2017-03-16 07:57:41 -07:00

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Call a Function

How to call a function in your code.

@parent javascript/language

Type a function name in your code to call an existing function in your script.

Call a function

  1. In the Touch Develop editor, click a line of code to open the on-screen Code Keyboard.

  2. Click code to see the functions in your script.

  3. Click the function that you want to call.

  4. Click store in var to store the return value in a variable.

Example: the square function

Here's a function called square, with a Number input parameter:

 * // returns the square of the input parameter x
 * @param x TODO
export function square(x: number) : number {
    let result: number
    return x * x
    return result

The following code calls the square function, passing it an input parameter (x), and storing the return value in the result variable:


let x1 = 2


let result1 = square(x1)

Or this code, which displays the result of the square function (without first storing the value in a variable):

basic.showNumber(square(x1), 150)

See all your functions

To see a list of the functions in a script, open the script and then click script (in the upper-right corner). All of the functions appear under the code heading. Click on a function to open it in the editor.

See also

function parameters, create a function, return statement