<div> <%= render 'response' %> <h2 id="get_feed">Get a Channel Feed</h2> </div> <br> To view a Channel feed, send an HTTP GET to <code><%= @ssl_api_domain %>channels/<span class="customcode">CHANNEL_ID</span>/feeds<span class="format format-json">.json</span><span class="format format-xml">.xml</span></code> , replacing <span class="customcode">CHANNEL_ID</span> with the ID of your Channel. <br><br> Valid parameters: <ul> <li><b>api_key</b> (string) Read API Key for this specific Channel (optional--no key required for public channels)</li> <li><b>results</b> (integer) Number of entries to retrieve, 8000 max, default of 100 (optional)</li> <li><b>days</b> (integer) Number of 24-hour periods before now to include in feed (optional)</li> <li><b>start</b> (datetime) Start date in format YYYY-MM-DD%20HH:NN:SS (optional)</li> <li><b>end</b> (datetime) End date in format YYYY-MM-DD%20HH:NN:SS (optional)</li> <li><b>timezone</b> (string) <a href="/docs#timezones">Timezone identifier</a> for this request (optional)</li> <li><b>offset</b> (integer) Timezone offset that results should be displayed in. Please use the <a href="/docs#timezones">timezone</a> parameter for greater accuracy. (optional)</li> <li><b>status</b> (true/false) Include status updates in feed by setting "status=true" (optional)</li> <li><b>metadata</b> (true/false) Include Channel's metadata by setting "metadata=true" (optional)</li> <li><b>location</b> (true/false) Include latitude, longitude, and elevation in feed by setting "location=true" (optional)</li> <li><b>min</b> (decimal) Minimum value to include in response (optional)</li> <li><b>max</b> (decimal) Maximum value to include in response (optional)</li> <li><b>round</b> (integer) Round to this many decimal places (optional)</li> <li><b>timescale</b> (integer or string) Get first value in this many minutes, valid values: 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 240, 720, 1440, "daily" (optional)</li> <li><b>sum</b> (integer or string) Get sum of this many minutes, valid values: 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 240, 720, 1440, "daily" (optional)</li> <li><b>average</b> (integer or string) Get average of this many minutes, valid values: 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 240, 720, 1440, "daily" (optional)</li> <li><b>median</b> (integer or string) Get median of this many minutes, valid values: 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 240, 720, 1440, "daily" (optional)</li> <li><b>callback</b> (string) Function name to be used for JSONP cross-domain requests (optional)</li> </ul> <div class="alert alert-warning"> Please note that the results parameter is not compatible with timescale, sum, average, or median. </div> <br> Example GET: <pre>GET <span class="str"><%= @ssl_api_domain %>channels/<span class="customcode">9</span>/feeds<span class="format format-json">.json</span><span class="format format-xml">.xml</span>?results=<span class="customcode">2</span></span></pre> <br> <div class="format format-block-xxl format-text"> The response will be an HTML page with the JSON Channel feed, for example: <pre class="prettyprint"> { "channel": { "id": 9, "name": "my_house", "description": "Netduino Plus connected to sensors around the house", "latitude": "40.44", "longitude": "-79.996", "field1": "Light", "field2": "Outside Temperature", "created_at": "2010-12-13T20:20:06-05:00", "updated_at": "2014-02-26T12:43:04-05:00", "last_entry_id": 6060625 }, "feeds": [ { "created_at": "2014-02-26T12:42:49-05:00", "entry_id": 6060624, "field1": "188", "field2": "25.902335456475583" }, { "created_at": "2014-02-26T12:43:04-05:00", "entry_id": 6060625, "field1": "164", "field2": "25.222929936305732" } ] } </pre> </div> <div class="format format-block-xxl format-json"> The response will be a JSON object of the Channel feed, for example: <pre class="prettyprint"> { "channel": { "id": 9, "name": "my_house", "description": "Netduino Plus connected to sensors around the house", "latitude": "40.44", "longitude": "-79.996", "field1": "Light", "field2": "Outside Temperature", "created_at": "2010-12-13T20:20:06-05:00", "updated_at": "2014-02-26T12:43:04-05:00", "last_entry_id": 6060625 }, "feeds": [ { "created_at": "2014-02-26T12:42:49-05:00", "entry_id": 6060624, "field1": "188", "field2": "25.902335456475583" }, { "created_at": "2014-02-26T12:43:04-05:00", "entry_id": 6060625, "field1": "164", "field2": "25.222929936305732" } ] } </pre> </div> <div class="format format-block-xxl format-xml"> The response will be an XML object of the Channel feed, for example: <pre class="prettyprint"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <channel> <id type="integer">9</id> <name>my_house</name> <description>Netduino Plus connected to sensors around the house</description> <latitude type="decimal">40.44</latitude> <longitude type="decimal">-79.996</longitude> <field1>Light</field1> <field2>Outside Temperature</field2> <created-at type="dateTime">2010-12-13T20:20:06-05:00</created-at> <updated-at type="dateTime">2014-02-26T12:49:19-05:00</updated-at> <last-entry-id type="integer">6060650</last-entry-id> <feeds type="array"> <feed> <created-at type="dateTime">2014-02-26T12:49:04-05:00</created-at> <entry-id type="integer">6060649</entry-id> <field1>160</field1> <field2>25.307855626326962</field2> <id type="integer" nil="true"/> </feed> <feed> <created-at type="dateTime">2014-02-26T12:49:19-05:00</created-at> <entry-id type="integer">6060650</entry-id> <field1>171</field1> <field2>22.929936305732483</field2> <id type="integer" nil="true"/> </feed> </feeds> </channel> </pre> </div> <br> Live examples: <ul> <li><a href="http://api.thingspeak.com/channels/9/feeds.json?results=10">http://api.thingspeak.com/channels/9/feeds.json?results=10</a></li> <li><a href="http://api.thingspeak.com/channels/9/feeds.json?results=100&median=10">http://api.thingspeak.com/channels/9/feeds.json?results=100&median=10</a></li> <li><a href="http://api.thingspeak.com/channels/9/feeds.json?start=2011-11-11%2010:10:10&end=2011-11-11%2011:11:11">http://api.thingspeak.com/channels/9/feeds.json?start=2011-11-11%2010:10:10&end=2011-11-11%2011:11:11</a></li> </ul> <br><br> <div> <%= render 'response' %> <h2>Get Last Entry in a Channel Feed</h2> </div> <br> To get the last entry in a Channel feed, send an HTTP GET to <code><%= @ssl_api_domain %>channels/<span class="customcode">CHANNEL_ID</span>/feeds/last<span class="format format-json">.json</span><span class="format format-xml">.xml</span></code> , replacing <span class="customcode">CHANNEL_ID</span> with the ID of your Channel. <br><br> Valid parameters: <ul> <li><b>api_key</b> (string) Read API Key for this specific Channel (optional--no key required for public channels)</li> <li><b>timezone</b> (string) <a href="/docs#timezones">Timezone identifier</a> for this request (optional)</li> <li><b>offset</b> (integer) Timezone offset that results should be displayed in. Please use the <a href="/docs#timezones">timezone</a> parameter for greater accuracy. (optional)</li> <li><b>status</b> (true/false) Include status updates in feed by setting "status=true" (optional)</li> <li><b>location</b> (true/false) Include latitude, longitude, and elevation in feed by setting "location=true" (optional)</li> <li><b>callback</b> (string) Function name to be used for JSONP cross-domain requests (optional)</li> </ul> <br> Example GET: <pre>GET <span class="str"><%= @ssl_api_domain %>channels/<span class="customcode">9</span>/feeds/last<span class="format format-json">.json</span><span class="format format-xml">.xml</span></span></pre> <br> <div class="format format-block format-text"> The response will be a JSON object of the most recent feed, for example: <pre class="prettyprint"> { "created_at": "2014-02-26T21:27:21Z", "entry_id": 6061519, "field1": "176", "field2": "28.195329087048833" } </pre> </div> <div class="format format-block format-json"> The response will be a JSON object of the most recent feed, for example: <pre class="prettyprint"> { "created_at": "2014-02-26T21:27:21Z", "entry_id": 6061519, "field1": "176", "field2": "28.195329087048833" } </pre> </div> <div class="format format-block format-xml"> The response will be an XML object of the most recent feed, for example: <pre class="prettyprint"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed> <created-at type="dateTime">2014-02-26T21:28:51Z</created-at> <entry-id type="integer">6061525</entry-id> <field1>200</field1> <field2>28.365180467091296</field2> <id type="integer" nil="true"/> </feed> </pre> </div> <br><br> <div> <%= render 'response' %> <h2>Get Specific Entry in a Channel</h2> </div> <br> To get a specific entry in a Channel's feed, send an HTTP GET to <code><%= @ssl_api_domain %>channels/<span class="customcode">CHANNEL_ID</span>/feeds/<span class="customcode">ENTRY_ID</span><span class="format format-json">.json</span><span class="format format-xml">.xml</span></code> , replacing <span class="customcode">CHANNEL_ID</span> with the ID of your Channel and <span class="customcode">ENTRY_ID</span> with the ID of your entry. <br><br> Valid parameters: <ul> <li><b>api_key</b> (string) Read API Key for this specific Channel (optional--no key required for public channels)</li> <li><b>timezone</b> (string) <a href="/docs#timezones">Timezone identifier</a> for this request (optional)</li> <li><b>offset</b> (integer) Timezone offset that results should be displayed in. Please use the <a href="/docs#timezones">timezone</a> parameter for greater accuracy. (optional)</li> <li><b>status</b> (true/false) Include status updates in feed by setting "status=true" (optional)</li> <li><b>location</b> (true/false) Include latitude, longitude, and elevation in feed by setting "location=true" (optional)</li> <li><b>callback</b> (string) Function name to be used for JSONP cross-domain requests (optional)</li> </ul> <br> Example GET: <pre>GET <span class="str"><%= @ssl_api_domain %>channels/<span class="customcode">9</span>/feeds/<span class="customcode">6061519</span><span class="format format-json">.json</span><span class="format format-xml">.xml</span></span></pre> <br> <div class="format format-block format-text"> The response will be a JSON object of the feed entry, for example: <pre class="prettyprint"> { "created_at": "2014-02-26T21:27:21Z", "entry_id": 6061519, "field1": "176", "field2": "28.195329087048833" } </div> <div class="format format-block format-json"> The response will be a JSON object of the feed entry, for example: <pre class="prettyprint"> { "created_at": "2014-02-26T21:27:21Z", "entry_id": 6061519, "field1": "176", "field2": "28.195329087048833" } </pre> </div> <div class="format format-block format-xml"> The response will be an XML object of the most recent feed, for example: <pre class="prettyprint"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed> <created-at type="dateTime">2014-02-26T21:27:21Z</created-at> <entry-id type="integer">6061519</entry-id> <field1>176</field1> <field2>28.195329087048833</field2> <id type="integer" nil="true"/> </feed> </pre> </div>