class MapsController < ApplicationController # show map with channel's location def channel_show set_map_vars render :layout => false end # show social map with feed points as markers def show set_map_vars render :layout => false end # set map variables def set_map_vars # allow these parameters when creating feed querystring feed_params = ['key','days','start','end','round','timescale','average','median','sum','results','status'] # default map size @width = default_width @height = default_height # add extra parameters to querystring @qs = '' params.each do |p| @qs += "&#{p[0]}=#{p[1]}" if feed_params.include?(p[0]) end # set ssl @ssl = (get_header_value('x_ssl') == 'true') @map_domain = @ssl ? '' : '' @domain = domain(@ssl) end private def default_width 450 end def default_height 250 end end