class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token # include all helpers for controllers helper :all # include these helper methods for views helper_method :current_user_session, :current_user, :logged_in?, :get_header_value, :to_bytes protect_from_forgery before_filter :allow_cross_domain_access, :set_variables, :set_time_zone before_filter :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller? after_filter :remove_headers before_filter :authenticate_user_from_token! # responds with blank def respond_with_blank respond_to do |format| format.html { render :text => '' } format.json { render :json => {}.to_json } # fix xml response line breaks format.xml { render :xml => {}.to_xml.gsub("\n", '').gsub("", "\n") } end end # responds with an error def respond_with_error(error_code) error_response = respond_to do |format| format.html { render :text => error_response.error_code, :status => error_response.http_status } format.json { render :json => error_response.to_json, :status => error_response.http_status } format.xml { render :xml => error_response.to_xml, :status => error_response.http_status } end end # set up some variables across the entire application def set_variables @api_domain ||= api_domain @ssl_api_domain ||= ssl_api_domain @locale ||= get_locale I18n.locale = @locale # allows use of daily params params[:timescale] = '1440' if params[:timescale] == 'daily' params[:average] = '1440' if params[:average] == 'daily' params[:median] = '1440' if params[:median] == 'daily' params[:sum] = '1440' if params[:sum] == 'daily' end # change default devise sign_in page; make admins sign in work correctly def after_sign_in_path_for(resource) if resource.is_a?(AdminUser) admin_dashboard_path else channels_path end end # authenticates user based on the user's api_key def authenticate_via_api_key! # exit if no api_key return false if params[:api_key].blank? # get the user user = User.find_by_api_key(params[:api_key]) # sign in the user if they exist sign_in(user, store: false) if user.present? end # get the locale, but don't fail if header value doesn't exist def get_locale locale = get_header_value('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE') if locale and ALLOWED_LOCALES.include?(locale[0..1].downcase) locale = locale[0..1].downcase elsif locale and ALLOWED_LOCALES.include?(locale[0..4].downcase) locale = locale[0..4].downcase else locale = I18n.default_locale end return locale end protected def configure_permitted_parameters devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) { |u| u.permit(:login, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me) } devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_in) { |u| u.permit(:login, :email, :password, :remember_me) } devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:account_update) { |u| u.permit(:login, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :time_zone, :password_current) } end private # authenticates user based on token from users#api_login def authenticate_user_from_token! # exit if no login or token return false if params[:login].blank? || params[:token].blank? # get the user by login or email user = User.find_by_login_or_email(params[:login]) # safe compare, avoids timing attacks if user.present? && Devise.secure_compare(user.authentication_token, params[:token]) sign_in user, store: false end end # remove headers if necessary def remove_headers response.headers.delete_if {|key| true} if params[:headers] == 'false' end # allow javascript requests from any domain def allow_cross_domain_access response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, DELETE, PATCH' response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'origin, content-type, X-Requested-With' response.headers['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = '1800' end def logged_in? true if current_user end # converts a string to a byte string for c output def to_bytes(input, separator='.', prefix='') return '' if input == nil output = [] # split the input array using the separator, and add necessary prefixes to each item input.split(separator).each { |i| output.push(prefix + i) } # rejoin the array into a comma separated string return output.join(', ') end # set menus def set_support_menu; @menu = 'support'; end def set_channels_menu; @menu = 'channels'; end def set_apps_menu; @menu = 'apps'; end def set_plugins_menu; @menu = 'plugins'; end def set_devices_menu; @menu = 'devices'; end def require_user "Require User" if current_user.nil? && User.find_by_api_key(get_apikey).nil? respond_to do |format| format.html { session[:link_back] = request.url logger.debug "Redirecting to login" redirect_to login_path return true } format.json do render :json => {'error' => 'Could not authenticate you.'}, :status => :unauthorized return true end end return false end end def require_no_user if current_user store_location redirect_to account_path false end end def require_admin unless current_admin_user.present? render :nothing => true, :status => 403 and return false end end def store_location if params[:controller] != "user_sessions" session[:return_to] = request.fullpath end end def redirect_back_or_default(default) redirect_to(session[:return_to] || default) session[:return_to] = nil end def domain(ssl=true) u = request.url begin # the number 12 is the position at which to begin searching for '/', so we don't get the intitial '/' from http:// u = u[0..u.index('/', 12)] rescue u += '/' end u = u.sub(/http:/, 'https:') if (Rails.env == 'production' and ssl) return u end def ssl (Rails.env == 'production') ? 'https' : 'http' end # domain for the api def api_domain(ssl=false) output = (Rails.env == 'production') ? API_DOMAIN : domain output = output.sub(/http:/, 'https:') if ssl == true return output end # ssl domain for the api def ssl_api_domain; (Rails.env == 'production') ? api_domain.sub('http', 'https'): api_domain; end # gets the api key def get_apikey key = get_header_value(HTTP_HEADER_API_KEY_NAME) || params[:key] || params[:api_key] || params[:apikey] key.strip if key.present? return key.to_s end # get specified header value def get_header_value(name) name.upcase! {|header| header.upcase.index(name) }.values[0] end # generates a hash key unique to the user and url def cache_key(type) cache_key = + request.path user_id = current_user ? : '0' params.each do |key, value| # add the parameter if appropriate cache_key += "&#{key}=#{value}" if key != 'callback' && key != 'controller' && key != 'action' && key != 'format' end return "#{user_id}-#{type}-#{cache_key}" end # reads a file using the relative path to the file def read_file(file_path) path = file_path[0, file_path.rindex('/')] filename = file_path[file_path.rindex('/') + 1, file_path.length] output = ''"#{File.expand_path(path)}/#{filename}", 'r') do |f| while line = f.gets output += line end end return output end # prepends or appends text def add_prepend_append(input) output = input.to_s output = params[:prepend] + output if params[:prepend] output += params[:append] if params[:append] return output end # gets the same data for showing or editing def get_channel_data @channel = current_user.channels.find(params[:channel_id]) if params[:channel_id] @channel = current_user.channels.find(params[:id]) if @channel.nil? and params[:id] @channel.ranking = @channel.set_ranking if @channel.ranking.blank? @key = @channel.api_keys.write_keys.first.try(:api_key) || "" end def check_permissions(channel) render :text => t(:channel_permission) and return if (current_user.nil? || (channel.user_id != end # checks permission for channel using api_key def channel_permission?(channel, api_key) if channel.public_flag or (api_key and api_key.channel_id == or (current_user and channel.user_id == return true else return false end end # outputs error for bad channel def bad_channel_xml channel_unauthorized = = -1 return channel_unauthorized.to_xml(:only => :id) end # outputs error for bad feed def bad_feed_xml feed_unauthorized = = -1 return feed_unauthorized.to_xml(:only => :entry_id) end # options: days = how many days ago, start = start date, end = end date, offset = timezone offset def get_date_range(params) # allow more past data if necessary get_old_data = (params[:results].present? || params[:start].present? || params[:days].present?) ? true : false # set default start date start_date = (get_old_data) ? Time.parse('2010-01-01') : ( - end_date = start_date = ( - params[:days].to_i.days) if params[:days] start_date = ActiveSupport::TimeZone[].parse(params[:start]) if params[:start] end_date = ActiveSupport::TimeZone[].parse(params[:end]) if params[:end] date_range = (start_date..end_date) # only get a maximum of 30 days worth of data date_range = (end_date - 30.days..end_date) if ((end_date - start_date) > 30.days and !get_old_data) return date_range end # set timezone correctly def set_time_zone if params[:timezone].present? begin = TZInfo::Timezone.get(params[:timezone]) rescue = 'UTC' end elsif params[:offset].present? = set_timezone_from_offset(params[:offset]) elsif current_user.present? = current_user.time_zone else = 'UTC' end end # use the offset to find an appropriate timezone def set_timezone_from_offset(offset) offset = offset.to_i # keep track of the currently matched time zone current_zone = nil # loop through each timezone ActiveSupport::TimeZone.zones_map.each do |z| current_zone = z[0] # get time string in time zone timestring = # if time zone matches the offset, leave current_zone alone break if (current_zone != 'UTC' && timestring.slice(-5..-3).to_i == offset && timestring.slice(-2..-1).to_i == 0) end # if no time zone found, set to utc return current_zone.present? ? current_zone : 'UTC' end def help Helper.instance end class Helper include Singleton include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper end end