2020-03-19 16:26:40 +01:00

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962 B

# arrow Image
Create an arrow shaped [image](/reference/images/image) for the [LED screen](/device/screen).
The arrow points in the direction of the arrow name you choose, like `North`.
## Parameters
* **i**: the arrow name to make an arrow [image](/reference/images/image) for. You can make an arrow image that points in one of these directions:
>* `North`
>* `NorthEast`
>* `East`
>* `SouthEast`
>* `South`
>* `SouthWest`
>* `West`
>* `NorthWest`
## Example
Display a left arrow when button A is pressed or a right arrow when button B is pressed.
let arrowLeft = images.arrowImage(ArrowNames.West)
let arrowRight = images.arrowImage(ArrowNames.East)
input.onButtonEvent(Button.A, ButtonEvent.Click, () => {
input.onButtonEvent(Button.B, ButtonEvent.Click, () => {
## See also
[arrow number](/reference/images/arrow-number)