/// /// import UF2 = pxtc.UF2; export let ev3: pxt.editor.Ev3Wrapper export function debug() { return initAsync() .then(w => w.downloadFileAsync("/tmp/dmesg.txt", v => console.log(pxt.Util.uint8ArrayToString(v)))) } function hf2Async() { return pxt.HF2.mkPacketIOAsync() .then(h => { let w = new pxt.editor.Ev3Wrapper(h) ev3 = w return w.reconnectAsync(true) .then(() => w) }) } let noHID = false let initPromise: Promise export function initAsync() { if (initPromise) return initPromise let canHID = false if (pxt.U.isNodeJS) { // doesn't seem to work ATM canHID = false } else { const forceHexDownload = /forceHexDownload/i.test(window.location.href); if (pxt.BrowserUtils.isLocalHost() && pxt.Cloud.localToken && !forceHexDownload) canHID = true } if (noHID) canHID = false if (canHID) { initPromise = hf2Async() .catch(err => { initPromise = null noHID = true return Promise.reject(err) }) } else { noHID = true initPromise = Promise.reject(new Error("no HID")) } return initPromise } // this comes from aux/pxt.lms const rbfTemplate = ` 4c45474f580000006d000100000000001c000000000000000e000000821b038405018130813e8053 74617274696e672e2e2e0084006080XX00448581644886488405018130813e80427965210084000a ` export function deployCoreAsync(resp: pxtc.CompileResult) { let w: pxt.editor.Ev3Wrapper let filename = resp.downloadFileBaseName || "pxt" filename = filename.replace(/^lego-/, "") let fspath = "../prjs/BrkProg_SAVE/" let elfPath = fspath + filename + ".elf" let rbfPath = fspath + filename + ".rbf" let rbfHex = rbfTemplate .replace(/\s+/g, "") .replace("XX", pxt.U.toHex(pxt.U.stringToUint8Array(elfPath))) let rbfBIN = pxt.U.fromHex(rbfHex) pxt.HF2.write16(rbfBIN, 4, rbfBIN.length) let origElfUF2 = UF2.parseFile(pxt.U.stringToUint8Array(ts.pxtc.decodeBase64(resp.outfiles[pxt.outputName()]))) let mkFile = (ext: string, data: Uint8Array = null) => { let f = UF2.newBlockFile() f.filename = "Projects/" + filename + ext if (data) UF2.writeBytes(f, 0, data) return f } let elfUF2 = mkFile(".elf") for (let b of origElfUF2) { UF2.writeBytes(elfUF2, b.targetAddr, b.data) } let r = UF2.concatFiles([elfUF2, mkFile(".rbf", rbfBIN)]) let data = UF2.serializeFile(r) resp.outfiles[pxtc.BINARY_UF2] = btoa(data) let saveUF2Async = () => { if (pxt.commands && pxt.commands.electronDeployAsync) { return pxt.commands.electronDeployAsync(resp); } if (pxt.commands && pxt.commands.saveOnlyAsync) { return pxt.commands.saveOnlyAsync(resp); } return Promise.resolve(); } if (noHID) return saveUF2Async() return initAsync() .then(w_ => { w = w_ if (w.isStreaming) pxt.U.userError("please stop the program first") return w.stopAsync() }) .then(() => w.rmAsync(elfPath)) .then(() => w.flashAsync(elfPath, UF2.readBytes(origElfUF2, 0, origElfUF2.length * 256))) .then(() => w.flashAsync(rbfPath, rbfBIN)) .then(() => w.runAsync(rbfPath)) .then(() => { return w.disconnectAsync() //return Promise.delay(1000).then(() => w.dmesgAsync()) }).catch(e => { // if we failed to initalize, retry if (noHID) return saveUF2Async() else return Promise.reject(e) }) }