Peli de Halleux 60bf3a17d3
a mini-console support with scroll up / down ()
* a mini-console support with scroll up / down

* fix compile error
2017-12-18 22:36:32 -08:00

54 lines
2.5 KiB

"Array.indexOf|block": "%list| find index of %value",
"Array.insertAt|block": "%list| insert at %index| value %value",
"Array.length|block": "length of %VALUE",
"Array.pop|block": "get and remove last value from %list",
"Array.push|block": "%list| add value %value| to end",
"Array.removeAt|block": "%list| remove value at %index",
"Array.reverse|block": "reverse %list",
"Array.shift|block": "get and remove first value from %list",
"Array.unshift|block": "%list| insert %value| at beginning",
"Array|block": "Array",
"Math.constrain|block": "constrain %value|between %low|and %high",
"|block": "map %value|from low %fromLow|from high %fromHigh|to low %toLow|to high %toHigh",
"Math.randomRange|block": "pick random %min|to %limit",
"Math|block": "Math",
"String.charAt|block": "char from %this=text|at %pos",
"|block": "compare %this=text| to %that",
"String.fromCharCode|block": "text from char code %code",
"String.length|block": "length of %VALUE",
"String.substr|block": "substring of %this=text|from %start|of length %length",
"String|block": "String",
"control.assert|block": "assert %cond|with value %code",
"control.deviceSerialNumber|block": "device serial number",
"control.millis|block": "millis (ms)",
"control.onEvent|block": "on event|from %src|with value %value",
"control.panic|block": "panic %code",
"control.reset|block": "reset",
"control.runInBackground|block": "run in background",
"control.waitForEvent|block": "wait for event|from %src|with value %value",
"control.waitMicros|block": "wait (µs)%micros",
"control|block": "control",
"loops.forever|block": "forever",
"loops.pause|block": "pause %pause=timePicker|ms",
"loops|block": "loops",
"parseInt|block": "parse to integer %text",
"serial.writeBuffer|block": "serial|write buffer %buffer",
"serial.writeLine|block": "serial|write line %text",
"serial.writeNumber|block": "serial|write number %value",
"serial.writeString|block": "serial|write string %text",
"serial.writeValue|block": "serial|write value %name|= %value",
"serial|block": "serial",
"{id:category}Array": "Array",
"{id:category}Arrays": "Arrays",
"{id:category}Boolean": "Boolean",
"{id:category}Buffer": "Buffer",
"{id:category}Control": "Control",
"{id:category}Helpers": "Helpers",
"{id:category}Loops": "Loops",
"{id:category}Math": "Math",
"{id:category}Number": "Number",
"{id:category}Serial": "Serial",
"{id:category}String": "String",
"{id:category}Text": "Text"