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This commit is contained in:
Peli de Halleux 2019-04-04 20:43:29 -07:00
parent 26036e4b28
commit c3b9d2c648
4 changed files with 29 additions and 21 deletions

@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
"Image.height": "Gets the height in rows (always 5)",
"Image.pixel": "Get the pixel state at position ``(x,y)``",
"Image.pixelBrightness": "Gets the pixel brightness ([0..255]) at a given position",
"Image.pixel|param|x": "TODO",
"Image.pixel|param|y": "TODO",
"Image.pixel|param|x": "pixel column",
"Image.pixel|param|y": "pixel row",
"Image.plotFrame": "Draws the ``index``-th frame of the image on the screen.",
"Image.plotFrame|param|xOffset": "column index to start displaying the image",
"Image.plotImage": "Plots the image at a given column to the screen",
@ -94,11 +94,11 @@
"Image.scrollImage|param|interval": "time between each animation step in milli seconds, eg: 200",
"Image.setPixel": "Set a pixel state at position ``(x,y)``",
"Image.setPixelBrightness": "Sets a specific pixel brightness at a given position",
"Image.setPixel|param|value": "TODO",
"Image.setPixel|param|x": "TODO",
"Image.setPixel|param|y": "TODO",
"Image.showFrame": "Shows a particular frame of the image strip.",
"Image.showFrame|param|frame": "TODO",
"Image.setPixel|param|value": "pixel state",
"Image.setPixel|param|x": "pixel column",
"Image.setPixel|param|y": "pixel row",
"Image.showFrame": "Show a particular frame of the image strip.",
"Image.showFrame|param|frame": "image frame to show",
"Image.showImage": "Shows an frame from the image at offset ``x offset``.",
"Image.showImage|param|xOffset": "column index to start displaying the image",
"Image.width": "Gets the width in columns",
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
"game.LedSprite.ifOnEdgeBounce": "If touching the edge of the stage and facing towards it, then turn away.",
"game.LedSprite.isTouching": "Reports true if sprite has the same position as specified sprite",
"game.LedSprite.isTouchingEdge": "Reports true if sprite is touching an edge",
"game.LedSprite.isTouching|param|other": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.isTouching|param|other": "the other sprite to check overlap or touch",
"game.LedSprite.move": "Move a certain number of LEDs in the current direction",
"game.LedSprite.move|param|leds": "number of leds to move, eg: 1, -1",
"game.LedSprite.off": "Turns off the sprite (on by default)",
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
"game.LedSprite.setBrightness": "Set the ``brightness`` of a sprite",
"game.LedSprite.setBrightness|param|brightness": "the brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (on), eg: 255.",
"game.LedSprite.setDirection": "Set the direction of the current sprite, rounded to the nearest multiple of 45",
"game.LedSprite.setDirection|param|degrees": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.setDirection|param|degrees": "new direction in degrees",
"game.LedSprite.setX": "Set the ``x`` position of a sprite",
"game.LedSprite.setX|param|x": "TODO",
"game.LedSprite.setY": "Set the ``y`` position of a sprite",
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
"images.createImage": "Creates an image that fits on the LED screen.",
"input": "Events and data from sensors",
"input.acceleration": "Get the acceleration value in milli-gravitys (when the board is laying flat with the screen up, x=0, y=0 and z=-1024)",
"input.acceleration|param|dimension": "TODO",
"input.acceleration|param|dimension": "x, y, or z dimension, eg: Dimension.X",
"input.buttonIsPressed": "Get the button state (pressed or not) for ``A`` and ``B``.",
"input.buttonIsPressed|param|button": "the button to query the request, eg: Button.A",
"input.calibrate": "Obsolete, use input.calibrateCompass instead.",
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
"input.isGesture|param|gesture": "the type of gesture to detect, eg: Gesture.Shake",
"input.lightLevel": "Reads the light level applied to the LED screen in a range from ``0`` (dark) to ``255`` bright.",
"input.magneticForce": "Get the magnetic force value in ``micro-Teslas`` (``µT``). This function is not supported in the simulator.",
"input.magneticForce|param|dimension": "TODO",
"input.magneticForce|param|dimension": "the x, y, or z dimension, eg: Dimension.X",
"input.onButtonPressed": "Do something when a button (A, B or both A+B) is pushed down and released again.",
"input.onButtonPressed|param|body": "code to run when event is raised",
"input.onButtonPressed|param|button": "the button that needs to be pressed",
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
"input.pinIsPressed": "Get the pin state (pressed or not). Requires to hold the ground to close the circuit.",
"input.pinIsPressed|param|name": "pin used to detect the touch, eg: TouchPin.P0",
"input.rotation": "The pitch or roll of the device, rotation along the ``x-axis`` or ``y-axis``, in degrees.",
"input.rotation|param|kind": "TODO",
"input.rotation|param|kind": "pitch or roll",
"input.runningTime": "Gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since power on.",
"input.runningTimeMicros": "Gets the number of microseconds elapsed since power on.",
"input.setAccelerometerRange": "Sets the accelerometer sample range in gravities.",
@ -383,9 +383,9 @@
"led.displayMode": "Gets the current display mode",
"led.enable": "Turns on or off the display",
"led.fadeIn": "Fades in the screen display.",
"led.fadeIn|param|ms": "TODO",
"led.fadeIn|param|ms": "fade time in milleseconds",
"led.fadeOut": "Fades out the screen brightness.",
"led.fadeOut|param|ms": "TODO",
"led.fadeOut|param|ms": "fade time in milliseconds",
"led.plot": "Turn on the specified LED using x, y coordinates (x is horizontal, y is vertical). (0,0) is upper left.",
"led.plotAll": "Turns all LEDS on",
"led.plotBarGraph": "Displays a vertical bar graph based on the `value` and `high` value.\nIf `high` is 0, the chart gets adjusted automatically.",
@ -398,8 +398,8 @@
"led.plot|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED starting at 0",
"led.plot|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED starting at 0",
"led.point": "Get the on/off state of the specified LED using x, y coordinates. (0,0) is upper left.",
"led.point|param|x": "TODO",
"led.point|param|y": "TODO",
"led.point|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED",
"led.point|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED",
"led.screenshot": "Takes a screenshot of the LED screen and returns an image.",
"led.setBrightness": "Set the screen brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (full bright).",
"led.setBrightness|param|value": "the brightness value, eg:255, 127, 0",
@ -408,11 +408,11 @@
"led.stopAnimation": "Cancels the current animation and clears other pending animations.",
"led.toggle": "Toggles a particular pixel",
"led.toggleAll": "Inverts the current LED display",
"led.toggle|param|x": "TODO",
"led.toggle|param|y": "TODO",
"led.toggle|param|x": "pixel column",
"led.toggle|param|y": "pixel row",
"led.unplot": "Turn off the specified LED using x, y coordinates (x is horizontal, y is vertical). (0,0) is upper left.",
"led.unplot|param|x": "TODO",
"led.unplot|param|y": "TODO",
"led.unplot|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED",
"led.unplot|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED",
"msgpack.packNumberArray": "Pack a number array into a buffer.",
"msgpack.packNumberArray|param|nums": "the numbers to be packed",
"msgpack.unpackNumberArray": "Unpacks a buffer into a number array.",

@ -11,9 +11,13 @@
"radio.onDataPacketReceived": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a packet. Also takes the\nreceived packet from the radio queue.",
"radio.onDataReceived": "Registers code to run when a packet is received over radio.",
"radio.onReceivedBuffer": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a buffer.",
"radio.onReceivedBufferDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a buffer. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedBuffer instead.",
"radio.onReceivedNumber": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a number.",
"radio.onReceivedNumberDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a number. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedNumber instead.",
"radio.onReceivedString": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a string.",
"radio.onReceivedStringDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a string. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedString instead.",
"radio.onReceivedValue": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a key value pair.",
"radio.onReceivedValueDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a key value pair. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedValue instead.",
"radio.raiseEvent": "Sends an event over radio to neigboring devices",
"radio.receiveNumber": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's number\npayload or 0 if the packet did not contain a number.",
"radio.receiveString": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's string\npayload or the empty string if the packet did not contain a string.",

@ -5,9 +5,13 @@
"radio._packetProperty|block": "%note",
"radio.onDataPacketReceived|block": "on radio received",
"radio.onDataReceived|block": "radio on data received",
"radio.onReceivedBufferDeprecated|block": "on radio received",
"radio.onReceivedBuffer|block": "on radio received",
"radio.onReceivedNumberDeprecated|block": "on radio received",
"radio.onReceivedNumber|block": "on radio received",
"radio.onReceivedStringDeprecated|block": "on radio received",
"radio.onReceivedString|block": "on radio received",
"radio.onReceivedValueDeprecated|block": "on radio received",
"radio.onReceivedValue|block": "on radio received",
"radio.raiseEvent|block": "radio raise event|from source %src=control_event_source_id|with value %value=control_event_value_id",
"radio.receiveNumber|block": "radio receive number",

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "pxt-microbit",
"version": "1.3.11",
"version": "1.4.0",
"description": "micro:bit target for Microsoft MakeCode (PXT)",
"keywords": [