Let's *disable* ssh.service to make sure it doesn't start too soon, and modify the rpi-generate-ssh-host-keys.service unit (that triggers the generation during the first boot) to enable+start ssh.service when everything is ready. See: https://salsa.debian.org/raspi-team/image-specs/-/issues/72
PiRogue images
This repository contains the tools required to build “historical” PiRogue images, targeting Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi 4.
Experimental support for the Raspberry Pi 5 is provided as well. As of July
2024, it is brand new, and further upgrades of packages like raspi-firmware
(on the Debian side), or linux-image-*
and firmware-brcm80211
(on the
Raspberry OS side) might be problematic.
It operates by turning pristine Debian-provided images for Raspberry Pi into images ready to deploy PiRogue Tool Suite packages. In the future the same might happen for Debian-provided cloud images.