class PagesController < ApplicationController layout 'application', :except => [:home, :social_home] def home @menu = 'home' @title = 'Internet of Things' render layout: 'home' end def social_home; ; end def features @menu = 'features' end def about @menu = 'about' end def headers end # post contact email def contact_us # if no email address if params[:email].blank? || params[:email].index('@').blank? flash[:alert] = t(:contact_us_no_email) # if no message elsif params[:message].blank? flash[:alert] = t(:contact_us_no_message) # else send email if not a spambot (user must have javascript enabled) elsif params[:userlogin_js] == '6H2W6QYUAJT1Q8EB' Mailer.contact_us(params[:email], params[:message]).deliver flash[:notice] = t(:contact_us_success) end redirect_to root_path end end