# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. # IMPORTANT!! prepend lines with spaces not tabs en: time: formats: pretty: "%a, %b %e at %l:%M %p" about: "About" account: "Account" account_changes: "Confirm account changes" account_edit: "Edit Account" account_error: "There were some problems creating your account:" account_error_edit: "There were some problems editing your account:" account_info: "Account Information" account_not_found: "Your account could not be located." account_update: "Update Account" account_security: "For security purposes, your current password must be entered." action: "Action" admin: "Admin" ago: "ago" api_key: "API Key" api_key_delete: "Delete API Key" api_key_key: "Key" api_key_new: "Generate New API Key" api_key_read: "Read API Keys" api_key_read_new: "Generate New Read API Key" api_key_write: "Write API Key" api_key_write_new: "Generate New Write API Key" api_keys: "API Keys" api_keys_manage: "Manage API Keys" application_name: "ThingSpeak" apps: "Apps" authorization: "Authorization" average: "Average" back: "Back" blog: "Blog" channel: "Channel" channel_clear: "Clear Channel" channel_clear_message: "Want to clear all feed data from this channel?" channel_create: "Create New Channel" channel_edit: "Edit Channel" channel_error: "There were some problems creating your channel:" channel_update_success: "The Channel was updated." channel_feed: "Channel Feed" channel_default_field: "Field Label" channel_default_name: "Channel" channel_delete: "Delete Channel" channel_delete_message: "Want to delete this channel?" channel_description: "Description" channel_directions: "Directions" channel_id: "Channel ID" channel_log_to: "Log to Channel" channel_logged_to: "Logged to Channel" channel_name: "Name" channel_ranking: "Percentage Complete" channel_not_public: "This channel is not public." channel_permission: "You don't have permission to view that channel!" channel_public: "Viewing public channel" channel_public_view: "Public View" channel_update: "Update Channel" channel_url: "URL" channels: "Channels" channels_my: "My Channels" channels_public: "Public Channels" channels_public_view: "View Public Channels" channel_being_cleared: "This channel is currently being cleared. Any data you post to this channel before clearing is complete may be deleted." channel_video_type_blank: "Either Youtube, or Vimeo, is required if a Video ID is specified." chart: "Chart" chart_max: "Max" chart_min: "Min" chart_background_color: "Background" chart_is_dynamic: "Dynamic?" chart_embed_code: "Embed Code" chart_example: "Example Chart" chart_color: "Color" chart_no_access: "This channel is not public. To embed charts, the channel must be public or a read key must be specified." chart_owned: "Your Charts" chart_round: "Rounding" chart_type: "Type" chart_update: "Update Chart" chart_xaxis: "X-Axis" chart_yaxis: "Y-Axis" charts: "Charts" charts_view: "View Charts" comment_add: "Add comment" comment_flag: "Report Abuse" comment_reply: "reply" comment_reported: "Reported!" community: "Community" confirm_read_key_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this Read API Key?" confirm_channel_clear: "Are you sure you want to clear this channel?" confirm_channel_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this channel?" confirm_comment_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?" confirm_device_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this device?" confirm_device_random_mac: "Are you sure you want to generate a random MAC address for this device?" confirm_device_unique_mac: "Are you sure you want to generate a unique MAC address for this device?" confirm_new_api_key: "Are you sure you want to generate a new write API key?" confirm_new_talkback_key: "Are you sure you want to generate a new TalkBack API key?" confirm_new_thinghttp_key: "Are you sure you want to generate a new ThingHTTP API key?" confirm_new_thingtweet_key: "Are you sure you want to generate a new ThingTweet API key?" confirm_new_user_api_key: "Are you sure you want to generate a new API key?" confirm_plugin_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this plugin?" confirm_talkback_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this TalkBack?" confirm_thinghttp_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this ThingHTTP?" confirm_tweetcontrol_delete: "Are you sure you want to delete this TweetControl?" confirm_twitter_delete: "Are you sure you want to unlink this Twitter account?" create_account: "Create Account" created: "Created" data: "Data" days: "Days" delete: "delete" developer_info: "Developer Info" device: "Device" device_create: "Add New Device" device_custom_mac: "Enter Custom MAC Address" device_default_name: "Device" device_default_gateway: "Default Gateway IP" device_delete: "Delete Device" device_delete_message: "Want to delete this device?" device_edit: "Edit Device" device_error: "There were some problems creating your device:" device_ip_address: "Public IP Address" device_local_ip_address: "Local IP Address" device_local_port: "Local Port" device_mac: "MAC Address" device_mac_invalid: "Invalid MAC Address." device_model: "Model" device_port: "Public Port Number" device_random_mac: "Generate Random MAC Address" device_submit_custom_mac: "Save Custom MAC Address" device_subnet: "Subnet Mask" device_title: "Title" device_unique_mac: "Generate Unique MAC Address" device_update: "Update Device" devices: "Devices" documentation: "Documentation" edit: "Edit" elevation: "Elevation" entries: "Entries" email: "Email" email_form_add: "Add Email" featured_channels: "Featured Channels" selected_channels: "Channels" features: "Features" field: "Field" footer: "This is the footer message." forgot: "Forgot your password?" forum: "Forum" for_more_information: "More Information" generate_thingtweet_arduino_code: "Generate ThingTweet Arduino Code" height: "Height" home: "Home" homepage: "ThingSpeak is an Open Internet of Things project by ioBridge." homepage_logged_in: "Homepage for logged in user!" import: "Import" import_data: "Import Data" latitude: "Latitude" longitude: "Longitude" median: "Median" member_since: "Member since" message_field: "Message Field" myaccount: "My Account" mychannels: "My Channels" new: "New" news: "News" note: "Note" note_save: "Save Note" password: "Password" password_change: "Change Password" password_confirmation: "Password Confirmation" password_current: "Current Password" password_forgot: "Forgot your password?" password_forgot_message: "Enter your email address below and we'll send you a link where you can reset your password." password_incorrect: "Your current password was not entered correctly." password_link_expired: "Your password reset link has expired." password_new: "Create New Password" password_new_choose: "Choose a secure password for your account." password_new_confirmation: "Enter your password again for confirmation." password_new_error: "There were some problems with your new password:" password_problem: "Your password is too short or your confirmation did not match." password_reset_message1: "A request to reset your password has been made." password_reset_message2: "If you did not make this request, simply ignore this email." password_reset_message3: "If you did make this request, please follow the link below:" password_reset_error: "An error has occurred while sending you password reset instructions." password_reset_mailed: "Instructions to reset your password have been emailed to you." password_reset_subject: "ThingSpeak password reset instructions" permission: "You don't have permission to access this" plugin: "Plugin" plugin_create: "Create New Plugin" plugin_css: "CSS" plugin_default_name: "Plugin" plugin_delete: "Delete Plugin" plugin_delete_message: "Want to delete this Plugin?" plugin_html: "HTML" plugin_js: "JavaScript" plugin_name: "Name" plugin_permission: "You don't have permission to access this plugin!" plugin_save: "Save Plugin" plugins: "Plugins" plugin_private_flag: "Private?" profile_bio: "Bio" profile_edit: "Edit Public Profile" profile_for: "Profile for" profile_not_public: "This profile is not public." profile_not_public_me: "Your profile is not public." profile_update: "Update Profile" profile_view: "View Public Profile" profile_website: "Website" public: "Make Public?" public_header: "Public?" public_profile: "Public Profile" public_true: "This channel is public" questions: "Questions" react: "React" react_header_name: "Name" react_new_button: "Create New React" react_delete_confirm: "Are you sure you wish to delete this condition?" react_thinghttp_error: "'%{thinghttp_name}' request doesn't belong to you" react_channel_error: "'%{channel_name}' request doesn't belong to you" react_invalid_error: "%{value} is not a valid value" react_invalid_number_error: "%{value} is not a value field number" react_invalid_condition_error: "%{value} is not a valid condition" react_invalid_condition_type_error: "%{value} is not a valid condition type" react_twitter_account_required: "You need to add a twitter account to enable tweeting" react_add_twitter_account: "Add a twitter account" react_thinghttp_required: "You need to add a ThingHTTP request " react_add_thinghttp_req: "Add ThingHTTP request" react_tweet_cant_be_blank: "The tweet can't be blank" react_type_string: "String" react_type_status: "Status" react_type_numeric: "Numeric" react_type_geo: "Geo" react_type_nodata: "No Data Check" react_when_insert: "On Data Insertion" react_when_10m: "Every 10 minutes" react_when_30m: "Every 30 minutes" react_when_60m: "Every 60 minutes" react_condition_prefix: "If channel" react_condition_field: "field" react_condition_contains: "contains" react_condition_begins: "starts with" react_condition_ends: "ends with" react_condition_gt: "is greater than" react_condition_gte: "is greater than or equal to" react_condition_lt: "is less than" react_condition_lte: "is less than or equal to" react_condition_eq: "is equal to" react_condition_ne: "is not equal to" react_condition_within: "is within" react_condition_further: "is further than" react_condition_nodata_prefix: "has not been updated for" react_condition_nodata_suffix: "minutes" react_condition_geo: "km from" react_latitude: "latitude" react_longitude: "longitude" react_delete: "Delete this React" react_twitter_delete_warning1: "Cannot delete this twitter account as it is used by %{reacts_count}: %{reacts_list}" react_twitter_delete_warning2: "Please delete or modify this react before unlinking this twitter account." react_thinghttp_delete_warning1: "Cannot delete this ThingHTTP as it is used by %{reacts_count}: %{reacts_list}" react_thinghttp_delete_warning2: "Please delete or modify this react before unlinking this ThingHTTP." react_default_name: "React" react_label_condition: "Condition" react_label_test_frequency: "Test Frequency" react_label_react_name: "React Name" react_label_condition_type: "Condition Type" react_label_action: "Action" react_label_options: "Options" react_action_tweet_prefix: "then tweet" react_action_tweet_suffix: "using Twitter account" react_action_thinghttp_prefix: "then perform ThingHTTP" react_option_run_first_time: "Run action only the first time the condition is met" react_option_run_every_time: "Run action each time condition is met" react_create_button: "Create React" react_save_button: "Create React" remember_me: "Remember my User ID" results: "Results" rss: "RSS Feed" save: "Save" saved: "Saved." saved_error: "Error while saving data." search: "search" search_by_tag: "Search by tag" search_by_username: "Search by username" search_empty: "No search results were found." search_input_tag: "Enter tag" search_input_username: "Enter username" secure_signin: "Secure Sign In" select_file: "Please choose a file to upload." signin: "Sign In" signin_failure: "Sign In Failure" signin_please: "Please sign in to access your account." signin_try_again: "Incorrect User ID or Password. Please try again." signout: "Sign Out" signup: "Sign Up" signup_header: "Sign up to start using ThingSpeak" slug: "Slug" social_channel: "Social Channel" social_channel_create: "Create New Social Channel" social_channel_error_fields: "Your channel must have at least one field." social_channel_error_name_blank: "Name cannot be blank." social_channel_no_value: "Please enter a value." social_channel_error_slug_blank: "Slug cannot be blank." social_channel_error_slug_exists: "Slug is already taken." social_channel_new: "New Social Channel" social_saved: "Submitted, thank you!" status_messages: "Status Messages" submit: "Submit" sum: "Sum" scheduled_thinghttp: "Scheduled ThingHTTP" scheduled_thinghttp_header_name: "name" scheduled_thinghttp_new_button: "New Scheduled ThingHTTP" scheduled_thinghttp_delete_confirm: "Are you sure you wish to delete this scheduled ThingHTTP?" scheduled_thinghttp_label_name: "Name" scheduledthinghttp_label_frequency: "Frequency" scheduled_thinghttp_save_button: "Save Scheduled ThingHTTP" scheduled_thinghttp_create_button: "Create Scheduled ThingHTTP" scheduledthinghttp_default_name: "Scheduled ThingHTTP" scheduled_thinghttp_thinghttp_error: "'%{thinghttp_name}' request doesn't belong to you" scheduled_thinghttp_channel_error: "'%{channel_name}' channel doesn't belong to you" scheduled_thinghttp_label_rule: "Rule" scheduled_thinghttp_field_error: "Not a valid field" support: "Support" help_scheduled_thinghttp_edit: "" tag: "tag" tags: "Tags" tags_search: "Search Channels" talkback: "TalkBack" talkback_command_add: "Add a new command" talkback_command_command_string: "Command string" talkback_command_id: "Command ID" talkback_command_position: "Position" talkback_command_remove: "Remove command" talkback_commands: "Commands" talkback_create: "New TalkBack" talkback_delete: "Delete TalkBack" talkback_delete_message: "Want to delete this TalkBack?" talkback_edit: "Edit TalkBack" talkback_id: "TalkBack ID" talkback_name: "Name" talkback_new_api_key: "Regenerate API Key" talkback_update: "Update TalkBack" thinghttp: "ThingHTTP" thinghttp_auth_name: "HTTP Auth Username" thinghttp_auth_pass: "HTTP Auth Password" thinghttp_body: "Body" thinghttp_content_type: "Content Type" thinghttp_create: "Create New Request" thinghttp_default_name: "Request" thinghttp_delete: "Delete Request" thinghttp_delete_message: "Want to delete this Request?" thinghttp_edit: "Edit Request" thinghttp_header_add: "add new header" thinghttp_header_name: "Name" thinghttp_header_remove: "remove header" thinghttp_header_value: "Value" thinghttp_headers: "Headers" thinghttp_host: "Host" thinghttp_http_version: "HTTP Version" thinghttp_id: "Request ID" thinghttp_invalid_api_key: "Invalid API Key" thinghttp_loop: "Please don't try to send ThingHTTP into a loop!" thinghttp_method: "Method" thinghttp_name: "Name" thinghttp_new_api_key: "Regenerate API Key" thinghttp_parse: "Parse String" thinghttp_parse_error: "Error parsing document, try a different parse string." thinghttp_permission: "You don't have permission to view that ThingHTTP!" thinghttp_update: "Update Request" thingtweet: "ThingTweet" thingtweet_arduino_select_message: "Select Twitter account to use for this code" thingtweet_back: "Back to ThingTweet" time_zone: "Time Zone" timescale: "Timescale" title: "Title" tos: "Terms of Service" tos_agree: "By signing up, you agree to the" try_again: "Please try again!" tutorials: "Tutorials" tweetcontrol: "TweetControl" tweetcontrol_delete: "Delete TweetControl" tweetcontrol_delete_message: "Want to delete this TweetControl?" tweetcontrol_error: "There were some problems creating your TweetControl:" tweetcontrol_new: "Create New TweetControl" tweetcontrol_edit: "Update TweetControl" tweetcontrol_thinghttp: "ThingHTTP Action" tweetcontrol_trigger: "Trigger" twitter_accounts: "Current Twitter accounts" twitter_delete: "Unlink Account" twitter_failure: "Twitter failure." twitter_invalid_api_key: "Invalid API Key" twitter_link_account: "Link Twitter Account" twitter_link_success: "has been successfully linked to ThingTweet." twitter_new_api_key: "Regenerate API Key" twitter_screen_name: "Twitter Account" upload: "Upload" upload_select: "Upload a CSV file to import data into this channel" uploading: "uploading file..." upload_successful: "Upload successful." upload_no_file: "Please specify a file to be uploaded." upload_no_data: "The uploaded file was empty." url: "URL" user: "User" user_no_public_channels: "This user has no public channels." user_not_found: "Sorry, that user cannot be found." user_public_channels: "Public channels for" userid: "User ID" video_id: "Video ID" view: "view" vimeo: "Vimeo" watch_channel: "Watch this channel" watched_channels: "Watched Channels" watched_empty: "You aren't watching any channels." watched_find: "Find some channels to watch." watched_view: "View Watched Channels" public_link: "Public" private_link: "Private" settings_link: "Settings" api_key_link: "API Key" data_import_link: "Data Import" width: "Width" youtube: "YouTube" # help section help: "Help" help_api_documentation: "API documentation" help_apps_talkback: "Allow devices to execute queued commands." help_apps_thinghttp: "Create custom POSTs or GETs to other webservices and retrieve the data." help_apps_thingtweet: "Link your Twitter account to ThingSpeak and send Twitter messages using our simple API." help_apps_tweetcontrol: "Listen to commands from Twitter and then perform an action." help_apps_react: "Perform actions when conditions are met by your data in your channels." help_channel: "Create a channel -- it can be for a device, app, or anything that can send data to ThingSpeak." help_channel_clear: "Clicking on the \"Clear Channel\" button will delete ALL feed data associated with this channel, but will leave the channel's info intact." help_channel_ranking: "Completeness will help your channel appear higher in the list of public channels." help_channel_feed: "Viewing Data" help_channel_fields: "Add up to 8 fields that can be tracked. A field must be added before it can store data." help_channel_import: "Select a CSV file on your hard drive and import all of its data directly into this channel. Your CSV file should contain a date field in the first column. If your data doesn't contain timezone info, select one appropriately." help_channel_post: "Add data by sending a POST or GET to:" help_channel_post_example: "Please include your write API key and some data, for example:" help_channel_public: "Make this channel public to allow anyone to view its feed and charts without using API keys." help_channel_read_key: "Read API keys can be used to allow other people to view your channel's feed and charts." help_channel_read_key_note: "Notes are for your personal use, and can be used to keep track of who you give out read keys to." help_channel_update: "Sending Data" help_channel_url: "By using the URL field, you can provide a link to more information for your public channel, such as a blog post or webpage about the channel." help_channel_video: "Add a video to the public view of your channel by providing a YouTube or Vimeo ID, which is found in the URL of your video." help_channel_view: "View your channel's data at:" help_channel_write_key: "Use your write API key to read or write data to this channel." help_charts: "Help With Charts" help_charts_embed: "The embed code can then be added to any webpage, and your customized chart will appear there." help_charts_options: "Create customized charts by choosing your options and clicking on \"Update\"." help_device: "Add your device and store its info on ThingSpeak." help_device_edit: "Add your device's info on this page. You can assign a MAC address on the next page." help_device_show: "Generate a completely random MAC address, or use one of ThingSpeak's reserved MAC addresses, where each one is unique." help_plugins: "Plugins allow you to create custom HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files that can be used to parse and display your data." help_social_channel: "Create a new social channel which will be accessible at:" help_social_channel_public: "All social channels are public. Use the Message Field to allow users to enter other data, such as a message to go along with their submission." help_talkback: "Send queued commands to your devices with TalkBack." help_talkback_index: "Create a TalkBack and add some commands. Your device can then execute the stored commands, and those commands will be removed from the queue." help_talkback_channel: "If a channel log is set, executed commands will be automatically logged to the 'status' field of that channel." help_talkback_commands_1: "Commands can be added here or" help_talkback_commands_2: "via the API" help_talkback_show: "To learn more about using TalkBack, we suggest checking out our" help_thinghttp: "Use ThingHTTP to access other APIs or webpages and parse the responses. You can create and save a full HTTP request to any URL, and then easily access it by using your ThingHTTP API key." help_thinghttp_edit: "Create your custom HTTP request on this page. For example, try the following options:" help_thinghttp_example: "This will send your HTTP GET request to Google Finance and parse the response for an element having an ID of ref_626307_c, which corresponds to the S&P 500 current price change for the day." help_thinghttp_show: "You can now send your ThingHTTP request and view the response using the following URL:" help_thingtweet: "ThingTweet acts as a proxy to Twitter so that your devices can update Twitter statuses without having to implement Open Authentication (OAuth)." help_tweetcontrol: "Use TweetControl to listen to specific trigger words from Twitter, and then process a ThingHTTP request." help_tweetcontrol_edit: "Select Anonymous TweetControl to allow anyone to trigger your TweetControl or fill in a specfic Twitter Account." help_tweetcontrol_hashtag: "To trigger a TweetControl, you need to send a Twitter Status Update with at least the hashtag #thingspeak and the trigger word, for example:" help_tweetcontrol_thinghttp: "Select a ThingHTTP request to use with this TweetControl. The ThingHTTP request will be executed when the TweetControl is triggered." help_tweetcontrol_trigger: "Fill in a trigger to listen for." help_options: "more help" help_react: "React allow you to trigger a ThingHTTP request or send a tweet using ThingTweet when your ThingSpeak Channel meets a certain condition. " help_react_create: "Create your React condition here." help_react_edit: "Update your React condition here." help_react_edit1: "Select a condition type to correspond with the type of data you wish to check and set your condition values." help_react_edit2: "Use the Test Frequency setting to choose to test your condition on every insert or on a periodic basis." help_react_edit3: "Select ThingTweet or ThingHTTP as the action to be performed if the condition is met." # unsorted window_map: "Channel Location" window_status: "Channel Status Updates" window_channel_video: "Channel Video" window_field_chart: "Field %{field_number} Chart" window_plugin: "%{name} (Plugin)" portlets_available: "Available Windows" private_view: "Private View" public_view: "Public View" channel_settings: "Channel Settings" data_import: "Data Import" portlets_all_displayed: "All available windows are being displayed" portlets_add: "Click a rectangle to add that windows to the dashboard" add_portlets: "Add Windows" # documentation error headers error_code: "Error Code" error_http_status: "HTTP Status" error_message: "Message" error_details: "Details" # errors error_codes: error_auth_required: message: "Authorization Required" http_status: 401 details: "Please make sure that your API key is correct." error_resource_not_found: message: "Resource Not Found" http_status: 404 details: "The requested resource was not found. Please check the URL and try again." error_method_invalid: message: "Method Not Allowed" http_status: 405 details: "Please use the proper HTTP method for this request." error_no_action: message: "No Action Performed" http_status: 421 details: "The server attempted to process your request, but has no action to perform." error_too_many_requests: message: "Too Many Requests" http_status: 429 details: "Please wait before making another request." number: # Used in number_with_delimiter() # These are also the defaults for 'currency', 'percentage', 'precision', and 'human' format: # Sets the separator between the units, for more precision (e.g. 1.0 / 2.0 == 0.5) separator: "." # Delimits thousands (e.g. 1,000,000 is a million) (always in groups of three) delimiter: "," # Number of decimals, behind the separator (the number 1 with a precision of 2 gives: 1.00) precision: 3 # If set to true, precision will mean the number of significant digits instead # of the number of decimal digits (1234 with precision 2 becomes 1200, 1.23543 becomes 1.2) significant: false # If set, the zeros after the decimal separator will always be stripped (eg.: 1.200 will be 1.2) strip_insignificant_zeros: false # Used in number_to_currency() currency: format: # Where is the currency sign? %u is the currency unit, %n the number (default: $5.00) format: "%u%n" unit: "$" # These five are to override number.format and are optional separator: "." delimiter: "," precision: 2 significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false # Used in number_to_percentage() percentage: format: # These five are to override number.format and are optional # separator: delimiter: "" # precision: # significant: false # strip_insignificant_zeros: false format: "%n%" # Used in number_to_precision() precision: format: # These five are to override number.format and are optional # separator: delimiter: "" # precision: # significant: false # strip_insignificant_zeros: false # Used in number_to_human_size() and number_to_human() human: format: # These five are to override number.format and are optional # separator: delimiter: "" precision: 3 significant: true strip_insignificant_zeros: true # Used in number_to_human_size() storage_units: # Storage units output formatting. # %u is the storage unit, %n is the number (default: 2 MB) format: "%n %u" units: byte: one: "Byte" other: "Bytes" kb: "KB" mb: "MB" gb: "GB" tb: "TB" # Used in number_to_human() decimal_units: format: "%n %u" # Decimal units output formatting # By default we will only quantify some of the exponents # but the commented ones might be defined or overridden # by the user. units: # femto: Quadrillionth # pico: Trillionth # nano: Billionth # micro: Millionth # mili: Thousandth # centi: Hundredth # deci: Tenth unit: "" # ten: # one: Ten # other: Tens # hundred: Hundred thousand: Thousand million: Million billion: Billion trillion: Trillion quadrillion: Quadrillion # Used in distance_of_time_in_words(), distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(), time_ago_in_words() datetime: distance_in_words: half_a_minute: "half a minute" less_than_x_seconds: one: "less than 1 second" other: "less than %{count} seconds" x_seconds: one: "1 second" other: "%{count} seconds" less_than_x_minutes: one: "less than a minute" other: "less than %{count} minutes" x_minutes: one: "1 minute" other: "%{count} minutes" about_x_hours: one: "about 1 hour" other: "about %{count} hours" x_days: one: "1 day" other: "%{count} days" about_x_months: one: "about 1 month" other: "about %{count} months" x_months: one: "1 month" other: "%{count} months" about_x_years: one: "about 1 year" other: "about %{count} years" over_x_years: one: "over 1 year" other: "over %{count} years" almost_x_years: one: "almost 1 year" other: "almost %{count} years" prompts: year: "Year" month: "Month" day: "Day" hour: "Hour" minute: "Minute" second: "Seconds" helpers: select: # Default value for :prompt => true in FormOptionsHelper prompt: "Please select" # Default translation keys for submit and button FormHelper submit: create: 'Create %{model}' update: 'Update %{model}' submit: 'Save %{model}'