svg refactored into kindsim

This commit is contained in:
Peli de Halleux 2016-04-07 03:52:32 -07:00
parent b99231f6e2
commit 5d9c2cf590
1 changed files with 1 additions and 113 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
namespace ks.rt.micro_bit {
const Svg = ks.rt.Svg;
export interface IBoardTheme {
accent?: string;
@ -46,119 +47,6 @@ namespace ks.rt.micro_bit {
class Svg {
static pt : SVGPoint;
static cursorPoint(pt: SVGPoint, svg: SVGSVGElement, evt : MouseEvent) : SVGPoint {
pt.x = evt.clientX;
pt.y = evt.clientY;
return pt.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());
static rotateElement(el : SVGElement, originX : number ,originY : number,degrees:number){
`translate(${originX},${originY}) rotate(${degrees+90}) translate(${-originX},${-originY})`
static elt(name:string) : SVGElement {
return document.createElementNS("", name)
static hydrate(el : SVGElement, props: any) {
for(let k in props) {
if (k == "title") {
Svg.title(el, props[k])
} else el.setAttributeNS(null, k, props[k])
static child(parent : Element, name: string, props: any) : SVGElement {
var el = <SVGElement>Svg.elt(name);
Svg.hydrate(el, props);
return el;
static path(parent: Element, cls: string, data:string, title?: string) : SVGElement {
let p : any = {class:cls, d:data};
if (title) p["title"] = title;
return Svg.child(parent, "path", p);
static fill(el: SVGElement, c : string) {
(<SVGStylable><any>el).style.fill = c;
static fills(els: SVGElement[], c : string) {
els.forEach(el => (<SVGStylable><any>el).style.fill = c);
static buttonEvents(el : Element,
move: (ev: MouseEvent) => void,
start?: (ev:MouseEvent) => void,
stop?: (ev:MouseEvent) => void) {
let captured = false;
el.addEventListener('mousedown', (ev: MouseEvent) => {
captured = true;
if (start) start(ev)
return true;
el.addEventListener('mousemove', (ev:MouseEvent) => {
if (captured) {
return false;
return true;
el.addEventListener('mouseup', (ev:MouseEvent) => {
captured = false;
if (stop) stop(ev);
el.addEventListener('mouseleave', (ev:MouseEvent) => {
captured = false;
if (stop) stop(ev);
static linearGradient(defs: SVGDefsElement, id : string) : SVGLinearGradientElement {
let gradient = <SVGLinearGradientElement>Svg.child(defs, "linearGradient", { id: id, x1:"0%", y1:"0%", x2:"0%", y2:"100%" });
let stop1 = Svg.child(gradient, "stop", {offset:"0%"})
let stop2 = Svg.child(gradient, "stop", {offset:"100%"})
let stop3 = Svg.child(gradient, "stop", {offset:"100%"})
let stop4 = Svg.child(gradient, "stop", {offset:"100%"})
return gradient;
static setGradientColors(lg : SVGLinearGradientElement, start:string, end:string) {
if (!lg) return;
(<SVGStopElement>lg.childNodes[0]).style.stopColor = start;
(<SVGStopElement>lg.childNodes[1]).style.stopColor = start;
(<SVGStopElement>lg.childNodes[2]).style.stopColor = end;
(<SVGStopElement>lg.childNodes[3]).style.stopColor = end;
static setGradientValue(lg : SVGLinearGradientElement, percent: string) {
(<SVGStopElement>lg.childNodes[1]).setAttribute("offset", percent);
(<SVGStopElement>lg.childNodes[2]).setAttribute("offset", percent);
static animate(el: SVGElement, cls: string) {
let p = el.parentElement;
static title(el : SVGElement, txt:string) {
let t = Svg.child(el, "title", {});
t.textContent = txt;
export class MicrobitBoardSvg
public element : SVGSVGElement;