updated strings
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
"AcceleratorRange.EightG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 8 gravity",
"AcceleratorRange.FourG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 4 gravity",
"AcceleratorRange.OneG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 1 gravity",
"AcceleratorRange.TwoG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 2 gravity",
"Array": "Add, remove, and replace items in lists.\n\nAdd, remove, and replace items in lists.",
"Array.filter": "Return the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.",
"Array.filter|param|callbackfn": "A function that accepts up to two arguments. The filter method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.",
@ -35,6 +39,57 @@
"Array.splice|param|start": "The zero-based location in the array from which to start removing elements. eg: 0",
"Array.unshift": "Add one element to the beginning of an array and return the new length of the array.",
"Array.unshift|param|value": "to insert at the start of the Array.",
"Boolean.toString": "Returns a string representation of an object.",
"Buffer.fill": "Fill (a fragment) of the buffer with given value.",
"Buffer.getNumber": "Read a number in specified format from the buffer.",
"Buffer.length": "Returns the length of a Buffer object.",
"Buffer.rotate": "Rotate buffer left in place.",
"Buffer.rotate|param|length": "number of elements in buffer. If negative, length is set as the buffer length minus start. eg: -1",
"Buffer.rotate|param|offset": "number of bytes to shift; use negative value to shift right",
"Buffer.rotate|param|start": "start offset in buffer. Default is 0.",
"Buffer.setNumber": "Write a number in specified format in the buffer.",
"Buffer.shift": "Shift buffer left in place, with zero padding.",
"Buffer.shift|param|length": "number of elements in buffer. If negative, length is set as the buffer length minus start. eg: -1",
"Buffer.shift|param|offset": "number of bytes to shift; use negative value to shift right",
"Buffer.shift|param|start": "start offset in buffer. Default is 0.",
"Buffer.slice": "Return a copy of a fragment of a buffer.",
"Buffer.write": "Write contents of `src` at `dstOffset` in current buffer.",
"EventCreationMode": "How to create the event.",
"EventCreationMode.CreateAndFire": "MicroBitEvent is initialised, and its event handlers are immediately fired (not suitable for use in interrupts!).",
"EventCreationMode.CreateOnly": "MicroBitEvent is initialised, and no further processing takes place.",
"Gesture.EightG": "Raised when a 8G shock is detected",
"Gesture.FreeFall": "Raised when the board is falling!",
"Gesture.LogoDown": "Raised when the logo is downward and the screen is vertical",
"Gesture.LogoUp": "Raised when the logo is upward and the screen is vertical",
"Gesture.ScreenDown": "Raised when the screen is pointing up and the board is horizontal",
"Gesture.ScreenUp": "Raised when the screen is pointing down and the board is horizontal",
"Gesture.Shake": "Raised when shaken",
"Gesture.SixG": "Raised when a 6G shock is detected",
"Gesture.ThreeG": "Raised when a 3G shock is detected",
"Gesture.TiltLeft": "Raised when the screen is pointing left",
"Gesture.TiltRight": "Raised when the screen is pointing right",
"Image.clear": "Sets all pixels off.",
"Image.height": "Gets the height in rows (always 5)",
"Image.pixel": "Get the pixel state at position ``(x,y)``",
"Image.pixelBrightness": "Gets the pixel brightness ([0..255]) at a given position",
"Image.pixel|param|x": "TODO",
"Image.pixel|param|y": "TODO",
"Image.plotFrame": "Draws the ``index``-th frame of the image on the screen.",
"Image.plotFrame|param|xOffset": "column index to start displaying the image",
"Image.plotImage": "Plots the image at a given column to the screen",
"Image.scrollImage": "Scrolls an image .",
"Image.scrollImage|param|frameOffset": "x offset moved on each animation step, eg: 1, 2, 5",
"Image.scrollImage|param|interval": "time between each animation step in milli seconds, eg: 200",
"Image.setPixel": "Set a pixel state at position ``(x,y)``",
"Image.setPixelBrightness": "Sets a specific pixel brightness at a given position",
"Image.setPixel|param|value": "TODO",
"Image.setPixel|param|x": "TODO",
"Image.setPixel|param|y": "TODO",
"Image.showFrame": "Shows a particular frame of the image strip.",
"Image.showFrame|param|frame": "TODO",
"Image.showImage": "Shows an frame from the image at offset ``x offset``.",
"Image.showImage|param|xOffset": "column index to start displaying the image",
"Image.width": "Gets the width in columns",
"Math": "More complex operations with numbers.",
"Math.abs": "Returns the absolute value of a number (the value without regard to whether it is positive or negative).\nFor example, the absolute value of -5 is the same as the absolute value of 5.",
"Math.abs|param|x": "A numeric expression for which the absolute value is needed.",
@ -50,6 +105,7 @@
"Math.sign|param|x": "The numeric expression to test",
"Math.sqrt": "Return the square root of a number.",
"Math.sqrt|param|x": "A numeric expression.",
"Number.toString": "Return a string representation of a number.",
"String": "Combine, split, and search text strings.\n\nCombine, split, and search text strings.",
"String.charAt": "Return the character at the specified index.",
"String.charAt|param|index": "The zero-based index of the desired character, eg: 0",
@ -109,6 +165,58 @@
"control.waitMicros": "Blocks the current fiber for the given microseconds",
"control.waitMicros|param|micros": "number of micro-seconds to wait. eg: 4",
"game": "A single-LED sprite game engine",
"game.LedSprite": "A game sprite rendered as a single LED",
"game.LedSprite.blink": "Reports the ``blink`` duration of a sprite",
"game.LedSprite.brightness": "Reports the ``brightness` of a sprite on the LED screen",
"game.LedSprite.change": "Changes a property of the sprite",
"game.LedSprite.changeBlinkBy": "Changes the ``blink`` duration by the given amount of millisecons",
"game.LedSprite.changeBlinkBy|param|ms": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.changeBrightnessBy": "Changes the ``y`` position by the given amount",
"game.LedSprite.changeBrightnessBy|param|value": "the value to change brightness",
"game.LedSprite.changeDirectionBy": "Changes the ``direction`` position by the given amount by turning right",
"game.LedSprite.changeDirectionBy|param|angle": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.changeXBy": "Changes the ``x`` position by the given amount",
"game.LedSprite.changeXBy|param|x": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.changeYBy": "Changes the ``y`` position by the given amount",
"game.LedSprite.changeYBy|param|y": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.change|param|property": "the name of the property to change",
"game.LedSprite.change|param|value": "amount of change, eg: 1",
"game.LedSprite.delete": "Deletes the sprite from the game engine. The sprite will no longer appear on the screen or interact with other sprites.",
"game.LedSprite.direction": "Reports the current direction of a sprite",
"game.LedSprite.get": "Gets a property of the sprite",
"game.LedSprite.get|param|property": "the name of the property to change",
"game.LedSprite.goTo": "Go to this position on the screen",
"game.LedSprite.goTo|param|x": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.goTo|param|y": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.ifOnEdgeBounce": "If touching the edge of the stage and facing towards it, then turn away.",
"game.LedSprite.isTouching": "Reports true if sprite has the same position as specified sprite",
"game.LedSprite.isTouchingEdge": "Reports true if sprite is touching an edge",
"game.LedSprite.isTouching|param|other": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.move": "Move a certain number of LEDs in the current direction",
"game.LedSprite.move|param|leds": "number of leds to move, eg: 1, -1",
"game.LedSprite.off": "Turns off the sprite (on by default)",
"game.LedSprite.on": "Turns on the sprite (on by default)",
"game.LedSprite.set": "Sets a property of the sprite",
"game.LedSprite.setBlink": "Sets the blink duration interval in millisecond.",
"game.LedSprite.setBlink|param|ms": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.setBrightness": "Set the ``brightness`` of a sprite",
"game.LedSprite.setBrightness|param|brightness": "the brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (on), eg: 255.",
"game.LedSprite.setDirection": "Set the direction of the current sprite, rounded to the nearest multiple of 45",
"game.LedSprite.setDirection|param|degrees": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.setX": "Set the ``x`` position of a sprite",
"game.LedSprite.setX|param|x": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.setY": "Set the ``y`` position of a sprite",
"game.LedSprite.setY|param|y": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.set|param|property": "the name of the property to change",
"game.LedSprite.turn": "Turn the sprite",
"game.LedSprite.turnLeft": "Turn to the left (counter-clockwise)",
"game.LedSprite.turnLeft|param|degrees": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.turnRight": "Turn to the right (clockwise)",
"game.LedSprite.turnRight|param|degrees": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.turn|param|degrees": "angle in degrees to turn, eg: 45, 90, 180, 135",
"game.LedSprite.turn|param|direction": "left or right",
"game.LedSprite.x": "Reports the ``x`` position of a sprite on the LED screen",
"game.LedSprite.y": "Reports the ``y`` position of a sprite on the LED screen",
"game.addLife": "Adds life points to the current life",
"game.addLife|param|lives": "TODO",
"game.addScore": "Adds points to the current score and shows an animation",
@ -240,6 +348,7 @@
"music.setTempo": "Sets the tempo to the specified amount",
"music.setTempo|param|bpm": "The new tempo in beats per minute, eg: 120",
"music.tempo": "Returns the tempo in beats per minute. Tempo is the speed (bpm = beats per minute) at which notes play. The larger the tempo value, the faster the notes will play.",
"parseInt": "Convert A string to an integer.",
"pins": "Control currents in Pins for analog/digital signals, servos, i2c, ...",
"pins.analogPitch": "Emits a Pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal to the current pitch pin. Use `analog set pitch pin` to define the pitch pin.",
"pins.analogPitch|param|frequency": "frequency to modulate in Hz.",
@ -136,6 +136,8 @@
"IconNames.Triangle|block": "triangle",
"IconNames.Umbrella|block": "umbrella",
"IconNames.Yes|block": "yes",
"Image.scrollImage|block": "scroll image %sprite|with offset %frameoffset|and interval (ms) %delay",
"Image.showImage|block": "show image %sprite|at offset %offset",
"LedSpriteProperty.Blink|block": "blink",
"LedSpriteProperty.Brightness|block": "brightness",
"LedSpriteProperty.Direction|block": "direction",
@ -244,6 +246,15 @@
"control.reset|block": "reset",
"control.waitMicros|block": "wait (µs)%micros",
"control|block": "control",
"game.LedSprite.change|block": "%sprite|change %property|by %value",
"game.LedSprite.delete|block": "delete %this",
"game.LedSprite.get|block": "%sprite|%property",
"game.LedSprite.ifOnEdgeBounce|block": "%sprite|if on edge, bounce",
"game.LedSprite.isTouchingEdge|block": "%sprite|touching edge?",
"game.LedSprite.isTouching|block": "%sprite|touching %other|?",
"game.LedSprite.move|block": "%sprite|move by %leds",
"game.LedSprite.set|block": "%sprite|set %property|to %value",
"game.LedSprite.turn|block": "%sprite|turn %direction|by (°) %degrees",
"game.addScore|block": "change score by|%points",
"game.createSprite|block": "create sprite at|x: %x|y: %y",
"game.gameOver|block": "game over",
@ -253,8 +264,11 @@
"game.setScore|block": "set score %points",
"game.startCountdown|block": "start countdown|(ms) %duration",
"game|block": "game",
"images.arrowImage|block": "arrow image %i=device_arrow",
"images.arrowNumber|block": "%arrow",
"images.createBigImage|block": "create big image",
"images.createImage|block": "create image",
"images.iconImage|block": "icon image %i",
"images|block": "images",
"input.acceleration|block": "acceleration (mg)|%NAME",
"input.buttonIsPressed|block": "button|%NAME|is pressed",
@ -296,6 +310,7 @@
"music.setTempo|block": "set tempo to (bpm)|%value",
"music.tempo|block": "tempo (bpm)",
"music|block": "music",
"parseInt|block": "parse to integer %text",
"pins.analogPitch|block": "analog pitch %frequency|for (ms) %ms",
"pins.analogReadPin|block": "analog read|pin %name",
"pins.analogSetPeriod|block": "analog set period|pin %pin|to (µs)%micros",
@ -334,13 +349,19 @@
"{id:category}Array": "Array",
"{id:category}Arrays": "Arrays",
"{id:category}Basic": "Basic",
"{id:category}Boolean": "Boolean",
"{id:category}Buffer": "Buffer",
"{id:category}Console": "Console",
"{id:category}Control": "Control",
"{id:category}Game": "Game",
"{id:category}Helpers": "Helpers",
"{id:category}Image": "Image",
"{id:category}Images": "Images",
"{id:category}Input": "Input",
"{id:category}Led": "Led",
"{id:category}Math": "Math",
"{id:category}Music": "Music",
"{id:category}Number": "Number",
"{id:category}Pins": "Pins",
"{id:category}Serial": "Serial",
"{id:category}String": "String",
@ -321,6 +321,10 @@ namespace game {
* A game sprite rendered as a single LED
export class LedSprite {
private _x: number;
private _y: number;
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
"radio": "Communicate data using radio packets",
"radio.Packet.receivedNumber": "The number payload if a number was sent in this packet (via ``sendNumber()`` or ``sendValue()``)\nor 0 if this packet did not contain a number.",
"radio.Packet.receivedString": "The string payload if a string was sent in this packet (via ``sendString()`` or ``sendValue()``)\nor the empty string if this packet did not contain a string.",
"radio.Packet.serial": "The serial number of the sender of the packet or 0 if the sender did not sent their serial number.",
"radio.Packet.signal": "The received signal strength indicator (RSSI) of the packet.",
"radio.Packet.time": "The system time of the sender of the packet at the time the packet was sent.",
"radio.onDataPacketReceived": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a packet. Also takes the\nreceived packet from the radio queue.",
"radio.onDataReceived": "Registers code to run when a packet is received over radio.",
"radio.receiveNumber": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's number\npayload or 0 if the packet did not contain a number.",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user