2014-06-04 17:38:35 -04:00
/ * *
* Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically
* updating fuzzy timestamps ( e . g . "4 minutes ago" or "about 1 day ago" ) .
* @ name timeago
* @ version 1.4 . 1
* @ requires jQuery v1 . 2.3 +
* @ author Ryan McGeary
* @ license MIT License - http : //www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* For usage and examples , visit :
* http : //timeago.yarp.com/
* Copyright ( c ) 2008 - 2013 , Ryan McGeary ( ryan - [ at ] - mcgeary [ * dot * ] org )
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2014-02-17 12:05:39 -05:00
( function ( $ ) { $ . timeago = function ( timestamp ) { if ( timestamp instanceof Date ) { return inWords ( timestamp ) ; } else if ( typeof timestamp === "string" ) { return inWords ( $ . timeago . parse ( timestamp ) ) ; } else { return inWords ( $ . timeago . datetime ( timestamp ) ) ; } } ; var $t = $ . timeago ; $ . extend ( $ . timeago , { settings : { refreshMillis : 60000 , allowFuture : false , strings : { prefixAgo : null , prefixFromNow : null , suffixAgo : "ago" , suffixFromNow : "from now" , seconds : "less than a minute" , minute : "about a minute" , minutes : "%d minutes" , hour : "about an hour" , hours : "about %d hours" , day : "a day" , days : "%d days" , month : "about a month" , months : "%d months" , year : "about a year" , years : "%d years" , numbers : [ ] } } , inWords : function ( distanceMillis ) { var $l = this . settings . strings ; var prefix = $l . prefixAgo ; var suffix = $l . suffixAgo ; if ( this . settings . allowFuture ) { if ( distanceMillis < 0 ) { prefix = $l . prefixFromNow ; suffix = $l . suffixFromNow ; }
distanceMillis = Math . abs ( distanceMillis ) ; }
var seconds = distanceMillis / 1000 ; var minutes = seconds / 60 ; var hours = minutes / 60 ; var days = hours / 24 ; var years = days / 365 ; function substitute ( stringOrFunction , number ) { var string = $ . isFunction ( stringOrFunction ) ? stringOrFunction ( number , distanceMillis ) : stringOrFunction ; var value = ( $l . numbers && $l . numbers [ number ] ) || number ; return string . replace ( /%d/i , value ) ; }
var words = seconds < 45 && substitute ( $l . seconds , Math . round ( seconds ) ) || seconds < 90 && substitute ( $l . minute , 1 ) || minutes < 45 && substitute ( $l . minutes , Math . round ( minutes ) ) || minutes < 90 && substitute ( $l . hour , 1 ) || hours < 24 && substitute ( $l . hours , Math . round ( hours ) ) || hours < 48 && substitute ( $l . day , 1 ) || days < 30 && substitute ( $l . days , Math . floor ( days ) ) || days < 60 && substitute ( $l . month , 1 ) || days < 365 && substitute ( $l . months , Math . floor ( days / 30 ) ) || years < 2 && substitute ( $l . year , 1 ) || substitute ( $l . years , Math . floor ( years ) ) ; return $ . trim ( [ prefix , words , suffix ] . join ( " " ) ) ; } , parse : function ( iso8601 ) { var s = $ . trim ( iso8601 ) ; s = s . replace ( /\.\d\d\d+/ , "" ) ; s = s . replace ( /-/ , "/" ) . replace ( /-/ , "/" ) ; s = s . replace ( /T/ , " " ) . replace ( /Z/ , " UTC" ) ; s = s . replace ( /([\+\-]\d\d)\:?(\d\d)/ , " $1$2" ) ; return new Date ( s ) ; } , datetime : function ( elem ) { var isTime = $ ( elem ) . get ( 0 ) . tagName . toLowerCase ( ) === "time" ; var iso8601 = isTime ? $ ( elem ) . attr ( "datetime" ) : $ ( elem ) . attr ( "title" ) ; return $t . parse ( iso8601 ) ; } } ) ; $ . fn . timeago = function ( ) { var self = this ; self . each ( refresh ) ; var $s = $t . settings ; if ( $s . refreshMillis > 0 ) { setInterval ( function ( ) { self . each ( refresh ) ; } , $s . refreshMillis ) ; }
return self ; } ; function refresh ( ) { var data = prepareData ( this ) ; if ( ! isNaN ( data . datetime ) ) { $ ( this ) . text ( inWords ( data . datetime ) ) ; }
return this ; }
function prepareData ( element ) { element = $ ( element ) ; if ( ! element . data ( "timeago" ) ) { element . data ( "timeago" , { datetime : $t . datetime ( element ) } ) ; var text = $ . trim ( element . text ( ) ) ; if ( text . length > 0 ) { element . attr ( "title" , text ) ; } }
return element . data ( "timeago" ) ; }
function inWords ( date ) { return $t . inWords ( distance ( date ) ) ; }
function distance ( date ) { return ( new Date ( ) . getTime ( ) - date . getTime ( ) ) ; }
2014-06-04 17:38:35 -04:00
document . createElement ( "abbr" ) ; document . createElement ( "time" ) ; } ( jQuery ) ) ;