fix pin touch events

This commit is contained in:
Peli de Halleux 2016-03-23 15:09:48 -07:00
parent 2415b146fa
commit 97db49dc71
2 changed files with 22 additions and 10 deletions

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ svg.sim {
stroke-width: 3px;
.sim-pin-touch:hover {
.sim-pin:hover {

@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ namespace ks.rt.micro_bit {
this.pins.push(Svg.path(this.g, "sim-pin", "M0,357.7v19.2c0,10.8,6.2,20.2,14.4,25.2v-44.4H0z", "P3, ANALOG IN, LED Col 1"));
[66.7,79.1,91.4,103.7,164.3,176.6,188.9,201.3,213.6,275.2,287.5,299.8,312.1,324.5,385.1,397.4,409.7,422].forEach(x => {
this.pins.push(Svg.child(this.g, "rect", {x:x, y:356.7, width:10, height:50}));
this.pins.push(Svg.child(this.g, "rect", {x:x, y:356.7, width:10, height:50, class:"sim-pin"}));
Svg.title(this.pins[4], "P4, ANALOG IN, LED Col 2")
Svg.title(this.pins[5], "P5, BUTTON A")
@ -627,9 +627,7 @@ namespace ks.rt.micro_bit {
let pin = state.pins[index];
let svgpin = this.pins[index];
if (pin.mode & PinMode.Touch) {
pin.touched = true;
} else if (pin.mode & PinMode.Input) {
if (pin.mode & PinMode.Input) {
let cursor = Svg.cursorPoint(pt, this.element, ev);
let v = (400 - cursor.y) / 40 * 1023
pin.value = Math.max(0, Math.min(1023, Math.floor(v)));
@ -642,15 +640,29 @@ namespace ks.rt.micro_bit {
let pin = state.pins[index];
let svgpin = this.pins[index];
if (pin.mode & PinMode.Touch) {
pin.touched = false;
let ens = enums();
this.board.bus.queue(, ens.MICROBIT_BUTTON_EVT_CLICK);
this.updatePin(pin, index);
return false;
this.pins.slice(0,3).forEach((btn, index) => {
btn.addEventListener("mousedown", ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.pins[index].touched = true;
this.updatePin(state.pins[index], index);
btn.addEventListener("mouseleave", ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.pins[index].touched = false;
this.updatePin(state.pins[index], index);
btn.addEventListener("mouseup", ev => {
let state = this.board;
state.pins[index].touched = false;
this.updatePin(state.pins[index], index);
let ens = enums();
this.board.bus.queue(state.pins[index].id, ens.MICROBIT_BUTTON_EVT_CLICK);
this.buttonsOuter.slice(0,2).forEach((btn, index) => {
btn.addEventListener("mousedown", ev => {
let state = this.board;