Peli de Halleux 41977f087e win10 docs
2016-04-11 21:49:57 -07:00

1006 B

Windows 10 App


The Windows 10 App provides all the existing features of codemicrobit.com plus the following ones:

  • auto-upload: the compiled .hex file is automatically deployed to all connected BBC micro:bits
  • serial piping: all serial data sent by connected BBC micro:bit is automatically imported and analyzed in the editor.

Installing the pre-release app

The following instructions allow to side-load the Windows 10 app. This is required until the app is in the store.

  • Search for “developer settings” in Windows 10 and put your computer in “Developer mode”.
  • Download https://pxt.io/codemicrobit.appx and unzip it. DO NOT try to install from a zipped folder.
  • Open the extracted folder, right-click on Add-AppDevPackage.ps1 and click on Run with PowerShell. Follow the prompts…
  1. In order to communicate with the micro:bit via serial, you need to install the ARM mbed driver.