Thermal energy and temperature are closely related. Both reflect the amount of moving particles of matter as energy. However, temperature is the average measure of that energy, whereas thermal energy is the total energy within a system. Does this mean that matter with a lower temperature has less thermal energy than matter with a higher temperature? Not necessarily ([ - Thermal Energy]( processes work to moderate Earth's temperature across the globe. Atmospheric circulation brings warm air towards the poles and cold polar air towards the Equator. If the Earth’s atmosphere didn’t move the temperature differences would be much greater ([ - Effect of Atmospheric Circulation on Climate](
Give students real world experience with coding, collecting temperature data, analyzing data, and reporting results using MakeCode’s block programming and a microbit with its sensors.
## Prior Knowledge
Students need to have a basic knowledge of how to code using block style programming ([Microbit using the Windows 10 MakeCode app]( and download a program to a microbit.