Merge pull request #75 from gbaman/master

Add few more radio documentation pages
This commit is contained in:
Peli de Halleux 2016-05-24 21:21:00 -07:00
commit d8c2d697b1
4 changed files with 183 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# Receive String
Reads the next radio packet if any and returns the first string.
## Important Security Consideration
The functions in the ``radio`` namespace allow the BBC micro:bit to communicate with other micro:bits.
This API does not contain any form of encryption, authentication or authorization. It's purpose is solely for use as a teaching aid to demonstrate how simple communications operates, and to provide a sandpit through which learning can take place.
For serious applications, BLE should be considered a substantially more secure alternative.
### Return value
* the first [string](/reference/types/string) of the packet if any. ```""``` otherwise.
### Examples
Read the string broadcasted by other micro:bits and display it.
radio.onDataReceived(() => {
A simple program to send whether you are happy, or sad over ```radio```, using the A or B button to select an emotion.
let data: string = "";
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => {
input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, () => {
radio.onDataReceived(() => {
data = radio.receiveString();
if ("H" == data) {
. . . . .
. # . # .
. . . . .
# . . . #
. # # # .
} else if ("S" == data) {
. . . . .
. # . # .
. . . . .
. # # # .
# . . . #
} else {
### See also
[send string](/reference/input/send-string), [on data received](/reference/radio/on-data-received)

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Send String
Broadcasts a string data packet to other micro:bits connected via ``radio``.
## Important Security Consideration
The functions in the ``radio`` namespace allow the BBC micro:bit to communicate with other micro:bits.
This API does not contain any form of encryption, authentication or authorization. It's purpose is solely for use as a teaching aid to demonstrate how simple communications operates, and to provide a sandpit through which learning can take place.
For serious applications, BLE should be considered a substantially more secure alternative.
radio.sendString("Hello world!")
### Parameters
* msg - a string to be transmitted.
### Examples
Broadcasts the provided string to other micro:bits.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => {
radio.sendString("Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.")
### See also
[receive string](/reference/radio/receive-string), [on data received](/reference/radio/on-data-received)

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Set Transmit Power
Sets the transmitter power for ``radio`` communications.
The power can be set to a value between 0 (-30dbm) and 7 (+4dbm).
## Range
At power level 7, in an open area without significant interference (coming from WiFi networks or other devices operating on the 2.4 GHz range), you can get a **range of over 70m**.
Indoors (or with additional interference), range will be significantly reduced.
## Important Security Consideration
The functions in the ``radio`` namespace allow the BBC micro:bit to communicate with other micro:bits.
This API does not contain any form of encryption, authentication or authorization. It's purpose is solely for use as a teaching aid to demonstrate how simple communications operates, and to provide a sandpit through which learning can take place.
For serious applications, BLE should be considered a substantially more secure alternative.
### Parameters
* ``power`` -- a [number](/reference/types/number) between ``0`` and ``7``.
### Example
Sets the transmitter power to full power at 7.
### See also
[receive number](/reference/radio/receive-number), [send number](/reference/radio/send-number), [on data received](/reference/radio/on-data-received)

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Write Value To Serial
Writes the full data received data via ``radio`` to serial in JSON format.
**Note** - This method only works for [send number](/reference/radio/send-number) and [send value](/reference/radio/send-value). It does not work for [send string](/reference/radio/send-string) (although a string can be sent with [send value](/reference/radio/send-value)).
## Data received format
The format for received data printed to serial is as follows
- [send number](/reference/radio/send-number) - ```{v:ValueSent,t:MicrobitTimeAlive,s:Unused}```
- [send value](/reference/radio/send-number) - ```{v:Value,t:MicrobitTimeAlive,s:Unused,n:"Name"}```
- [send string](/reference/radio/send-string) - ```{}``` (currently unavailable)
## Important Security Consideration
The functions in the ``radio`` namespace allow the BBC micro:bit to communicate with other micro:bits.
This API does not contain any form of encryption, authentication or authorization. It's purpose is solely for use as a teaching aid to demonstrate how simple communications operates, and to provide a sandpit through which learning can take place.
For serious applications, BLE should be considered a substantially more secure alternative.
### Parameters
* None
### Examples
When ```radio``` data is received (after pressing A button on 2nd micro:bit), output temperature data to serial.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => {
radio.onDataReceived(() => {
Example output to serial when A button pressed:
### See also
[send number](/reference/radio/send-number), [send value](/reference/radio/send-number), [on data received](/reference/radio/on-data-received)