# == Schema Information # # Table name: channels # # id :integer not null, primary key # user_id :integer # name :string(255) # description :string(255) # latitude :decimal(15, 10) # longitude :decimal(15, 10) # field1 :string(255) # field2 :string(255) # field3 :string(255) # field4 :string(255) # field5 :string(255) # field6 :string(255) # field7 :string(255) # field8 :string(255) # scale1 :integer # scale2 :integer # scale3 :integer # scale4 :integer # scale5 :integer # scale6 :integer # scale7 :integer # scale8 :integer # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # elevation :string(255) # last_entry_id :integer # public_flag :boolean default(FALSE) # options1 :string(255) # options2 :string(255) # options3 :string(255) # options4 :string(255) # options5 :string(255) # options6 :string(255) # options7 :string(255) # options8 :string(255) # social :boolean default(FALSE) # slug :string(255) # status :string(255) # url :string(255) # video_id :string(255) # video_type :string(255) # clearing :boolean default(FALSE), not null # ranking :integer # user_agent :string(255) # realtime_io_serial_number :string(36) # metadata :text # class Channel < ActiveRecord::Base include KeyUtilities belongs_to :user has_many :feeds has_many :daily_feeds has_many :api_keys, :dependent => :destroy has_many :taggings, :dependent => :destroy has_many :tags, :through => :taggings has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :windows, :dependent => :destroy, :autosave => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :tags self.include_root_in_json = true attr_readonly :created_at after_commit :set_default_name after_commit :set_ranking, :unless => "ranking == calc_ranking" before_destroy :delete_feeds validates :video_type, :presence => true, :if => lambda{ |channel| !channel.video_id.nil? && !channel.video_id.empty?} scope :public_viewable, lambda { where("public_flag = true AND social != true") } scope :not_social, lambda { where("social != true") } scope :is_public, lambda { where("public_flag = true") } scope :active, lambda { where("channels.last_entry_id > 1 and channels.updated_at > ?", DateTime.now.utc - 7.day) } scope :being_cleared, lambda { where("clearing = true") } scope :by_array, lambda {|ids| { :conditions => ["id in (?)", ids.uniq] } } scope :with_tag, lambda {|name| joins(:tags).where("tags.name = ?", name) } # pagination variables cattr_reader :per_page @@per_page = 15 # how often the channel is updated def update_rate last_feeds = self.feeds.order('entry_id desc').limit(2) rate = (last_feeds.first.created_at - last_feeds.last.created_at) if last_feeds.length == 2 return rate end # write key for a channel def write_api_key self.api_keys.where(:write_flag => true).first.api_key end # select options def select_options(options = nil) only = [:name, :created_at, :updated_at, :id, :last_entry_id] only += [:description] unless self.description.blank? only += [:metadata] if options.present? && options[:metadata] == 'true' only += [:latitude] unless self.latitude.blank? only += [:longitude] unless self.longitude.blank? only += [:elevation] unless self.elevation.blank? only += [:field1] unless self.field1.blank? only += [:field2] unless self.field2.blank? only += [:field3] unless self.field3.blank? only += [:field4] unless self.field4.blank? only += [:field5] unless self.field5.blank? only += [:field6] unless self.field6.blank? only += [:field7] unless self.field7.blank? only += [:field8] unless self.field8.blank? # return a hash return { :only => only } end # adds a feed to the channel def add_status_feed(status) # update the entry_id for the channel entry_id = self.next_entry_id self.last_entry_id = entry_id self.save # create the new feed with the correct status and entry_id self.feeds.create(:status => status, :entry_id => entry_id) end # get next last_entry_id for a channel def next_entry_id self.last_entry_id.nil? ? 1 : self.last_entry_id + 1 end # for internal admin use, shows the ids of a channel per month (useful as a proxy for growth) def show_growth output = [] date = self.feeds.order("entry_id asc").first.created_at # while the date is in the past while (date < Time.now) # get a feed on that day feed = self.feeds.where("created_at > ?", date).where("created_at < ?", date + 1.day).first # output the date and feed id output << "#{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')},#{feed.id}" if feed.present? # set the date 1 month further date = date + 1.month end # show the output puts output.join("\n") end # paginated hash for json and xml output # channels input must be paginated def self.paginated_hash(channels) { pagination: { current_page: channels.current_page, per_page: channels.per_page, total_entries: channels.total_entries, }, channels: channels.as_json(Channel.public_options) } end # for to_json or to_xml, return only the public attributes def self.public_options { :root => false, :only => [:id, :name, :description, :latitude, :longitude, :last_entry_id, :elevation, :created_at, :ranking], :methods => :username, :include => { :tags => {:only => [:id, :name]}} } end # used when creating a channel def self.private_options { :root => false, :only => [:id, :name, :description, :metadata, :latitude, :longitude, :last_entry_id, :elevation, :created_at, :ranking], :methods => :username, :include => { :tags => {:only => [:id, :name]}, :api_keys => {:only => [:api_key, :write_flag]} } } end # login name of the user who created the channel def username; self.user.try(:login); end # custom as_json method to allow: root => false def as_json(options = nil) root = include_root_in_json root = options[:root] if options.try(:key?, :root) if root root = self.class.model_name.element if root == true { root => serializable_hash(options) } else serializable_hash(options) end end def private_windows *hidden if hidden.size >= 1 return windows.where("private_flag = true and show_flag = #{hidden[0].to_s}") else return windows.where("private_flag = true" ) end end # overloaded version witthout private/public flag for the has_many dependent destroy action def public_windows hidden return windows.where("private_flag = false and show_flag = #{hidden}") end # measure of activity in terms of feeds per time period def public? return public_flag end def video_changed? video_id_changed? || video_type_changed? end def location_changed? latitude_changed? || longitude_changed? end def feeds_changed? field1_changed? || field2_changed? || field3_changed? || field4_changed? || field5_changed? || field6_changed? || field7_changed? || field8_changed? end def update_chart_portlets self.fields.each do |field| update_chart_portlet field, true update_chart_portlet field, false end #remove portlets for fields that don't exist #iterate all chart windows... and look for a matching field chartWindows = windows.where(:wtype => :chart ) chartWindows.each do |window| if self.send(window.name).blank? window.destroy end end end def update_status_portlet isPrivate window = windows.where(:wtype => :status, :private_flag => isPrivate ) status_html = "" if window.nil? || window[0].nil? window = PortletWindow.new window.wtype = :status window.position = 1 window.col = 1 window.title = "window_status" else window = window[0] end window.private_flag = isPrivate window.html = status_html window.window_detail = PortletWindowDetail.new if window.window_detail.nil? self.windows.push window end def video_fields_valid? !video_id.nil? && !video_id.empty? && !video_type.nil? && !video_type.empty? end def update_video_portlet isPrivate window = windows.where(:wtype => :video, :private_flag => isPrivate ) if video_fields_valid? youtube_html = "" vimeo_html = "" if window.nil? || window[0].nil? window = PortletWindow.new window.wtype = :video window.position = 1 window.col = 1 window.title = "window_channel_video" else window = window[0] end window.private_flag = isPrivate window.html = youtube_html if video_type == 'youtube' window.html = vimeo_html if video_type == 'vimeo' window.window_detail = PortletWindowDetail.new if window.window_detail.nil? self.windows.push window else unless window[0].nil? window[0].delete end end end def update_location_portlet isPrivate window = windows.where(:wtype => :location, :private_flag => isPrivate ) if !latitude.nil? && !longitude.nil? maps_html = "" if window.nil? || window[0].nil? window = PortletWindow.new window.wtype = :location window.position = 0 window.col = 1 window.title = "window_map" else window = window[0] end window.private_flag = isPrivate window.html = maps_html window.window_detail = PortletWindowDetail.new if window.window_detail.nil? self.windows.push window else unless window[0].nil? window[0].delete end end end # get recent status messages from channel def recent_statuses self.feeds.select('status, created_at, entry_id').order('created_at DESC').limit(30).collect {|f| f unless f.status.blank? }.compact end def latest_feed self.feeds.where(:entry_id => self.last_entry_id).first end def delete_feeds # if a small number of feeds or redis is not present if self.feeds.count < 1000 || REDIS_ENABLED == false Feed.delete_all(["channel_id = ?", self.id]) DailyFeed.delete_all(["channel_id = ?", self.id]) begin self.update_attribute(:last_entry_id, nil) rescue Exception => e end # else delete via background resque job else self.update_attribute(:clearing, true) Resque.enqueue(ClearChannelJob, self.id) end end # true if channel is active def active? return (last_entry_id and updated_at and last_entry_id > 1 and updated_at > DateTime.now.utc - 1.days) end def list_tags (self.tags.collect { |t| t.name }).join(', ') end def save_tags(tags) # for each tag tags.split(',').each do |name| tag = Tag.find_by_name(name.strip) # save if new tag if tag.nil? tag = Tag.new tag.name = name.strip tag.save end tagging = Tagging.find(:first, :conditions => { :tag_id => tag.id, :channel_id => self.id}) # save if new tagging if tagging.nil? tagging = Tagging.new tagging.channel_id = self.id tagging.tag_id = tag.id tagging.save end end # delete any tags that were removed self.remove_tags(tags) end # if tags don't exist anymore, remove them def remove_tags(tags) tag_array = tags.split(',') # remove white space tag_array = tag_array.collect {|t| t.strip } # get all taggings for this channel taggings = Tagging.find(:all, :conditions => { :channel_id => self.id }, :include => :tag) # check for existence taggings.each do |tagging| # if tagging is not in list if !tag_array.include?(tagging.tag.name) # delete tagging tagging.delete end end end def add_write_api_key write_key = self.api_keys.new write_key.user = self.user write_key.write_flag = true write_key.api_key = generate_api_key write_key.save end def queue_react self.reacts.on_insertion.each do |react| begin Resque.enqueue(ReactJob, react.id) rescue Exception => e end end end def field_label(field_number) self.attributes["field#{field_number}"] end def fields fields = attribute_names.reject { |x| !(x.index('field') && self[x] && !self[x].empty?) } end def calc_ranking result = 0 result = result + 15 unless name.blank? result = result + 20 unless description.blank? result = result + 15 unless latitude.blank? || longitude.blank? result = result + 15 unless url.blank? result = result + 15 unless video_id.blank? || video_type.blank? result = result + 20 unless tags.empty? result end def set_windows #check for video window if video_changed? update_video_portlet true update_video_portlet false end #does channel have a location and corresponding google map if location_changed? update_location_portlet true update_location_portlet false end #does channel have status and corresponding status window. Add the status window no matter what. Only display if it has values update_status_portlet true update_status_portlet false #does channel have a window for every chart element if feeds_changed? update_chart_portlets end end private def set_ranking update_attribute(:ranking, calc_ranking) unless ranking == calc_ranking end def update_chart_portlet (field, isPrivate) chartWindows = windows.where(:type => "ChartWindow", :name => "field#{field.last.to_s}", :private_flag => isPrivate ) if chartWindows.nil? || chartWindows[0].nil? window = ChartWindow.new window.wtype = :chart window.position = 0 window.col = 0 window.title = "window_field_chart" window.name = field.to_s window.window_detail = ChartWindowDetail.new window.window_detail.options = "&results=60&dynamic=true" else window = chartWindows[0] # If there are options, use them.. if options are not available, then assign defaults window.window_detail.options ||= "&results=60&dynamic=true" end window.window_detail.field_number = field.last window.private_flag = isPrivate windows.push window window.html ="" if !window.save raise "The Window could not be saved" end end def set_default_name update_attribute(:name, "#{I18n.t(:channel_default_name)} #{self.id}") if self.name.blank? end end