# Robot 1 Lesson ## Step 1 - Build Your Driving Base Robot @unplugged Build the medium motor robot driving base: * [Driving base](https://le-www-live-s.legocdn.com/sc/media/lessons/mindstorms-ev3/building-instructions/ev3-rem-driving-base-79bebfc16bd491186ea9c9069842155e.pdf) * [Medium motor driving base](https://le-www-live-s.legocdn.com/sc/media/lessons/mindstorms-ev3/building-instructions/ev3-medium-motor-driving-base-e66e2fc0d917485ef1aa023e8358e7a7.pdf) If clicking on the image above doesn't open the instructions, right-click on the image and choose "Save link as..." to download the PDF. ## Step 2 - Show an image @fullscreen At first, it's nice to know that your program is running. Plug in a ``||brick:show mood||`` from the **BRICK** toolbox drawer into the ``||loops:on start||`` block. Change the image to something else if you want! ```blocks brick.showMood(moods.neutral) ``` ## Step 3 - Try your code @fullscreen Look at the simulator and check that your image is showing on the screen. When you are ready, press the **DOWNLOAD** button and follow the instructions to transfer your code on the brick. ## Step 4 - Pause on Start @fullscreen As you may have noticed, the code starts running immediately once you download it to the brick. To prevent the robot from rolling away, add a ``||brick:pause until enter pressed||`` button to wait for the user to press enter. ```blocks brick.showMood(moods.neutral) brick.buttonEnter.pauseUntil(ButtonEvent.Pressed) ``` ## Step 5 - Steer motors @fullscreen Drag a ``||motors:steer motors||`` block from the **MOTORS** toolbox drawer and snap it in under ``||brick:show mood||``. Click on the **(+)** symbol and make sure to tell your motors to turn **1** rotation. ```blocks brick.showMood(moods.neutral) brick.buttonEnter.pauseUntil(ButtonEvent.Pressed) motors.largeBC.steer(0, 50, 1, MoveUnit.Rotations) ``` ## Step 6 - Try your code @fullscreen Whenever you make a code change, the simulator will restart so you can see what your latest change will do. When you are ready, click **DOWNLOAD** and follow the instructions to transfer the code into your brick. **Remember**: Take the driving base apart at the end of the session so that another group can build their robot too.