2017-12-18 13:04:17 -08:00

141 lines
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// Auto-generated. Do not edit.
declare namespace control {
/** Create new file mapping in memory */
//% shim=control::mmap
function mmap(filename: string, size: int32, offset: int32): MMap;
declare interface MMap {
* Write a number in specified format in the buffer.
//% shim=MMapMethods::setNumber
setNumber(format: NumberFormat, offset: int32, value: number): void;
* Read a number in specified format from the buffer.
//% shim=MMapMethods::getNumber
getNumber(format: NumberFormat, offset: int32): number;
* Read a range of bytes into a buffer.
//% offset.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=MMapMethods::slice
slice(offset?: int32, length?: int32): Buffer;
/** Returns the length of a Buffer object. */
//% property shim=MMapMethods::length
length: int32;
/** Perform ioctl(2) on the underlaying file */
//% shim=MMapMethods::ioctl
ioctl(id: uint32, data: Buffer): int32;
/** Perform write(2) on the underlaying file */
//% shim=MMapMethods::write
write(data: Buffer): int32;
/** Perform read(2) on the underlaying file */
//% shim=MMapMethods::read
read(data: Buffer): int32;
declare namespace control {
* Announce that an event happened to registered handlers.
* @param src ID of the Component that generated the event
* @param value Component specific code indicating the cause of the event.
* @param mode optional definition of how the event should be processed after construction.
//% weight=21 blockGap=12 blockId="control_raise_event"
//% block="raise event|from %src|with value %value" blockExternalInputs=1 shim=control::raiseEvent
function raiseEvent(src: int32, value: int32): void;
* Allocates the next user notification event
//% help=control/allocate-notify-event shim=control::allocateNotifyEvent
function allocateNotifyEvent(): int32;
/** Write data to DMESG debugging buffer. */
//% shim=control::dmesg
function dmesg(s: string): void;
declare namespace serial {
/** Send DMESG debug buffer over serial. */
//% shim=serial::writeDmesg
function writeDmesg(): void;
declare namespace screen {
/** Decompresses a 1-bit gray scale PNG image to image format. */
//% shim=screen::unpackPNG
function unpackPNG(png: Buffer): Image;
declare namespace screen {
/** Clear screen and reset font to normal. */
//% shim=screen::clear
function clear(): void;
/** Makes an image bound to a buffer. */
//% shim=screen::imageOf
function imageOf(buf: Buffer): Image;
//% fixedInstances
declare interface Image {
/** Returns the underlaying Buffer object. */
//% property shim=ImageMethods::buffer
buffer: Buffer;
/** Returns the width of an image. */
//% property shim=ImageMethods::width
width: int32;
/** Returns the height of an image. */
//% property shim=ImageMethods::height
height: int32;
/** Double size of an image. */
//% shim=ImageMethods::doubled
doubled(): Image;
/** Draw an image on the screen. */
//% shim=ImageMethods::draw
draw(x: int32, y: int32, mode: Draw): void;
declare namespace output {
* Create a new zero-initialized buffer.
* @param size number of bytes in the buffer
//% shim=output::createBuffer
function createBuffer(size: int32): Buffer;
declare namespace motors {
* Mark a motor as used
//% shim=motors::__motorUsed
function __motorUsed(port: int32, large: boolean): void;
declare namespace sensors {
* Mark a sensor as used
//% shim=sensors::__sensorUsed
function __sensorUsed(port: int32, type: int32): void;
// Auto-generated. Do not edit. Really.