#include "pxt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ev3const.h" #define THREAD_DBG(...) #define MALLOC_LIMIT (8 * 1024 * 1024) #define MALLOC_CHECK_PERIOD (1024 * 1024) namespace Array_ { RefCollection *mk(unsigned flags); } void *xmalloc(size_t sz) { static size_t allocBytes = 0; allocBytes += sz; if (allocBytes >= MALLOC_CHECK_PERIOD) { allocBytes = 0; auto info = mallinfo(); DMESG("malloc used: %d kb", info.uordblks / 1024); if (info.uordblks > MALLOC_LIMIT) { target_panic(904); } } auto r = malloc(sz); if (r == NULL) target_panic(905); // shouldn't happen return r; } void *operator new(size_t size) { return xmalloc(size); } void *operator new[](size_t size) { return xmalloc(size); } void operator delete(void *p) { free(p); } void operator delete[](void *p) { free(p); } namespace pxt { static int startTime; static pthread_mutex_t execMutex; static pthread_mutex_t eventMutex; static pthread_cond_t newEventBroadcast; struct Thread { struct Thread *next; Action act; TValue arg0; pthread_t pid; pthread_cond_t waitCond; int waitSource; int waitValue; TValue data0; TValue data1; }; static struct Thread *allThreads; static struct Event *eventHead, *eventTail; static int usbFD; static int dmesgPtr; static int dmesgSerialPtr; static char dmesgBuf[4096]; struct Event { struct Event *next; int source; int value; }; Event lastEvent; Event *mkEvent(int source, int value) { auto res = new Event(); memset(res, 0, sizeof(Event)); res->source = source; res->value = value; return res; } #define USB_MAGIC 0x3d3f #define USB_SERIAL 1 #define USB_RESTART 2 #define USB_DMESG 3 struct UsbPacket { uint16_t size; uint16_t msgcount; uint16_t magic; uint16_t code; char buf[1024 - 8]; }; void *usbThread(void *) { UsbPacket pkt; UsbPacket resp; while (true) { int len = read(usbFD, &pkt, sizeof(pkt)); if (len <= 4) { sleep_core_us(20000); continue; } resp.msgcount = pkt.msgcount; if (pkt.magic == USB_MAGIC) { if (pkt.code == USB_RESTART) { target_reset(); } else if (pkt.code == USB_DMESG) { dumpDmesg(); } /* resp.magic = pkt.magic; resp.code = pkt.code; resp.size = 8; write(usbFD, &resp, sizeof(resp)); */ } else { resp.magic = 0xffff; resp.size = 4; write(usbFD, &resp, sizeof(resp)); } sleep_core_us(1000); } } static void startUsb() { usbFD = open("/dev/lms_usbdev", O_RDWR, 0666); pthread_t pid; pthread_create(&pid, NULL, usbThread, NULL); pthread_detach(pid); } static void *exitThread(void *) { int fd = open("/dev/lms_ui", O_RDWR, 0666); if (fd < 0) return 0; uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)mmap(NULL, NUM_BUTTONS, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (data == MAP_FAILED) { close(fd); return 0; } for (;;) { if (data[5]) target_reset(); sleep_core_us(50000); } } static void startExitThread() { pthread_t pid; pthread_create(&pid, NULL, exitThread, NULL); pthread_detach(pid); } void sendUsb(uint16_t code, const char *data, int len) { while (len > 0) { int sz = len; if (sz > 1000) sz = 1000; UsbPacket pkt = {(uint16_t)(6 + sz), 0, USB_MAGIC, code, {}}; memcpy(pkt.buf, data, sz); write(usbFD, &pkt, sizeof(pkt)); len -= sz; data += sz; } } void sendSerial(const char *data, int len) { sendUsb(USB_SERIAL, data, len); } volatile bool paniced; extern "C" void drawPanic(int code); extern "C" void target_panic(int error_code) { char buf[50]; paniced = true; pthread_mutex_trylock(&execMutex); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\nPANIC %d\n", error_code); drawPanic(error_code); DMESG("PANIC %d", error_code); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { sendSerial(buf, strlen(buf)); sleep_core_us(500 * 1000); } target_reset(); } void startUser() { pthread_mutex_lock(&execMutex); } void stopUser() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&execMutex); } void sleep_core_us(uint64_t us) { struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = us / 1000000; ts.tv_nsec = (us % 1000000) * 1000; while (nanosleep(&ts, &ts)) ; } void sleep_ms(uint32_t ms) { stopUser(); sleep_core_us(ms * 1000); startUser(); } void sleep_us(uint64_t us) { if (us > 50000) { sleep_ms(us / 1000); } sleep_core_us(us); } uint64_t currTime() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000; } int current_time_ms() { return currTime() - startTime; } void disposeThread(Thread *t) { if (allThreads == t) { allThreads = t->next; } else { for (auto tt = allThreads; tt; tt = tt->next) { if (tt->next == t) { tt->next = t->next; break; } } } decr(t->act); decr(t->arg0); decr(t->data0); decr(t->data1); pthread_cond_destroy(&t->waitCond); delete t; } static void runAct(Thread *thr) { startUser(); pxt::runAction1(thr->act, thr->arg0); stopUser(); disposeThread(thr); } static void mainThread(Thread *) {} void setupThread(Action a, TValue arg = 0, void (*runner)(Thread *) = NULL, TValue d0 = 0, TValue d1 = 0) { if (runner == NULL) runner = runAct; auto thr = new Thread(); memset(thr, 0, sizeof(Thread)); thr->next = allThreads; allThreads = thr; thr->act = incr(a); thr->arg0 = incr(arg); thr->data0 = incr(d0); thr->data1 = incr(d1); pthread_cond_init(&thr->waitCond, NULL); if (runner == mainThread) { thr->pid = pthread_self(); } else { pthread_create(&thr->pid, NULL, (void *(*)(void *))runner, thr); THREAD_DBG("setup thread: %p (pid %p)", thr, thr->pid); pthread_detach(thr->pid); } } void releaseFiber() { stopUser(); pthread_exit(NULL); } void runInParallel(Action a) { setupThread(a); } static void runFor(Thread *t) { startUser(); while (true) { pxt::runAction0(t->act); sleep_ms(20); } } void runForever(Action a) { setupThread(a, 0, runFor); } void waitForEvent(int source, int value) { THREAD_DBG("waitForEv: %d %d", source, value); auto self = pthread_self(); for (auto t = allThreads; t; t = t->next) { THREAD_DBG("t: %p", t); if (t->pid == self) { pthread_mutex_lock(&eventMutex); t->waitSource = source; t->waitValue = value; stopUser(); // spourious wake ups may occur they say while (t->waitSource) { pthread_cond_wait(&t->waitCond, &eventMutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventMutex); startUser(); return; } } DMESG("current thread not registered!"); target_panic(901); } static void dispatchEvent(Event &e) { lastEvent = e; auto curr = findBinding(e.source, e.value); if (curr) setupThread(curr->action, fromInt(e.value)); curr = findBinding(e.source, DEVICE_EVT_ANY); if (curr) setupThread(curr->action, fromInt(e.value)); } static void *evtDispatcher(void *dummy) { pthread_mutex_lock(&eventMutex); while (true) { pthread_cond_wait(&newEventBroadcast, &eventMutex); while (eventHead != NULL) { if (paniced) return 0; Event *ev = eventHead; eventHead = ev->next; if (eventHead == NULL) eventTail = NULL; for (auto thr = allThreads; thr; thr = thr->next) { if (paniced) return 0; if (thr->waitSource == 0) continue; if (thr->waitValue != ev->value && thr->waitValue != DEVICE_EVT_ANY) continue; if (thr->waitSource == ev->source) { thr->waitSource = 0; // once! pthread_cond_broadcast(&thr->waitCond); } else if (thr->waitSource == DEVICE_ID_NOTIFY && ev->source == DEVICE_ID_NOTIFY_ONE) { thr->waitSource = 0; // once! pthread_cond_broadcast(&thr->waitCond); break; // do not wake up any other threads } } dispatchEvent(*ev); delete ev; } } } int allocateNotifyEvent() { static volatile int notifyId; pthread_mutex_lock(&eventMutex); int res = ++notifyId; pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventMutex); return res; } void raiseEvent(int id, int event) { auto e = mkEvent(id, event); pthread_mutex_lock(&eventMutex); if (eventTail == NULL) { if (eventHead != NULL) target_panic(902); eventHead = eventTail = e; } else { eventTail->next = e; eventTail = e; } pthread_cond_broadcast(&newEventBroadcast); pthread_mutex_unlock(&eventMutex); } void registerWithDal(int id, int event, Action a, int flags) { // TODO support flags setBinding(id, event, a); } static void runPoller(Thread *thr) { Action query = thr->data0; auto us = (uint64_t)toInt(thr->data1) * 1000; // note that this is run without the user mutex held - it should not modify any state! TValue prev = pxt::runAction0(query); startUser(); pxt::runAction2(thr->act, prev, prev); stopUser(); while (true) { sleep_core_us(us); if (paniced) break; TValue curr = pxt::runAction0(query); if (curr != prev) { startUser(); pxt::runAction2(thr->act, prev, curr); stopUser(); if (paniced) break; decr(prev); prev = curr; } } // disposeThread(thr); } //% void unsafePollForChanges(int ms, Action query, Action handler) { setupThread(handler, 0, runPoller, query, fromInt(ms)); } uint32_t afterProgramPage() { return 0; } void dumpDmesg() { auto len = dmesgPtr - dmesgSerialPtr; if (len == 0) return; sendSerial(dmesgBuf + dmesgSerialPtr, len); dmesgSerialPtr = dmesgPtr; } int lmsPid; void stopLMS() { struct dirent *ent; DIR *dir; dir = opendir("/proc"); if (dir == NULL) return; while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { int pid = atoi(ent->d_name); if (!pid) continue; char namebuf[100]; snprintf(namebuf, 100, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid); FILE *f = fopen(namebuf, "r"); if (f) { fread(namebuf, 1, 99, f); if (strcmp(namebuf, "./lms2012") == 0) { lmsPid = pid; } fclose(f); if (lmsPid) break; } } closedir(dir); lmsPid = 0; // disable SIGSTOP for now - rethink if problems with I2C (runs on a thread) if (lmsPid) { DMESG("SIGSTOP to lmsPID=%d", lmsPid); if (kill(lmsPid, SIGSTOP)) DMESG("SIGSTOP failed"); } } void runLMS() { DMESG("re-starting LMS2012"); kill(lmsPid, SIGCONT); sleep_core_us(200000); exit(0); /* chdir("/home/root/lms2012/sys"); for (int fd = 3; fd < 9999; ++fd) close(fd); execl("lms2012", "./lms2012"); exit(100); // should not be reached */ } void stopMotors() { uint8_t cmd[3] = {opOutputStop, 0x0F, 0}; int fd = open("/dev/lms_pwm", O_RDWR); write(fd, cmd, 3); close(fd); } void stopProgram() { uint8_t cmd[1] = {opOutputProgramStop}; int fd = open("/dev/lms_pwm", O_RDWR); write(fd, cmd, 1); close(fd); } extern "C" void target_reset() { stopMotors(); stopProgram(); if (lmsPid) runLMS(); else exit(0); } void screen_init(); void initRuntime() { // daemon(1, 1); startTime = currTime(); DMESG("runtime starting..."); stopLMS(); startUsb(); startExitThread(); pthread_t disp; pthread_create(&disp, NULL, evtDispatcher, NULL); pthread_detach(disp); setupThread(0, 0, mainThread); target_init(); screen_init(); startUser(); } static FILE *dmesgFile; void dmesgRaw(const char *buf, uint32_t len) { if (!dmesgFile) { dmesgFile = fopen("/tmp/dmesg.txt", "w"); if (!dmesgFile) dmesgFile = stderr; } if (len > sizeof(dmesgBuf) / 2) return; if (dmesgPtr + len > sizeof(dmesgBuf)) { dmesgPtr = 0; dmesgSerialPtr = 0; } memcpy(dmesgBuf + dmesgPtr, buf, len); dmesgPtr += len; fwrite(buf, 1, len, dmesgFile); } void dmesg(const char *format, ...) { char buf[500]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%8d] ", current_time_ms()); dmesgRaw(buf, strlen(buf)); va_list arg; va_start(arg, format); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, arg); va_end(arg); dmesgRaw(buf, strlen(buf)); dmesgRaw("\n", 1); fflush(dmesgFile); fdatasync(fileno(dmesgFile)); } const char *progPath = "/mnt/ramdisk/prjs/BrkProg_SAVE"; //% void deleteAllPrograms() { char buf[1024]; struct dirent *ent; DIR *dir; dir = opendir(progPath); if (dir == NULL) return; while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (ent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", progPath, ent->d_name); DMESG("FN: %s", ent->d_name); // unlink(buf); } closedir(dir); } //% void deletePrjFile(String filename) { if (strlen(filename->data) > 500 || strchr(filename->data, '/')) return; char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", progPath, filename->data); unlink(buf); } //% RefCollection *listPrjFiles() { auto res = Array_::mk(0); //registerGCObj(res); auto dp = opendir(progPath); for (;;) { dirent *ep = dp ? readdir(dp) : NULL; if (!ep) break; if (ep->d_name[0] == '.') continue; auto str = mkString(ep->d_name, -1); //registerGCObj(str); res->push((TValue)str); //unregisterGCObj(str); } if (dp) closedir(dp); //unregisterGCObj(res); return res; } } // namespace pxt