# allow updates via HTTP GET by setting this to true; # set to false to only allow updates via HTTP POST GET_SUPPORT = true # rate limit channel updates RATE_LIMIT = false # number of seconds to wait before a channel can be updated again RATE_LIMIT_FREQUENCY = '15' # main production server to handle all requests (can be a proxy) APPLICATION_IP_ADDRESS = '' # domain for the API API_DOMAIN = '' # admin email addresses ADMIN_EMAILS = [] # get api key from HTTP headers if this value is present HTTP_HEADER_API_KEY_NAME = 'THINGSPEAKAPIKEY' # Twitter api credentials CONSUMER_KEY = '' CONSUMER_SECRET = '' # reset password base url RESET_PASSWORD_URL = '' # allow only these additional locales (use downcase, easier to parse) ALLOWED_LOCALES = ['pt-br','it']