better music support

This commit is contained in:
Peli de Halleux 2016-03-14 08:32:02 -07:00
parent 53c3b22c1c
commit 4cd222ec82
4 changed files with 36 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -157,6 +157,10 @@ namespace music {
export function noteFrequency(name: Notes): number {
return name;
function init() {
if (beatsPerMinute <= 0) beatsPerMinute = 120;
* Returns the duration of a beat in milli-seconds
@ -164,6 +168,7 @@ namespace music {
//% help=/functions/beat weight=49
//% blockId=device_beat block="%fraction|beat"
export function beat(fraction : BeatFraction = BeatFraction.Whole): number {
let beat = 60000 / beatsPerMinute;
if (fraction == BeatFraction.Whole) return beat;
else if (fraction == BeatFraction.Half) return beat / 2;
@ -178,6 +183,7 @@ namespace music {
//% help=/functions/tempo weight=40
//% blockId=device_tempo block="tempo (bpm)" blockGap=8
export function tempo(): number {
return beatsPerMinute;
@ -188,7 +194,7 @@ namespace music {
//% help=/functions/tempo weight=39
//% blockId=device_change_tempo block="change tempo by (bpm)|%value" blockGap=8
export function changeTempoBy(bpm: number): void {
setTempo(beatsPerMinute + bpm);
setTempo(beat(BeatFraction.Whole) + bpm);
@ -198,6 +204,7 @@ namespace music {
//% help=/functions/tempo weight=38
//% blockId=device_set_tempo block="set tempo to (bpm)|%value"
export function setTempo(bpm: number): void {
if (bpm > 0) {
beatsPerMinute = Math.max(1, bpm);

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@ -322,6 +322,8 @@ namespace ks.rt.micro_bit {
export function setAnalogPeriodUs(pin: Pin, micros:number) {
pin.mode = PinMode.Analog | PinMode.Output;
pin.period = micros;
export function servoWritePin(pin: Pin, value: number) {
@ -385,16 +387,33 @@ namespace ks.rt.micro_bit {
export function enablePitch(pin: Pin) {
pin.mode = PinMode.Analog | PinMode.Output;
pin.mode = PinMode.Analog | PinMode.Output | PinMode.Pitch;
export function pitch(frequency: number, ms: number) {
// update analog output
let pin = board().pins.filter(pin => !!pin && (pin.mode & PinMode.Pitch) != 0)[0] || board().pins[0];
if (frequency <= 0) {
pin.value = 0;
pin.period = 0;
} else {
pin.value = 512;
pin.period = 1000000/frequency;
let cb = getResume();
AudioContextManager.tone(frequency, 1);
setTimeout(() => {
if (ms > 0) AudioContextManager.stop();
}, ms);
if (ms <= 0) cb();
else {
setTimeout(() => {
pin.value = 0;
pin.period = 0;
}, ms);

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@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ namespace ks.rt.micro_bit {
let v = '';
if (pin.mode & PinMode.Analog) {
v = Math.floor(100 - (pin.value || 0) / 1023 * 100) + '%';
if(text) text.textContent = (pin.value || 0) + "";
if(text) text.textContent = (pin.period ? "~" : "") + (pin.value || 0) + "";
else if (pin.mode & PinMode.Digital) {
v = pin.value > 0 ? '0%' : '100%';

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@ -14,13 +14,15 @@ namespace ks.rt.micro_bit {
Analog = 0x0002,
Input = 0x0004,
Output = 0x0008,
Touch = 0x0010
Touch = 0x0010,
Pitch = 0x0020
export class Pin {
constructor(public id: number) { }
touched = false;
value = 0;
period = 0;
mode = PinMode.Unused;
isTouched(): boolean {