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2014-04-04 18:49:18 -04:00
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<h1 id="tutorials">Tutorials</h1>
<h3>Getting Started with ThingSpeak</h3>
<li><a title="Introduction to the Internet of Things and ThingSpeak" href="">Introduction to the “Internet of Things” and ThingSpeak</a> </li>
<li><a title="Video tutorial on creating ThingSpeak Channels" href="">ThingSpeak Channels</a>&nbsp;</li>
<li><a title="Using an Arduino and Ethernet Shield to Update a ThingSpeak Channel" href="arduino/using-an-arduino-ethernet-shield-to-update-a-thingspeak-channel/">Using an Arduino + Ethernet Shield to Update a ThingSpeak Channel</a></li>
<li><a title="Update a Twitter Status with the ThingTweet App and Arduino and Ethernet Shield" href="/tutorials/arduino/update-twitter-with-thingtweet-and-arduino-ethernet-shield/">Update Twitter with ThingTweet and Arduino + Ethernet Shield</a></li>
<li><a title="Update ThingSpeak Channels and Twitter with Arduino Ethernet" href="">Update ThingSpeak Channels and Twitter with Arduino Ethernet</a></li>
<li><a title="Controlling the Arduino Yún with TalkBack" href="">Controlling the Arduino Yún with TalkBack</a></li>
<li><a title="RESTduino to ThingSpeak via Python" href="" target="_blank">RESTduino to ThingSpeak via Python</a> [external]</li>
<li><a title="Arduino ThingSpeak Example Source Code is on GitHub" href="" target="_blank">Arduino Examples for ThingSpeak on GitHub</a> [external]</li>
<h3>Electric Imp</h3>
<li><a title="Solar-powered Temperature Logger with Electric Imp and ThingSpeak" href="">Solar-powered Temperature Logger with Electric Imp and ThingSpeak</a> [external]</li>
<li><a title="Freetronics Eleven Review and ThingSpeak Project" href="">Freetronics Eleven Review and ThingSpeak Project</a></li>
<li><a title="Google Gauge Visualization for a ThingSpeak Channel" href="google/display-a-google-gauge-visualization-using-thingspeak-plugins/">Display a Google Gauge Visualization using ThingSpeak Plugins</a></li>
<li><a title="Parse Weather Data from Google Weather API using ThingHTTP" href="/tutorials/google/parse-weather-data-from-google-weather-with-thinghttp/">Parse Weather Data from Google Weather with ThingHTTP</a>&nbsp;[deprecated]</li>
<li><a title="Updating a Twitter Status via the ioBridge IO-204 and the ThingTweet App" href="iobridge/updating-a-twitter-status-using-the-thingtweet-app-and-iobridge-io-204/">Updating a Twitter Status using the ThingTweet App and ioBridge IO-204</a></li>
<li><a title="ThingSpeak Java Client" href="" target="_blank">ThingSpeak Java Client</a>&nbsp;[external]</li>
<h3>JavaScript / jQuery</h3>
<li><a title="Parse ThingSpeak Last Entry Feed with jQuery with example and project" href="">Parse ThingSpeak Last Entry Feed with jQuery</a></li>
<li><a title="Temperature Monitor Using mbed, DS1620, and ThingSpeak" href="" target="_blank">Temperature Monitor using mbed, DS1620, and ThingSpeak</a> [external]</li>
<li><a title="Continuous Temperature Monitoring with the mbed and ThingSpeak" href="" target="_blank">Continuous Temperature Monitoring with the mbed and ThingSpeak</a> [external]</li>
<h3>.NET / C#</h3>
<li><a title="ThingSpeak .NET Class" href="" target="_blank">ThingSpeak .NET Class</a> [external]</li>
<li><a title="Internet Of Things and μPLibrary : client for ThingSpeak platform" href="" target="_blank">μPLibrary client for ThingSpeak platform</a>&nbsp;[external]</li>
<li><a title="Create your own Web of Things using the Netduino Plus and ThingSpeak" href="netduino/create-your-own-web-of-things-using-the-netduino-plus-and-thingspeak/">Create your own Web of Things using the Netduino Plus and ThingSpeak</a></li>
<li><a title="node.js Client for ThingSpeak" href="">node.js Client for ThingSpeak</a>&nbsp;[external]</li>
<li><a title="ThingSpeak Light Sensor Test" href="" target="_blank">Processing and ThingSpeak Light Sensor Test</a> [external]</li>
<h3>Prowl Push Updates</h3>
<li><a title="Send Push Updates using Prowl and ThingHTTP" href="prowl/send-push-updates-using-prowl-and-thinghttp/">Send Push Updates using Prowl and ThingHTTP</a></li>
<li><a title="How to Talk To ThingSpeak With Python (A Memory/CPU Monitor)" href="" target="_blank">How to Talk To ThingSpeak With Python</a> [external]</li>
<li><a title="Using Arduino and Python to Update a ThingSpeak Channel" href="" target="_blank">Using Arduino and Python to Update a ThingSpeak Channel</a> </li>
<li><a title="Connecting Arduino to Thingspeak using python as an middle ware" href="" target="_blank">Connecting Arduino to ThingSpeak using Python as Middle-ware</a>&nbsp;[external]</li>
<li><a title="ThingSpeak Ruby Gem" href="" target="_blank">ThingSpeak API Ruby Gem</a></li>
<li><a title="SmartThings to ThingSpeak Python Script" href="">SmartThings to ThingSpeak Python Script</a></li>
<h3>Spark Core</h3>
<li><a title="Spark Core Interface for ThingSpeak" href="">Spark Core Interface for ThingSpeak</a>&nbsp;[external [beta]</li>
<li><a title="HOW-TO: CHART TWINE's COURSE with ThingSpeak" href="" target="_blank">Data Logging and Charting with Twine + Sensors</a>&nbsp;[external]</li>
<h3>Twilio Cloud Communications</h3>
<li><a title="Make calls with Twilio and ThingSpeak" href="twilio/make-calls-with-twilio-using-the-thinghttp-app/">Make Calls with Twilio using the ThingHTTP App</a></li>
<li><a title="Send Twitter Status Updates using the ThingTweet App, Twitter Proxy from ThingSpeak" href="twitter/send-status-updates-using-the-thingtweet-app/">Send Status Updates using the ThingTweet App</a></li>
<li><a title="How to Embed a ThingSpeak Chart on your WordPress Blog" href="wordpress/how-to-embed-a-thingspeak-chart-on-your-wordpress-blog/">How to Embed a ThingSpeak Chart on your WordPress Blog</a></li>
<li><a title="Connecting XBee Wireless Networks to ThingSpeak via the ConnectPort X2 running XIG" href="">Connecting XBee Wireless Networks to ThingSpeak via the ConnectPort X2 running XIG</a></li>