class ChannelsController < ApplicationController before_filter :require_user, :except => [ :show, :post_data ] before_filter :set_channels_menu protect_from_forgery :except => :post_data def index @channels = current_user.channels end def show @channel = Channel.find(params[:id]) if params[:id] @domain = domain # if owner of channel get_channel_data if current_user and @channel.user_id == end def edit get_channel_data end def update @channel = Channel.find(params[:id]) # make sure channel belongs to current user check_permissions(@channel) # protect against bots render :text => '' and return if params[:userlogin].length > 0 @channel.update_attributes(params[:channel]) = "#{t(:channel_default_name)} #{}" if params[:channel][:name].empty? redirect_to channel_path( and return end def create # protect against bots render :text => '' and return if params[:userlogin].length > 0 # get default name for field @d = t(:channel_default_field) # add channel with defaults @channel = => "#{@d}1") @channel.user_id = # now that the channel is saved, we can create the default name = "#{t(:channel_default_name)} #{}" # create an api key for this channel @api_key = @api_key.channel_id = @api_key.user_id = @api_key.write_flag = 1 @api_key.api_key = generate_api_key # redirect to edit the newly created channel redirect_to edit_channel_path( end # clear all data from a channel def clear channel = Channel.find(params[:id]) # make sure channel belongs to current user check_permissions(channel) # do the delete channel.feeds.each do |f| f.delete end redirect_to channels_path end def destroy @channel = Channel.find(params[:id]) # make sure channel belongs to current user check_permissions(@channel) # do the delete @channel.delete redirect_to channels_path end # response is '0' if failure, 'entry_id' if success def post_data status = '0' feed = api_key = ApiKey.find_by_api_key(get_userkey) # if write persmission, allow post if (api_key && api_key.write_flag) channel = Channel.find(api_key.channel_id) # update entry_id for channel and feed entry_id = channel.last_entry_id.nil? ? 1 : channel.last_entry_id + 1 channel.last_entry_id = entry_id feed.entry_id = entry_id # try to get created_at datetime if appropriate if params[:created_at] begin feed.created_at = DateTime.parse(params[:created_at]) # if invalid datetime, don't do anything--rails will set created_at rescue end end # modify parameters params.each do |key, value| # strip line feeds from end of parameters params[key] = value.sub(/\\n$/, '').sub(/\\r$/, '') if value # use ip address if found params[key] = request.remote_addr if value.upcase == 'IP_ADDRESS' end # set feed details feed.channel_id = feed.raw_data = params feed.field1 = params[:field1] if params[:field1] feed.field2 = params[:field2] if params[:field2] feed.field3 = params[:field3] if params[:field3] feed.field4 = params[:field4] if params[:field4] feed.field5 = params[:field5] if params[:field5] feed.field6 = params[:field6] if params[:field6] feed.field7 = params[:field7] if params[:field7] feed.field8 = params[:field8] if params[:field8] feed.status = params[:status] if params[:status] feed.latitude = params[:lat] if params[:lat] feed.latitude = params[:latitude] if params[:latitude] feed.longitude = params[:long] if params[:long] feed.longitude = params[:longitude] if params[:longitude] feed.elevation = params[:elevation] if params[:elevation] if && status = entry_id end end # output response code render :text => '0', :status => 400 and return if status == '0' render :text => status end end