Sam El-Husseini 6f148c14e0 Fix randomInt
2018-06-01 11:42:38 -07:00

1009 B

truth or dare quiz answers

a multi-player game that forces each player to reveal a secret or something funny.

This is the answer key for the truth or dare quiz.

1. Write the code that will randomly return 0 through 3 and stores the value inside a local variable called 'random'.

let random = Math.randomRange(0, 4)

2. Write an if statement that will display the message "TRUTH" on the @boardname@ if the local variable 'random' equals 0.

let random = Math.randomRange(0, 4)
if (random == 0) {
    basic.showString("TRUTH", 150)

3. If the local variable 'random' equals 1, write the string that will be displayed.


4.Write the code that will display this up arrow after pressing button "A".

input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => {
        . . # . .
        . # # # .
        # # # # #
        . . # . .
        . . # . .