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1.3 KiB
Turn on the LED light you say on the LED screen.
Use unplot to turn off an LED.
is a number that means the horizontal spot on the LED screen (from left to right: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4)y
is a number that means the vertical spot on the LED screen (from top to bottom: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4)
If a parameter is out of bounds (a value other than 0 to 4), then this function will do nothing.
The LED screen is a solid square of LEDs with five LEDs on each side.
To learn more about how you number the LEDs with x
and y
coordinates, see LED screen.
Example: One LED
This program turns on the bottom right LED.
led.plot(4, 4)
Example: Square
This program uses a for loop
and the plot
to make a square around the edges of the LED screen.
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
led.plot(0, i)
led.plot(4, i)
led.plot(i, 0)
led.plot(i, 4)
Use the point function to find out if an LED is on or off.