<%= link_to t(:channels), channels_path %> » <%= t(:channel) %> <%= @channel.id %>

<% if current_user && current_user.id == @channel.user_id %> <%= link_to t(:channel_edit), edit_channel_path(@channel.id) %> | <%= link_to t(:api_keys_manage), channel_api_keys_path(@channel) %> | <%= link_to "#{t(:charts_view)}", channel_charts_path(@channel) %> | <%= link_to "#{t(:channel_feed)} (json)", channel_feed_index_path(@channel, :key => @key, :format => :json) %> | <%= link_to "#{t(:channel_feed)} (xml)", channel_feed_index_path(@channel, :key => @key, :format => :xml) %> | <%= link_to "#{t(:channel_feed)} (csv)", channel_feed_index_path(@channel, :key => @key, :format => :csv) %>

<% @channel.attribute_names.each do |attr| %> <% if attr.index('field') and @channel[attr] and !@channel[attr].empty? %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%= t(:channel_id) %>: <%= @channel.id %>
<%= t(:channel_name) %>: <%= @channel.name %>
<%= t(:api_key_write) %>: <%= @key %>
<%= t(:channel_description) %>: <%= @channel.description %>
<%= t(:created) %>: <%= l @channel.created_at, :format => :pretty %>
<%= t(:latitude) %>: <%= @channel.latitude %>
<%= t(:longitude) %>: <%= @channel.longitude %>
<%= t(:elevation) %>: <%= @channel.elevation %>
<%= t(:field) %> <%= attr[-1] %>: <%= @channel[attr] %>
<% else %> <% if @channel.public_flag %> <%= t(:channel_public) %>

<% @channel.attribute_names.each do |attr| %> <% if attr.index('field') and @channel[attr] and !@channel[attr].empty? %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%= t(:channel_name) %>: <%= @channel.name %>
<%= t(:channel_description) %>: <%= @channel.description %>
<%= t(:field) %> <%= attr[-1] %>: <%= @channel[attr] %>
<% @channel.attribute_names.each do |attr| %> <% if attr.index('field') and @channel[attr] and !@channel[attr].empty? %>

<% end %> <% end %> <% else %> <%= t(:channel_not_public) %> <% end %> <% end %>