"led.setDisplayMode":"Sets the display mode between black and white and greyscale for rendering LEDs.",
"led.stopAnimation":"Cancels the current animation and clears other pending animations.",
"led.toggle":"Toggles a particular pixel",
"led.toggleAll":"Inverts the current LED display",
"led.unplot":"Turn off the specified LED using x, y coordinates (x is horizontal, y is vertical). (0,0) is upper left.",
"music":"Generation of music tones through pin ``P0``.",
"music.beat":"Returns the duration of a beat in milli-seconds",
"music.changeTempoBy":"Change the tempo by the specified amount",
"music.changeTempoBy|param|bpm":"The change in beats per minute to the tempo, eg: 20",
"music.noteFrequency":"Gets the frequency of a note.",
"music.noteFrequency|param|name":"the note name",
"music.playTone":"Plays a tone through pin ``P0`` for the given duration.",
"music.playTone|param|frequency":"pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz)",
"music.playTone|param|ms":"tone duration in milliseconds (ms)",
"music.rest":"Rests (plays nothing) for a specified time through pin ``P0``.",
"music.rest|param|ms":"rest duration in milliseconds (ms)",
"music.ringTone":"Plays a tone through pin ``P0``.",
"music.ringTone|param|frequency":"pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz)",
"music.setTempo":"Sets the tempo to the specified amount",
"music.setTempo|param|bpm":"The new tempo in beats per minute, eg: 120",
"music.tempo":"Returns the tempo in beats per minute. Tempo is the speed (bpm = beats per minute) at which notes play. The larger the tempo value, the faster the notes will play.",
"pins":"Control currents in Pins for analog/digital signals, servos, i2c, ...",
"pins.analogPitch":"Emits a Pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal to the current pitch pin. Use `analog set pitch pin` to define the pitch pin.",
"pins.analogReadPin":"Read the connector value as analog, that is, as a value comprised between 0 and 1023.",
"pins.analogReadPin|param|name":"pin to write to",
"pins.analogSetPeriod":"Configures the Pulse-width modulation (PWM) of the analog output to the given value in **microseconds** or `1/1000` milliseconds.\nIf this pin is not configured as an analog output (using `analog write pin`), the operation has no effect.",
"pins.analogSetPeriod|param|micros":"period in micro seconds. eg:20000",
"pins.analogSetPeriod|param|name":"analog pin to set period to",
"pins.analogSetPitchPin":"Sets the pin used when using `pins->analog pitch`.",
"pins.analogWritePin":"Set the connector value as analog. Value must be comprised between 0 and 1023.",
"pins.analogWritePin|param|name":"pin name to write to",
"pins.analogWritePin|param|value":"value to write to the pin between ``0`` and ``1023``. eg:1023,0",
"pins.digitalReadPin":"Read the specified pin or connector as either 0 or 1",
"pins.digitalReadPin|param|name":"pin to read from",
"pins.digitalWritePin":"Set a pin or connector value to either 0 or 1.",
"pins.digitalWritePin|param|name":"pin to write to",
"pins.digitalWritePin|param|value":"value to set on the pin, 1 eg,0",
"pins.i2cReadNumber":"Read one number from 7-bit I2C address.",
"pins.i2cWriteNumber":"Write one number to a 7-bit I2C address.",
"pins.map":"Re-maps a number from one range to another. That is, a value of ``from low`` would get mapped to ``to low``, a value of ``from high`` to ``to high``, values in-between to values in-between, etc.",
"pins.map|param|fromHigh":"the upper bound of the value's current range, eg: 1023",
"pins.map|param|fromLow":"the lower bound of the value's current range",
"pins.map|param|toHigh":"the upper bound of the value's target range, eg: 4",
"pins.map|param|toLow":"the lower bound of the value's target range",
"pins.map|param|value":"value to map in ranges",
"pins.onPulsed":"Configures this pin to a digital input, and generates events where the timestamp is the duration that this pin was either ``high`` or ``low``.",
"pins.pulseDuration":"Gets the duration of the last pulse in micro-seconds. This function should be called from a ``onPulsed`` handler.",
"pins.servoSetPulse":"Configures this IO pin as an analog/pwm output, configures the period to be 20 ms, and sets the pulse width, based on the value it is given **microseconds** or `1/1000` milliseconds.",
"pins.servoSetPulse|param|micros":"pulse duration in micro seconds, eg:1500",
"pins.servoSetPulse|param|name":"pin name",
"pins.servoWritePin":"Writes a value to the servo, controlling the shaft accordingly. On a standard servo, this will set the angle of the shaft (in degrees), moving the shaft to that orientation. On a continuous rotation servo, this will set the speed of the servo (with ``0`` being full-speed in one direction, ``180`` being full speed in the other, and a value near ``90`` being no movement).",
"pins.servoWritePin|param|name":"pin to write to",
"pins.servoWritePin|param|value":"angle or rotation speed, eg:180,90,0",
"pins.setPull":"Configures the pull of this pin.",
"pins.setPull|param|name":"pin to set the pull mode on",
"pins.setPull|param|pull":"one of the mbed pull configurations: PullUp, PullDown, PullNone ",