Dmitriy Antipov cabcb048e3
Troubleshooting updates v1.4.25 (#1012)
* sim_fix

ES version update

* fieldeditors-es-upgrade-to-es2017

Update es to fix issue with fieldeditors.

* editor-es-upgrade-to-es2017

Update es that fixes an issue with the editor.

* editor-download-dialog-fix

Solving a download error that arose due to problems with the buttons in the dialog box.

* return_field_motors

We return the fieldmotors field, because it is necessary about the choice of types of motors: medium, large, one or two.

* update-fields-for-motor-blocks

Set the blocks to the fieldmotors field. Change the name of the blocks for the motors.

* enable-debugger

Instead of the slowmo mode, which was before, a debugger was added, in which slowmo is present.

* fix-field-music

It turned out to update the fieldmusic menu. The menu is now displayed in the correct position.

* Update field_music.ts

* fix-field-brickbutton

Fixed issue with button select menu position from ev3 brick.

* Update dialogs.tsx

* Update field_motors.ts

Repartition of Label for fieldmotos, now it's more readable, it's better.

* motors-new-icon

Created new icons for motors for dropdown image.

* remove-ai-files-for-motors-icon

Remove ai image files for motors
2023-04-25 12:06:54 -07:00

165 lines
7.8 KiB

/// <reference path="../node_modules/pxt-core/localtypings/blockly.d.ts"/>
/// <reference path="../node_modules/pxt-core/built/pxtsim.d.ts"/>
export interface FieldPortsOptions extends Blockly.FieldCustomDropdownOptions {
columns?: string;
width?: string;
export class FieldBrickButtons extends Blockly.FieldDropdown implements Blockly.FieldCustom {
public isFieldCustom_ = true;
// Width in pixels
private width_: number;
// Columns in grid
private columns_: number;
private savedPrimary_: string;
constructor(text: string, options: FieldPortsOptions, validator?: Function) {
this.columns_ = parseInt(options.columns) || 4;
this.width_ = parseInt(options.width) || 150;
* Create a dropdown menu under the text.
* @private
public showEditor_() {
// If there is an existing drop-down we own, this is a request to hide the drop-down.
if (Blockly.DropDownDiv.hideIfOwner(this)) {
// If there is an existing drop-down someone else owns, hide it immediately and clear it.
// Populate the drop-down with the icons for this field.
let dropdownDiv = Blockly.DropDownDiv.getContentDiv();
let contentDiv = document.createElement('div');
// Accessibility properties
contentDiv.setAttribute('role', 'menu');
contentDiv.setAttribute('aria-haspopup', 'true');
const buttonsSVG = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg") as SVGGElement;
pxsim.svg.hydrate(buttonsSVG, {
viewBox: "0 0 256.68237 256.68237",
width: this.width_,
height: this.width_
const gWrapper = pxsim.svg.child(buttonsSVG, 'g', { 'transform': 'translate(-4.695057,58.29823)' });
const gInnerWrapper = pxsim.svg.child(gWrapper, 'g', { 'transform': 'translate(3.9780427e-6,-32.677281)' });
const back = pxsim.svg.child(gInnerWrapper, 'path', {
style: 'fill:#6a6a6a;stroke-width:3.91719985',
d: 'M 106.30882,198.38022 C 84.431262,177.26258 50.453467,142.52878 50.453467,142.52878 v -7.12931 H 37.087971 a 32.381533,32.381533 0 1 1 0,-64.763062 H 50.457376 V 63.503186 L 105.71731,7.0563355 h 55.25604 c 25.02699,25.5048885 55.25994,55.2599395 55.25994,55.2599395 v 8.320133 h 12.77398 a 32.381533,32.381533 0 0 1 0,64.763062 h -12.77398 v 7.13323 c -29.43384,30.27603 -54.66454,55.85144 -54.66454,55.85144 z'
const buttonLeft = pxsim.svg.child(gInnerWrapper, 'path', {
style: 'fill:#a8a9a8;stroke-width:3.91719985',
d: 'm 36.492567,78.357208 h 40.69971 V 126.48393 H 36.492567 A 24.063359,24.063359 0 0 1 12.429199,102.42057 v 0 A 24.063359,24.063359 0 0 1 36.492567,78.357208 Z'
const buttonRight = pxsim.svg.child(gInnerWrapper, 'path', {
style: 'fill:#a8a9a8;stroke-width:3.91719985',
d: 'M 229.00727,126.48784 H 188.30756 V 78.361126 h 40.69971 a 24.063359,24.063359 0 0 1 24.06335,24.063354 v 0 a 24.063359,24.063359 0 0 1 -24.06335,24.06336 z'
const buttonEnter = pxsim.svg.child(gInnerWrapper, 'path', {
style: 'fill:#3c3c3c;stroke-width:3.91719985',
d: 'm 109.27806,78.357208 h 46.9398 a 1.782326,1.782326 0 0 1 1.78233,1.782326 V 124.7016 a 1.782326,1.782326 0 0 1 -1.78233,1.78233 h -46.9398 a 1.782326,1.782326 0 0 1 -1.78233,-1.78233 V 80.139534 a 1.782326,1.782326 0 0 1 1.78233,-1.782326 z'
const buttonTop = pxsim.svg.child(gInnerWrapper, 'path', {
style: 'fill:#a8a9a8;stroke-width:3.91719985',
d: 'm 108.09114,15.967966 49.90905,-0.59542 37.43276,38.619675 -15.44943,15.449437 V 97.367379 H 165.7249 V 81.306861 A 11.978797,11.978797 0 0 0 153.84012,69.422075 c -11.59883,-0.184102 -43.37516,0 -43.37516,0 A 9.6676495,9.6676495 0 0 0 100.36251,79.520618 V 97.347793 H 86.103905 V 69.422075 L 70.654464,53.97264 Z'
const buttonBottom = pxsim.svg.child(gInnerWrapper, 'path', {
style: 'fill:#a8a9a8;stroke-width:3.91719985',
d: 'M 157.78865,189.01028 108.18908,189.38233 70.654464,150.794 86.323259,135.4895 v -28.08625 h 14.101921 v 16.11144 a 12.006218,12.006218 0 0 0 11.85346,11.9788 c 11.59882,0.1841 43.13227,0 43.13227,0 a 10.18472,10.18472 0 0 0 10.38059,-10.38058 v -17.70966 h 14.39179 v 28.08632 l 15.3045,15.3045 z'
const buttons = [buttonEnter, buttonLeft, buttonRight, buttonTop, buttonBottom];
const options = this.getOptions();
for (let i = 0, option: any; option = options[i]; i++) {
let content = (options[i] as any)[0]; // Human-readable text or image.
const value = (options[i] as any)[1]; // Language-neutral value.
const button = buttons[i];
button.setAttribute('id', ':' + i); // For aria-activedescendant
button.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem');
button.setAttribute('cursor', 'pointer');
const title = pxsim.svg.child(button, 'title');
title.textContent = content;
Blockly.bindEvent_(button, 'click', this, this.buttonClick_);
Blockly.bindEvent_(button, 'mouseup', this, this.buttonClick_);
// These are applied manually instead of using the :hover pseudoclass
// because Android has a bad long press "helper" menu and green highlight
// that we must prevent with ontouchstart preventDefault
Blockly.bindEvent_(button, 'mousedown', button, function (e) {
this.setAttribute('stroke', '#ffffff');
Blockly.bindEvent_(button, 'mouseover', button, function () {
this.setAttribute('stroke', '#ffffff');
Blockly.bindEvent_(button, 'mouseout', button, function () {
this.setAttribute('stroke', 'transparent');
button.setAttribute('data-value', value);
contentDiv.style.width = this.width_ + 'px';
Blockly.DropDownDiv.setColour('#ffffff', '#dddddd');
// Position based on the field position.
Blockly.DropDownDiv.showPositionedByField(this, this.onHide_.bind(this));
// Update colour to look selected.
let source = this.sourceBlock_ as Blockly.BlockSvg;
this.savedPrimary_ = source?.getColour();
if (source?.isShadow()) {
} else if (this.borderRect_) {
this.borderRect_.setAttribute('fill', (this.sourceBlock_ as Blockly.BlockSvg).getColourTertiary());
* Callback for when a button is clicked inside the drop-down.
* Should be bound to the FieldIconMenu.
* @param {Event} e DOM event for the click/touch
* @private
private buttonClick_ = function (e: any) {
let value = e.target.getAttribute('data-value');
* Callback for when the drop-down is hidden.
private onHide_ = function () {
const content = Blockly.DropDownDiv.getContentDiv();
(content as HTMLElement).style.width = '';
// Update color (deselect) on dropdown hide
let source = this.sourceBlock_ as Blockly.BlockSvg;
if (source?.isShadow()) {
} else if (this.borderRect_) {
this.borderRect_.setAttribute('fill', this.savedPrimary_);