = 0x48, // 00 opCP_GT16 = 0x49, // 01 opCP_GT32 = 0x4A, // 10 opCP_GTF = 0x4B, // 11 // CP_EQ 011.. opCP_EQ8 = 0x4C, // 00 opCP_EQ16 = 0x4D, // 01 opCP_EQ32 = 0x4E, // 10 opCP_EQF = 0x4F, // 11 // CP_NEQ 100.. opCP_NEQ8 = 0x50, // 00 opCP_NEQ16 = 0x51, // 01 opCP_NEQ32 = 0x52, // 10 opCP_NEQF = 0x53, // 11 // CP_LTEQ 101.. opCP_LTEQ8 = 0x54, // 00 opCP_LTEQ16 = 0x55, // 01 opCP_LTEQ32 = 0x56, // 10 opCP_LTEQF = 0x57, // 11 // CP_GTEQ 110.. opCP_GTEQ8 = 0x58, // 00 opCP_GTEQ16 = 0x59, // 01 opCP_GTEQ32 = 0x5A, // 10 opCP_GTEQF = 0x5B, // 11 // \endverbatim \ref Select "SELECT" \verbatim // SELECT 010111.. opSELECT8 = 0x5C, // 00 opSELECT16 = 0x5D, // 01 opSELECT32 = 0x5E, // 10 opSELECTF = 0x5F, // 11 // \endverbatim \ref VM \verbatim opSYSTEM = 0x60, opPORT_CNV_OUTPUT = 0x61, opPORT_CNV_INPUT = 0x62, opNOTE_TO_FREQ = 0x63, // \endverbatim \ref cBranch "BRANCH" \verbatim // BRANCH 011000.. //? 00 //? 01 //? 10 //? 11 // JR_LT 001.. opJR_LT8 = 0x64, // 00 opJR_LT16 = 0x65, // 01 opJR_LT32 = 0x66, // 10 opJR_LTF = 0x67, // 11 // JR_GT 010.. opJR_GT8 = 0x68, // 00 opJR_GT16 = 0x69, // 01 opJR_GT32 = 0x6A, // 10 opJR_GTF = 0x6B, // 11 // JR_EQ 011.. opJR_EQ8 = 0x6C, // 00 opJR_EQ16 = 0x6D, // 01 opJR_EQ32 = 0x6E, // 10 opJR_EQF = 0x6F, // 11 // JR_NEQ 100.. opJR_NEQ8 = 0x70, // 00 opJR_NEQ16 = 0x71, // 01 opJR_NEQ32 = 0x72, // 10 opJR_NEQF = 0x73, // 11 // JR_LTEQ 101.. opJR_LTEQ8 = 0x74, // 00 opJR_LTEQ16 = 0x75, // 01 opJR_LTEQ32 = 0x76, // 10 opJR_LTEQF = 0x77, // 11 // JR_GTEQ 110.. opJR_GTEQ8 = 0x78, // 00 opJR_GTEQ16 = 0x79, // 01 opJR_GTEQ32 = 0x7A, // 10 opJR_GTEQF = 0x7B, // 11 // \endverbatim \ref VM \verbatim opINFO = 0x7C, // 01111100 opSTRINGS = 0x7D, // 01111101 opMEMORY_WRITE = 0x7E, // 01111110 opMEMORY_READ = 0x7F, // 01111111 // SYSTEM 1....... // \endverbatim \ref cUi "UI" \verbatim // UI 100000.. opUI_FLUSH = 0x80, // 00 opUI_READ = 0x81, // 01 opUI_WRITE = 0x82, // 10 opUI_BUTTON = 0x83, // 11 opUI_DRAW = 0x84, // 10000100 // \endverbatim \ref cTimer "TIMER" \verbatim opTIMER_WAIT = 0x85, // 10000101 opTIMER_READY = 0x86, // 10000110 opTIMER_READ = 0x87, // 10000111 // \endverbatim \ref VM \verbatim // BREAKPOINT 10001... opBP0 = 0x88, // 000 opBP1 = 0x89, // 001 opBP2 = 0x8A, // 010 opBP3 = 0x8B, // 011 opBP_SET = 0x8C, // 10001100 opMATH = 0x8D, // 10001101 opRANDOM = 0x8E, // 10001110 // \endverbatim \ref cTimer "TIMER" \verbatim opTIMER_READ_US = 0x8F, // 10001111 // \endverbatim \ref cUi "UI" \verbatim opKEEP_ALIVE = 0x90, // 10010000 // \endverbatim \ref cCom "COM" \verbatim // 100100 opCOM_READ = 0x91, // 01 opCOM_WRITE = 0x92, // 10 // \endverbatim \ref cSound "SOUND" \verbatim // 100101 opSOUND = 0x94, // 00 opSOUND_TEST = 0x95, // 01 opSOUND_READY = 0x96, // 10 // \endverbatim \ref cInput "INPUT" \verbatim // opINPUT_SAMPLE = 0x97, // 10010111 // 10011... opINPUT_DEVICE_LIST = 0x98, // 000 opINPUT_DEVICE = 0x99, // 001 opINPUT_READ = 0x9A, // 010 opINPUT_TEST = 0x9B, // 011 opINPUT_READY = 0x9C, // 100 opINPUT_READSI = 0x9D, // 101 opINPUT_READEXT = 0x9E, // 110 opINPUT_WRITE = 0x9F, // 111 // \endverbatim \ref cOutput "OUTPUT" \verbatim // 101..... opOUTPUT_GET_TYPE = 0xA0, // 00000 opOUTPUT_SET_TYPE = 0xA1, // 00001 opOUTPUT_RESET = 0xA2, // 00010 opOUTPUT_STOP = 0xA3, // 00011 opOUTPUT_POWER = 0xA4, // 00100 opOUTPUT_SPEED = 0xA5, // 00101 opOUTPUT_START = 0xA6, // 00110 opOUTPUT_POLARITY = 0xA7, // 00111 opOUTPUT_READ = 0xA8, // 01000 opOUTPUT_TEST = 0xA9, // 01001 opOUTPUT_READY = 0xAA, // 01010 opOUTPUT_POSITION = 0xAB, // 01011 opOUTPUT_STEP_POWER = 0xAC, // 01100 opOUTPUT_TIME_POWER = 0xAD, // 01101 opOUTPUT_STEP_SPEED = 0xAE, // 01110 opOUTPUT_TIME_SPEED = 0xAF, // 01111 opOUTPUT_STEP_SYNC = 0xB0, // 10000 opOUTPUT_TIME_SYNC = 0xB1, // 10001 opOUTPUT_CLR_COUNT = 0xB2, // 10010 opOUTPUT_GET_COUNT = 0xB3, // 10011 opOUTPUT_PRG_STOP = 0xB4, // 10100 // \endverbatim \ref cMemory "MEMORY" \verbatim // 11000... opFILE = 0xC0, // 000 opARRAY = 0xC1, // 001 opARRAY_WRITE = 0xC2, // 010 opARRAY_READ = 0xC3, // 011 opARRAY_APPEND = 0xC4, // 100 opMEMORY_USAGE = 0xC5, // 101 opFILENAME = 0xC6, // 110 // \endverbatim \ref cMove "READ" \verbatim // 110010.. opREAD8 = 0xC8, // 00 opREAD16 = 0xC9, // 01 opREAD32 = 0xCA, // 10 opREADF = 0xCB, // 11 // \endverbatim \ref cMove "WRITE" \verbatim // 110011.. opWRITE8 = 0xCC, // 00 opWRITE16 = 0xCD, // 01 opWRITE32 = 0xCE, // 10 opWRITEF = 0xCF, // 11 // \endverbatim \ref cCom "COM" \verbatim // 11010... opCOM_READY = 0xD0, // 000 opCOM_READDATA = 0xD1, // 001 opCOM_WRITEDATA = 0xD2, // 010 opCOM_GET = 0xD3, // 011 opCOM_SET = 0xD4, // 100 opCOM_TEST = 0xD5, // 101 opCOM_REMOVE = 0xD6, // 110 opCOM_WRITEFILE = 0xD7, // 111 // 11011... opMAILBOX_OPEN = 0xD8, // 000 opMAILBOX_WRITE = 0xD9, // 001 opMAILBOX_READ = 0xDA, // 010 opMAILBOX_TEST = 0xDB, // 011 opMAILBOX_READY = 0xDC, // 100 opMAILBOX_CLOSE = 0xDD, // 101 // SPARE 111..... // \endverbatim \ref TST \verbatim opTST = 0xFF // 11111111 } OP; /* * \endverbatim */ //! \page uireadsubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { GET_VBATT = 1, GET_IBATT = 2, GET_OS_VERS = 3, GET_EVENT = 4, GET_TBATT = 5, GET_IINT = 6, GET_IMOTOR = 7, GET_STRING = 8, GET_HW_VERS = 9, GET_FW_VERS = 10, GET_FW_BUILD = 11, GET_OS_BUILD = 12, GET_ADDRESS = 13, GET_CODE = 14, KEY = 15, GET_SHUTDOWN = 16, GET_WARNING = 17, GET_LBATT = 18, TEXTBOX_READ = 21, GET_VERSION = 26, GET_IP = 27, GET_POWER = 29, GET_SDCARD = 30, GET_USBSTICK = 31, UI_READ_SUBCODES } UI_READ_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page uiwritesubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { WRITE_FLUSH = 1, FLOATVALUE = 2, STAMP = 3, PUT_STRING = 8, VALUE8 = 9, VALUE16 = 10, VALUE32 = 11, VALUEF = 12, ADDRESS = 13, CODE = 14, DOWNLOAD_END = 15, SCREEN_BLOCK = 16, ALLOW_PULSE = 17, SET_PULSE = 18, TEXTBOX_APPEND = 21, SET_BUSY = 22, SET_TESTPIN = 24, INIT_RUN = 25, UPDATE_RUN = 26, LED = 27, POWER = 29, GRAPH_SAMPLE = 30, TERMINAL = 31, UI_WRITE_SUBCODES } UI_WRITE_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page uibuttonsubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { SHORTPRESS = 1, LONGPRESS = 2, WAIT_FOR_PRESS = 3, FLUSH = 4, PRESS = 5, RELEASE = 6, GET_HORZ = 7, GET_VERT = 8, PRESSED = 9, SET_BACK_BLOCK = 10, GET_BACK_BLOCK = 11, TESTSHORTPRESS = 12, TESTLONGPRESS = 13, GET_BUMBED = 14, GET_CLICK = 15, UI_BUTTON_SUBCODES } UI_BUTTON_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page comreadsubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { COMMAND = 14, COM_READ_SUBCODES } COM_READ_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page comwritesubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { REPLY = 14, COM_WRITE_SUBCODES } COM_WRITE_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page comgetsubcode Specific command parameter //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { GET_ON_OFF = 1, //!< Set, Get GET_VISIBLE = 2, //!< Set, Get GET_RESULT = 4, //!< Get GET_PIN = 5, //!< Set, Get SEARCH_ITEMS = 8, //!< Get SEARCH_ITEM = 9, //!< Get FAVOUR_ITEMS = 10, //!< Get FAVOUR_ITEM = 11, //!< Get GET_ID = 12, GET_BRICKNAME = 13, GET_NETWORK = 14, GET_PRESENT = 15, GET_ENCRYPT = 16, CONNEC_ITEMS = 17, CONNEC_ITEM = 18, GET_INCOMING = 19, GET_MODE2 = 20, COM_GET_SUBCODES } COM_GET_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page comsetsubcode Specific command parameter //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { SET_ON_OFF = 1, //!< Set, Get SET_VISIBLE = 2, //!< Set, Get SET_SEARCH = 3, //!< Set SET_PIN = 5, //!< Set, Get SET_PASSKEY = 6, //!< Set SET_CONNECTION = 7, //!< Set SET_BRICKNAME = 8, SET_MOVEUP = 9, SET_MOVEDOWN = 10, SET_ENCRYPT = 11, SET_SSID = 12, SET_MODE2 = 13, COM_SET_SUBCODES } COM_SET_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page inputdevicesubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { INSERT_TYPE = 1, GET_FORMAT = 2, CAL_MINMAX = 3, CAL_DEFAULT = 4, GET_TYPEMODE = 5, GET_SYMBOL = 6, CAL_MIN = 7, CAL_MAX = 8, SETUP = 9, CLR_ALL = 10, GET_RAW = 11, GET_CONNECTION = 12, STOP_ALL = 13, SET_TYPEMODE = 14, READY_IIC = 15, GET_NAME = 21, GET_MODENAME = 22, SET_RAW = 23, GET_FIGURES = 24, GET_CHANGES = 25, CLR_CHANGES = 26, READY_PCT = 27, READY_RAW = 28, READY_SI = 29, GET_MINMAX = 30, GET_BUMPS = 31, INPUT_DEVICESUBCODES } INPUT_DEVICE_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page programinfosubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { OBJ_STOP = 0, // VM OBJ_START = 4, // VM GET_STATUS = 22, // VM GET_SPEED = 23, // VM GET_PRGRESULT = 24, // VM SET_INSTR = 25, // VM PROGRAM_INFO_SUBCODES, } PROGRAM_INFO_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page uidrawsubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { UPDATE = 0, CLEAN = 1, PIXEL = 2, LINE = 3, CIRCLE = 4, TEXT = 5, ICON = 6, PICTURE = 7, VALUE = 8, FILLRECT = 9, RECT = 10, NOTIFICATION = 11, QUESTION = 12, KEYBOARD = 13, BROWSE = 14, VERTBAR = 15, INVERSERECT = 16, SELECT_FONT = 17, TOPLINE = 18, FILLWINDOW = 19, SCROLL = 20, DOTLINE = 21, VIEW_VALUE = 22, VIEW_UNIT = 23, FILLCIRCLE = 24, STORE = 25, RESTORE = 26, ICON_QUESTION = 27, BMPFILE = 28, POPUP = 29, GRAPH_SETUP = 30, GRAPH_DRAW = 31, TEXTBOX = 32, UI_DRAW_SUBCODES } UI_DRAW_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page memoryfilesubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { OPEN_APPEND = 0, OPEN_READ = 1, OPEN_WRITE = 2, READ_VALUE = 3, WRITE_VALUE = 4, READ_TEXT = 5, WRITE_TEXT = 6, CLOSE = 7, LOAD_IMAGE = 8, GET_HANDLE = 9, MAKE_FOLDER = 10, GET_POOL = 11, SET_LOG_SYNC_TIME = 12, GET_FOLDERS = 13, GET_LOG_SYNC_TIME = 14, GET_SUBFOLDER_NAME = 15, WRITE_LOG = 16, CLOSE_LOG = 17, GET_IMAGE = 18, GET_ITEM = 19, GET_CACHE_FILES = 20, PUT_CACHE_FILE = 21, GET_CACHE_FILE = 22, DEL_CACHE_FILE = 23, DEL_SUBFOLDER = 24, GET_LOG_NAME = 25, OPEN_LOG = 27, READ_BYTES = 28, WRITE_BYTES = 29, REMOVE = 30, MOVE = 31, FILE_SUBCODES } FILE_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page memoryarraysubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { DELETE = 0, CREATE8 = 1, CREATE16 = 2, CREATE32 = 3, CREATEF = 4, RESIZE = 5, FILL = 6, COPY = 7, INIT8 = 8, INIT16 = 9, INIT32 = 10, INITF = 11, SIZE = 12, READ_CONTENT = 13, WRITE_CONTENT = 14, READ_SIZE = 15, ARRAY_SUBCODES } ARRAY_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page memoryfilenamesubcode Specific command parameter //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { EXIST = 16, //!< MUST BE GREATER OR EQUAL TO "ARRAY_SUBCODES" TOTALSIZE = 17, SPLIT = 18, MERGE = 19, CHECK = 20, PACK = 21, UNPACK = 22, GET_FOLDERNAME = 23, FILENAME_SUBCODES } FILENAME_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page infosubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { SET_ERROR = 1, GET_ERROR = 2, ERRORTEXT = 3, GET_VOLUME = 4, SET_VOLUME = 5, GET_MINUTES = 6, SET_MINUTES = 7, INFO_SUBCODES } INFO_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page soundsubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { BREAK = 0, TONE = 1, PLAY = 2, REPEAT = 3, SERVICE = 4, SOUND_SUBCODES } SOUND_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim //! \page stringsubcode Specific command parameter //! //! //! \verbatim //! typedef enum { GET_SIZE = 1, // VM get string size ADD = 2, // VM add two strings COMPARE = 3, // VM compare two strings DUPLICATE = 5, // VM duplicate one string to another VALUE_TO_STRING = 6, STRING_TO_VALUE = 7, STRIP = 8, NUMBER_TO_STRING = 9, SUB = 10, VALUE_FORMATTED = 11, NUMBER_FORMATTED = 12, STRING_SUBCODES } STRING_SUBCODE; //! \endverbatim /*! \page types